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Going to church

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Me again! Lol!! I need prayer concerning the following: me and my husband have our differences concerning churches. He doesn't even go to church but doen't want me and our two children to go to the church of my choice. He was brought up in a church which doen't preach the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I don't know how to explain this. His church isn't vvery lifely. Don't get me wrong, we all serve the same God but I was also brought up in the same kind of church as he was and it was a burden for me to go to church while I went to such churches. I never felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in those churches. Then After we were married I went with some friends on a church camp and there I met Jesus!! After that I was drawn to more charasmatic churches who had praise & worship and there I discovered my gift. Now this kind of churches is very weired to my husband and he doesn't want me to go to these kind of churches. So at this moment me and the kids doesn't go to church because of my husbands preverences.

I so much miss going to church and the fellowship and long for praise & worship!! So much that I want to cry. I went to this great church in town twice in the past and my husband told me that he won't let me bring up our children in such a church! In the past we nearly got divorced because of this. I gave in and stopped going to church. He works every weekend (sundays as well) so he doesn't go to church. So why should I go to a church which he want me to go to if he won't even go with.

A while back I thought to myself maybe I should ask a lady whom I know (she is the mommy of one of my childrens school friends) if I can't go with her to church. She and her family is in the church I want to go to. Then this morning she phoned me concerning other stuff and she asked me if I don't want to go to church with them. I immediately said yes, cause it feels like she was sent from God. I'm just scared of my husbands reaction when I tell him this. Please pray with me that God will soften his heart. I'm still praying for him. I've been praying for him for over 7 years now to get saved. We've really been through a rough time lately as well. He is very stubborn when it comes to stuff like this.

Love in Christ

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Hi there Sirianta,

I just led to share this scripture with you.

"Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives." (1 Peter 3:1)

I really believe if you pray to the Lord and ask Him to help you be the best wife you can be, I really believe that your husband will see the power of God working in you, and it will be your conduct that will win him over. As it says in the above scripture, that your husbands "may be won by the conduct of their wives." (1Peter 3:1)

What turned me to Jesus Christ was the conduct and behaviour of the Christians I met, actions really do speak louder than words. I will definitely be praying God gives you wisdom in your situation.


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This is a toughy Siranta because, based on some of you former posts, I know that you have to keep the peace in your home. I wouldn't make a move to go to the church until you see some form of change in your husband's attitude towards it. I say this ONLY BECAUSE of how he reacts. You don't want to cause more strife in the home.

I know you want to go to church and God hears your prayers regarding it, but if you want to continue with keeping your family in tact, then you will have to sacrafice this aspect until the change in his heart is made.

Have you sought God on where He wants you to be? Even though you like this church in your town, is this where God is leading you to? If so, then God will make the way, but it will be in HIS timing and will be conducive to the ENTIRE family...because God is Peace.

Praying with you, about this situation.

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Hey Cholette, like you said the situation is a tough one. I just thought because the lady phoned me this morning it was confirmation from God because I wanted to phone her myself. It's just so tough and frustrating 'cause it feels like I'm in a prison where it is not allowed to serve God openly. Everything concerning God I have to do in private 'cause otherwise my hubby will think I'm being weired again. He has calmed down thanks to all the prayers I received and my prayers as well but like you say something like this could trigger the old behaviour again.

I just soooo much wish I could serve the Lord the way other people can. It feels like because I'm stuck and can't go to church I can't move forward. I so want to learn more, I've got such a desire and I want to go to church especially of the praise and worship with fellow christians. I miss it so much. I am crying right now as I'm typing this cause I so much miss all of this and my children are also missing out. I want them to experience what I've experienced in the past. I do tell them about Jesus and they are so curious always about God. There is so much they could experience in a church.

I'll pray about this and thank you for your reply. You've always got wise words

Love in Christ

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praying for you that He will meet you where you're at, that He will provide in all of your needs. For Him to touch your family and for you to be blessed in His Name.

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Hey DS, thanks so much for your reply, really appreciate it huggins To be honest, I am a softy. I don't get mad very often and when I do, I try to put myself in the other person's shoes first before thinking of myself. I HATE conflict a lot.

I know what you mean by thinking more with my head than with my heart, but the reason I'm still in this marriage is because of dreams I received from God concerning my husband. Also because of prophetic word I received once that my hubby is a true apostle. I just have hope and don't want to make the wrong decision. I often thought to myself "what if I leave him, but God has plans for him?" It is VERY confusing because some people say DO THIS and others say NO, DO THIS nerd Yes, my emotions is like a roller coaster and are confused a lot by all of this. But why would God give me these prophetic dreams of my husband if it's okay to leave him? That is the reason I'm still with him.

I must say he has calmed down sooo much (the emotional abuse) but yes he still has his faults in other areas.

THANKS A LOT for your reply. I will surely go and read and study Proverbs!!


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I took my message off hoping you wouldn't get it as I was tired last night and very irratable. So I hope you weren't taken aback by my reply.

Ultimately you have to do what you know in your spirit is the right thing.

I shall be prayin!!! huggins

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No worries DS!! I still love ya A LOT!! and thanks for this reply kiss

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Praying for you too. I understand your situation. Mine is bornagain but have a kind of messup esoteria belief with christianity...so we are also on different angle....God will do it!!!..just hang on..i am also since 7yrs hanging on.

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I so understand where you are. I went through the same thing with my husband several years ago. He believed in God and Jesus but did not really grasp going to a "Holy Roller" church. I am a pentacostal preacher so as you can imagine that was an issue for us. For many years I had to wait on the Lord and my husband to come up to speed. I just blessed him everyday and took the matter before the Lord. I gave it to him and in submission to my husband waited for it all to happen. 2 years after I prayed everyday I was so amazed, my husband came up to me and asked me to go to the church I wanted. I was so shocked. I said sure honey, lets check it out. We are still going to that church. How God was that? So be patient and submissive in this one thing and let the Lord do all the work.

I will be praying. Love in Jesus,


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