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My husband has a legal issue, to sum it up he was not treated well. We decided to contact a laywer. I had a dream 3 months ago of what i thought the outcome would be. Well it feels like someone slapped me in the face with hot coals. I feel so angry at god because i feel he is the judge of all judges yet the culprits were able to walk away with what i feeel is a slap on the hands. I don't mean to seem ungrateful but in NOWAY do I feel this is just and right. I feel betrayed by god because i thought he would move in a mighty way and this is not what i expected? they stole my life, my joy and my peace and then walk away and We are supposed to keep quiet about it. I actually believed god would help and to make matters worse we had a buyer for our house and needed till friday to prove funds to the bank from the buyer after 5 months of trying to sell our house to stop for closure the bank decides Hey we dont want to wait 4 days so my house was forclosed on for half of what it was worth whn i had a buyer for 80,000 more than what they got in the sherriff sale, i prayed and really belived that god would help and i feel he left me alone and didn't back me up. Im not perfect and i am the first to say it, why is this happening. he is supposed to help me in my need????????? Whats going on.

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I don't want to resent him...............yet i feel extremely angry. I see satan but not GOD in my situations. Or an I just ungrateful with a bad heart?

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Hi Dorthy! If we are ALL as honest as you are right now, we would be able to say we've been or ARE where you are right now.

I used to get mad at God for things that didn't turn out the way I thought, but as I learn about God in His Word, I found out that God loves us and His thoughts towards us ARE GOOD!

I also found out through my own life that there are things that I WANT versus what God wants. There is a proverb that comes to mind (don't know the chapter or verse right now), but it says...many are the plans of the righteous, but it's the Lord who determines his steps.

Trust me Dorothy...although it "seems" as if those people got away with something, you have to know that God is in control. Lies never go without being exposed. It may not have happened when you wanted it to happen, but I can guarantee you that this isn't the last you will hear of the situation.

As far as the house is concerned...God has something better. I know that may not minister to your heart right now, but if God didn't maintain it for you...He's trying to get it out of your hands so He can place something else in your hands.

Please, Please, Please don't blame God for what has happened. This is a dark moment in time for you and as soon as the light of God shines on this situation, you will see why these things were "allowed" in the manner that they were.

Years ago, I bought my favorite car. I loved that car and I stood on the Word of God and really thought I heard God tell me to go get it. I went to the car lot and financed the car and drove off in my brand new Nissan Maxima. Ohhhh I was praising the Lord everyday as I drove around in luxury. Then the company I worked for folded. My faith was still strong because I confessed the Word of God and said that God would help me maintain the car payment because afterall, He blessed me with it. A month later, they took my car. I was devastated, and like you, I blamed God for not taking care of me.

I had no clue that God was trying to make room, not only for one car, but two cars. Not only are they luxury cars, but they are top of the line cars. Yes, I own two very nice cars...and guess what? They are both paid off and were given to me BRAND NEW!

I could have stayed in that frame of mind when I lost that car, but it took me some time to learn the character of God and relax in his love. Once I did, He was able to do what he had intended to do before. He even set up a situation where there was a class action suit for Nissan, around that time, and anyone who had a car repossessed during that time, was forgiven of the amount and had the debt removed from their credit report...that included me

Dorothy...don't be mad at God. His ways are HIGHER than our ways. It seems, sometimes, that we are getting the short end of the stick, but trust me, it works together for OUR good. It doesn't happen right away most times, but God is faithful and has His own sovereign ways of doing things.

Be blessed and I'm praying for you... CONTINUE IN HIS WORD!!!!!

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I cant say anything, Cholette's advice is filled with wisdom.

BTW, here is the biblical reference she quoted...Prov.16:9

(KJV) A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
(CEV) We make our own plans, but the LORD decides where we will go.

(GW) A person may plan his own journey, but the LORD directs his steps.

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your words are sweet to my heart, im an bitter but I am working on it. I love god to much to be angry. Its hard for me to move past this. But with his help I know I will. Thank you and bless you all. flower

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Oooh, Cholette. I heard your heart in your response. I just had to "like" it.


My area of study has always been Accounting/Business Administration. Last year, God directed me to change my major. He also directed me to the University that specializes in that particular major. What is the major? REAL ESTATE! This is my last year.

I’ve had TWO classes that deal with this very thing. I’m like “What?! Are you serious?! I wished I had known this when I lost my home a few years back!”

THIS may have helped you out more than you know. It may be tomorrow before I can elaborate on this because I have to go home and get my book/notes. I had planned to sell all my books back to the bookstore and decided to keep them at the last minute.

I promise you I will get back with you on this. I’m going to give you all the information I found during these classes. The devil is a liar!

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Dear Virtuous,

Any information you provide would be helpful to know. I don't know if I will be sued for the balance :( WE didnt lose our house do to lack of being mature. There is a legal situation i cannot discuss and we lossed it due to that! my other posts will explain my anguish! I thank you so much for your help. I want god to bless you for it!!!!!

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I will still give you the information and let you decide if you can use it because I don't know the circumstances of the legal issue.


I'm willing to help you in any way I can.

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Being that your situation deals with legal matters, this information may not apply to you. I think it’s speaking of foreclosure cases “in general”, for lack of a better word; that has gone into default for non-payment. But…you never know.

Some states honor the “Statutory Right of Redemption”. This allows the defaulted borrowers a period (which can be as long as one year) in which to redeem their real estate after the sale. The borrower can get the money to redeem the property during this time period can pay it to the court. Because the debt was paid from the sale (the defaulted amounted and the penalty/fees), the borrower can take possession free and clear of the former defaulted loan. If the state honors this redemption period, the person(s) who bought the property at the sale will not be give the deed until after this time period has expired.

Now, there is a such thing as a deficiency judgment where they can come after you for the remaining balance on the property. It has nothing to do with how much your home is worth when it comes to foreclosure; but everything to do with how much you owe the lender. However, if your property is sold for less than what its worth but more than what you actually owe on it (which is usually the case), the lender owes you money.

For instance…
Your house is worth $100,000.00. You owe $80,000.00 on the loan. The house is bought for $75,000.00 at the sale. The lender can come after you for the other $5,000.00 but not $20,000.00. If the house is sold for $100,000.00 or anything over the $80,000.00, other expenses/unpaid interest up to that point are taken out of that figure and anything left should be given to you. So, if you owe $80,000.00 on the house, there’s $5,000.00 worth of other expenses, fees, unpaid interest, etc., and the house is sold for $100,000.00, they owe you $15,000.00.

I encourage you research the laws governing your rights concerning this. They vary from state to state. There are more laws FOR you as a homeowner than you may realize. I know I didn’t until these classes.

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