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Test Dreams/Interpretations

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Ok So i thought we could post our own section of Test dreams that have already manifested..that way we could add more later if we wish. woo hoo I'm excited!

Dream: Singing in front of my teacher
I dreamed I was walking up the stairs to my old Theater teacher's room. My friend was at the top of the stairs and I think she had a guitar in her hand. She asked me what I was going to sing. I started to panic and told her I hadn't prepared a song...but I had thought of a few (when in fact my mind was completely blank). Finally I walked in the room and told the teacher I was going to sing for her. She asked me what song I was going to sing and I told her confidently the very first song that came to mind. It happened to be a very old song that I had sung a million times. I sang the song and messed up on the words, I also felt fear rising in my throat but fought it off. She didn't notice. She actually hurried me to finish the song because she had heard enough of my voice to know if I fit the part in the school musical. When I was done I was very proud of myself for singing in front of her.

Manifestation: My HUSBAND went to church and was leading the Sunday school lesson and was so focused on that, he had forgotten to prepare a song for worship (he helps his dad lead P&W) He assumed he knew so many and something would work out lol. So when he gets up to the stage, he sits down with my father in law and nephew (all three play guitar) and starts singing a song...In the middle of the song he messed up on the words. Then he said he felt like the fear was in his throat...then he announced to the crowd he was sorry that he had been so focused on Sunday school he hadn't prepared a song. He looked at my nephew helplessly and he told him a song they had both sang since childhood. They sang the song and when he came home he was embarrased. He told me about it and I said "Honey, I'm just proud of you for doing that!" BTW this is the first time he's led Sunday school and he doesn't lead P&W often at all.

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Dream: Struck by lightning twice!
I dreamed I was outside walking a goat across the yard. I passed by our car and was suddenly struck by lightning! I kept still and I was struck once again! I decided to just stay there and not move a muscle. I just wanted my family to come outside the house and take care of me.

Manifestation: the day after I had the dream I was walking my goats around outside when I looked in the clouds saw the gathering rain clouds...this was my reminder to the dream. I was struck with depression out of nowhere for two days straight. There was no particular reason I was down, but I was very down. I lie in bed most of the time with my family helping me and being understanding.

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Dream: Armadillo passing through
I dreamed about an armadillo that was a rodent and a pest but it was an oddity and i was concerned and annoyed about it being around. I knew it could be roadkill soon and i watched as it dissapeared. I was glad it was gone, but thought it was interesting a bit. it was an armadillo....

Manifestation: This dream ended up being about the dream group. There was a particular member that was very interesting, but she was causing problems. Mia and I looked up what armadillos do for a living...they uproot things and are known to even kill trees. Eventually, I think she was banned.

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Dream: Drowning Jezebel in the toilet
I was in a restroom (with my stepdaughter and hubby) and we knew something evil was in there, but we had to go. My husband went first and met a full blown jezebel spirit and started fighting her. I went straight to the stall area and started praying in tounges. My husband opened the door for my daughter to get through to safety. I had a feeling like the woman had killed him and I was praying so hard when I felt the Lord tell me to grab her by the spine, her weak spot, and drown her in the toilet if she would not come to Christ. When she came at me she had full confidence to defeat me but I grabbed her spine and shoved her in the toilet. I kept asking her if she would accept the blood of Jesus and she said “NO NEVER!” so I continued drowning her in the toilet. I found it difficult to do even though I had weakened her so much. At one point I thought she was dead so I left, but when I came back, I knew she was still alive. I said “IS YOUR HEAD IN THAT TOILET?” She screamed and ran back to the potty and I heard the water splash as she shoved it back in! I went in there and asked her if she wanted to accept the blood of Christ. She again said no never! So I tried drowning her again. I was aware that the Lord told me to drown her but I had such a difficult time and I thought “how can you kill a spirit?” I knew she may try and attack me again, but also may go for any female that entered the bathroom.

Manifestation: My austistic son definately had a spirit of rebellion during this time. The dream manifested a few days later when I was making him stand in the corner. I had to forcibly make him keep his nose in the corner. It was just like the dream...I had to continue making him put his face in the corner...Also at the end, I saw him moving his nose to look at me...I told him he better have his nose in the corner! He put his nose back in a flash! It was a battle because of the autism, but I was encouraged by this dream in knowing the Lord was behind the discipline.

