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Post Limit on PMs?

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I think its so0emthing ike that - not sure. I usually think of it as about the same thing as spam??

And Hi DR!!! wave

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is the limit 50 before a person can send a PM????????????????


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is there anyone here to moderate even??

i see so many posts which are never answered..

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.. because it seems like there is really no one here and no one appears to be attending to many of the dreams God gives to people..  nerd 

I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to interpret. I received a PM when I joined saying I have to take an interpretation test but there is no test I can find..........

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I have a number of questions about the forum which I'd like to have answered but since i can't send PM's what am I supposed to do?

and no one seems to be around......

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hi ther, yep its very thin on the ground here, bandaid ,,you have to have 50 posts in order to pm sumone, this is to protect the site from bogus auto pmers, nerd im not sure wats happening wiv the dream test thing as the boss not here, you kud post ur take on a dream but dont be directive/corrective/judgemental,  hee hee D

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Dreamsicle -

The PM you received when you signed up was automated. That's why you can't reply to it. You also need 50 posts before you can.

The site is as Dreamster said - there are fewer people active than what there used to be. The owner has been absent for a long while, so there's a lack of central leadership. The few of us Mods who still come here will interpret/comment when we can. I think only four of us are active, and real life is busy for us all; so, I'll be the first to admit that we're unable to give this site the attention we were able to in the past.

If there's someone in particular that you want to PM? We may be able to answer your questions.

To reiterate what Dreamster said: You can comment on anyone's dreams. Just be clear in your response when you're speaking from your own experiences/understanding vs. what you feel is revelation from the Lord. Both are fine to share. The caution from D comes from newbies showing up in the past with a "Thus Saith The Lord" tone. :)

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aha! Thank you both for your replies!
Is the site owner ok? Does she still work in dream interpretation ministry?

You answered my Q about how many posts are needed.. I just wanted to get a hold of one of the mods and I was blessed and got 2 of you :D
thanks & blessings!

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