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Prayer Request for my brother in law

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I had a vision of my brother in law (husbands brother) curled up on a chair with a blue sheet wrapped around him.

Please join in me in lifting him up in prayer. He is a drug addict but he needs more than deliverance from drugs...,.he needs so much love. I know he is sad! It's a long story but he doesn't have anyone in his life besides us and he's keeps his distance because he is ashamed of how he is. (He doesn't want his only niece and nephew to think bad of him) But he just recently reached out to my husband...he wants to be free from drugs but he needs support. Their father has nothing to do with my husband and his brother and their mother passed away 10 years ago.
Pray for my husband as well, he is not saved, but pray that God uses him and guides him to help his brother.

blessings praying

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WOW...what a testimony this is going to be. I love hearing stuff like this. It's a sad situation, but such an opportunity for our Heavenly Father to be glorified. I am praying along with you for God's PERFECT will to be done. The blue sheet reminds me of the God's glory, presence and essence being wrapped around him.

To God be all the glory for what He's about to do in this situation. Double Salvation (husband and brother).

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Lord, there is nothing you cannot do...so i lift this situation into your hands in JEsus Name Amen.

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