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Hi all,

I had a dream that I was watching a whirlwind....a tornado really but I was observing it. Like it did not affect me somehow. It picked up my Pastors SUV (which later turned out to be ours-we bought it) and I was just watching it in the air. I remember thinking I need to let him know (my Pastor) that I had this dream and that was the end of the dream.

A few nights later....maybe a week or so I had another dream. I was in a large room in the upper part of the house and the room was completely white. To my left were all these colors coming through the floor like crystals kind of. Almost like a rainbow effect of the colors. Over to my right was a long bed. Kinda of like the ones at the Doctors office. I was lying back on the bed but propped up on my elbows. This man in white came to the bed and I sat up. He had dark brown curly hair and eyes I could not see. He kissed me on the mouth and took my head in his hands and said, with a sweet sweet gentle voice, "Connie, it will be ok. Connie, it will be ok." End of dream.

About 2 weeks later our appartment complex was hit by a tornado while we were at work. We got home and not a thing was touched but there was structural damage to the building. We thought all was well and praised the Lord for sparing us from any loss and prayed for the families that had been affected. The next day about 6 pm my husband called me at work and told me we had 24 hours to move. Mind you no truck, no apartment, no anything. We are in our mid 50's so the prospect of moving with no help was a little frightening, not to mention overwhelming. We did not know what to do so we called our Pastor and asked him to pray for us and he said he would. He asked if we had a place to go and we said yes, the apartment manager found us a new apartment on site. We only needed to move out by 5 pm the next day. He told us he would come and bring his truck and trailer to help us. So the next day we got up and got ourselves ready for the move. Next thing we know there are 5 or 6 strapping guys with trucks and trailers and had us moved out and in to our new place in 2 hours. We helped 3 other families that day move. At the end of the day hubby and I sat at the end of the truck and thanked God over and over for the many blessings that had occurred from our tornado.

Jesus warned me of the tornado a few weeks in advance and came to me in a dream a few days later to tell me that it would be ok. He came to comfort me. The colors in the dream represented the rainbow and his promise that all would be ok.

Love in Jesus,


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Connie, I didn't post your dreams in the testing section cause I thought you might want to.. huggins

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Dream: Go to the Oak Tree and Make a Left Then...

I dreamt that a friend of mine and I were driving separately and trying to get to the same destination but couldn't. We were on the phone and I was trying to give her directions but she didn't understand them. Then when I got the map out thinking I would be able to give her clearer directions, but the map was so detailed that it made it more difficult to explain to her because the roads were all country back roads and there were many turns that were going to have to be made - at street level the turns were going to be hard to recognize because there would probably not be street signs or if there were they would be covered by trees or brush. There was one main road called "Los Angeles Drive" or "Los Angeles Way"...

I have a friend who I had felt led to encourage and minister to. She was laid off from her job several months before this dream and was having a hard time of it because her savings has run out, her unemployment benefits were about to end as well and her next job hadn't arrived yet. I discovered that while she is a Christian, she appears to be into angel worship and humanist/new age stuff. In my last get together with her prior to this dream something didn't sit right in my spirit, there was too much talk of angels and not enough talk of Jesus. I felt led to invite her to my church and then treat her to brunch - I wanted to encourage and support her in this period because I know it's so easy to spiral into a state of depression and discouragement, I was trying to not let the enemy get a foothold. She agreed to go so we're attended services together and went to brunch afterwards.

The dream was God letting me know that I shouldn't worry about her and wondering if my ministering to her will be fruitful...He's the one who will give her directions and her own map....in the dream I was giving her directions with my map but we each have our own roadmap (Jer 29:11)...the Holy Spirit is our GPS system....

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Dream: Get Out of My Space!

I had a dream that I was driving into a parking space but there was a car in it that was trying to get out. It was like I wasn't giving it enough time to get out of the space, almost forcing it out...I felt impatient, like it needed to hurry up...

