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Peace in a hurricane

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Hello all you lovely God-loving, Jesus stalkin' beautiful Kingdom kids!

I am just gonna reach out for a bit of prayer support. This year has been one of the most difficult years of our lives.. along with many others I know! We moved away from our church, ministries, friends etc to take a job here in Las Vegas (we also believed God was calling us here) about 9 months ago. We found out about 6 weeks ago that the company is selling. So far over the last 6 weeks this company has fired most of its Executive and Management staff. Praise God my husband has not been one of those fired, but instead the owner of the company and the COO has approached my husband to come up with a business model selling only a certain portion of the company and keeping the part that my husband manages along with a few others. My husband did so, the COO and owner presented the business model to the board and things are looking promising to move ahead with this plan. HOWEVER (you saw this coming right?) there is a person in the company who stands to gain more financially if they sell off the entire company even though it is not in the best interest of the owner and this person has been sabotaging the company and certain managers to suit his own interests. My husband is wise and is a Godly man of integrity and has exposed these inconsistencies just die to his impeccable work ethic and eye for detail. My husband has asked a lot of questions trying to understand these inconsistencies and as such (I believe) made an enemy of this individual. Okay.. so with that said... we are still waiting to see what is going to happen with this company and in the mean time my husband is still subject to this individual. My hubby called just now and has been called into his office along with the HR director. Which is how each person has been fired in the past 6 weeks.

Please just keep us lifted up. I trust that God sees and has a plan and I am not afraid of what the enemy might be planning... but I am also wise enough to recognize his attack and the see the need for some prayer warriors to come along side me.

God Bless you in advance and THANKS!!

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Father I pray for this situation that God's will be done and that Angelique and her husband are resting in you in this situation.

Thankyou Jesus that their finances are met through you, according to Malachi 3, I pray your will be done.

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I pray that no weapon formed against you and your husband shall prosper.

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Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.


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God protects His own. God will change the whole format and blueprint of a company for his children, so watch out girly!!! flower

Praying for you!

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OOOoooohhh... Ima likin' that Cholette!! AMEN! Thanks!! I am watching and praying to see what He's gonna do!!

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