I was dealing with an personal issue that I had been praying for for some time now. I felt like the child looking through the oven window at the cake that's baking and seeing how good it looks but not realizing that the inside isn't fully baked yet. I wanted to take action but God was showing me that it wasn't time yet, I was being impatient so needed to step back. And it was good that I did because if I had moved forward and taken action, I would've been embarrassed!

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I'll post mine to the general forum tonite, just want to get them to the site and delete them from the archives first...

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Dream: Sewing Machine

I had a dream that I was at my mother's house (it was my house in the dream) and my ex lived next door. There was a gathering at his house and the guests were in a line being served but I can't remember if it was food that was being served or something else (I think something else but can't remember what it was). The servers were running low on the item so he and I left to get more of it. We got into my new car - it had two steering wheels and two sets of controls - so while I was in the passenger seat and he was in the driver's seat, it was really me who was driving. We drove over a bridge into an industrial area. He eventually got frustrated and suggested that I drive in the driver's seat but by then we had reached our destination.

We entered this warehouse building - made of white brick (but old and worn) - and inside was like a storage center of clothing, cloth remnants for curtains, machinery, etc. Other people were there as well looking for goods, it was like a huge rummage center on several floors. I found some cloth and clothing and while waiting in a line to try them on I saw a sewing machine. It was an old model - the heavy, professional grade black ones from the 50's but I knew it was solid and would work well in doing the type of sewing that I needed to get done. Now I wanted to meet the owners so that I could negotiate a price with them but they were taking a long time to come up the floors to where we were. My ex asked me how I was going to fit it in my car since it was a sports car and I woke up...


The Lord gave me this dream to encourage me. My ex and I were going through a very challenging period and were no longer in a relationship. The dream reflected the fact that God was doing a new thing in me (new car), bringing something new into my life. The dual steering wheels reflect the fact that God was giving me more control in this relationship, there would be more balance. This was the first dream in a series where God was showing me that this relationship would be mended (and it has been mended :praiseg-d: ), which is why it doesn't close to an ending, it's more like the end of a scene vs the end of a story.

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Vision: Bull in a river
I had a vision before going to sleep that I was looking out across this river. This bull was coming towards me and had completely immersed itself in water to swim towards me. Suddenly I saw hands on each end of the river holding a net that held the bull back and even moved it back closer to the shore. It seemed like something perfectly natural to the bull to do to come at me, almost like it was something it had always done. It was sort of a relief that the bull wasn’t coming, even though I felt I was used to the burden (if that’s what it was).

I looked up the word Bull in the Bible, and this is what I found which was also the interpretation which fit my circumstance exactly!
Isaiah 51:20 “Thy sons have fainted, they lie at the head of all the streets, as a wild bull in a net: they are full of the fury of the Lord, the rebuke of thy God. Therefore hear now this thou afflicted, and drunken, but not with wine: Thus saith thy Lord the Lord, and thy God that pleadeth the cause of his people, behold I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my fury; thou shalt no more drink it again: But I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee; which have said to thy soul, Bow down, that we may go over: and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, and as the street, to them that went over.” I took this to mean our family had suffered enough and God was bringing us out from under people's thumb and will deal with them according to their hearts. WHICH HE DID!!!! :glory:

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Tall Tower:
My husband had a dream that he and I were on top of a very high tower. He wasn't sure what kind of tower it was, but there were three poles attached to it supporting it. Then he said he looked at me and suggested we get down because it seemed the wise thing to do. I told him I didn't want to because I was having a fun time. Suddenly the winds came threatening to knock us off the tower. The winds blew so hard that it would have knocked the tower down if those three poles hadn't been there supporting it.

Manifestation: At the time my husband and I were comfortable financially. We were, for the most part, being wise with our money but I got a bit too comfortable and was looking forward to spending more money soon (on things we really didn't HAVE to have) He advised me against it and I was hesitant to listen. Suddenly all these unexpected expenses came up and I had to cancel the things I was wanting to purchase. Our finances were in such trouble, and if it hadn't been for the Lord we would have suffered much loss. The three poles supporting the tower were our three income resources.

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(Vision) Stork Coming:
I had a vision of a stork with a hat on and it was flying in the sky on its way to deliver a note to Jeff. The note had a list and a big check on it. I saw the stork open its mouth and for a moment appear like it was a chick. I felt like something was on its way..

Manifestation: My husband had ordered a bunch of baby chicks from a hatchery and we had been waiting in anticipation for them to arrive. They arrived the morning after the night I had this vision.

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Dream: Giant pecan
I dreamed I was eating pieces of a giant pecan. My husband was saying that it wasn’t good enough and we might as well throw it out. I was munching on it and even though the consistency had changed because of its large size, it was still good flavor and good when you started chewing it. Then I saw how we cracked the shell open. It was a real huge pecan and I saw a hand crush part of it (possibly mine) and then my husband grabbed the rest and it just all fell to pieces. I didn’t want him taking all the credit for smashing the shell but I knew it was easier to break apart because it was so large.

Manifestation: This dream was about two weeks before Christmas. I knew the pecan was about some kind of "fruit" we would benefit from because of the feelings in my dream. After we got home from our family Christmas gathering, we had huge giant trash bags stuffed FULL of toys for our kids and us. My husband despises a bunch of stuff laugh so I made him go away while I sorted through it all because I didn't want him labeling some of it as "junk" and getting rid of it. laugh

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This is a dream that I had in 2008, all comments, etc. are from then....

Dream: Blue Candles

I remember selecting a candle from a display (similar to the greeting card displays) - 5-10 rows of blue candles in every shape imaginable, cylinder, square, some with ornate designs on them in gold and others with designs in other colors, but they were all blue, a calming med-dark blue like periwinkle in the Crayola crayon box. The candles weren't lit, I was buying one to light a hall. The hall appeared to be a hallway at a new restaurant that a friend of mine just opened with her family (my friend and her family really has opened a restaurant IRL but this hall that I dreamed about doesn't exist IRL). The first candle that I bought was lit but its flame wasn't large enough to light the hall so I went back, returned it and bought a second candle that was much larger. This one was able to light the hall. Somehow, this gave my-ex the cue that he could now announce that he's married to our mutual friends. And I was okay with that.

In real life he's been married for a little over a month now and outside of members of his church, his family and literally no more than a handful of other people, he's not told anyone. This is very odd as there are MANY friends that he's not told and these include people that he's known for 10-20 years...

I also remember that there was a change of pants. I can't remember if it was just me that changed pants and/or my ex as well. There was a change of pants color either from black to blue. IRL, I remember being baffled by the candle display in the dream...the sheer #, variety, and beauty of them still resonates when I think of the dream....


This dream manifested in several ways -

The following was a comment that I’d made while others were interpreting my dream in Sept, 2008:

I do believe the candles represent truth. The fact that there were so many of them and that they were unlit made me feel that there's more to this situation that hasn't been revealed (brought to light) yet, both in the natural and in the spiritual.

My ex has said as much...that there were other factors that led to such a rushed wedding (after knowing her for 2 months) that he wanted to explain at some point. And as I think back to what was told to me, there are some inconsistencies so your insight that his presentation of the truth might not be the same as my perception is on target. It's almost like each candle represents a piece of the truth but the truth in its entirety will remain in the dark until each one is lit.

The following was an update that I made to the post a few months later:
1) The number of candles in this case seems to represent truth. I have learned over the last couple of months that things were not at all what they appeared to be regarding this marriage, there were in fact several aspects ("truths") that I wasn't aware of. Many things that have only since been revealed (and I still don't know all the details, not sure that I want to...lol!). Unfortunately, I don't feel it appropriate to post the details on a public forum but suffice it to say that my ex has filed for an annulment and will likely receive it.

"The candles weren't lit, I was buying one to light a hall. The hall appeared to be a hallway at a new restaurant that a friend of mine just opened with her family (the hallway is from the dream, the new restaurant is from real life). The first candle that I bought and lit had a flame that wasn't large enough to enough to light the hall so I went back, returned it and bought a second candle that was much larger. This one was able to light the hall. Somehow, this gave my-ex the cue that he could now announce that he's married to our mutual friends. And I was okay with that."

This portion of the dream was God preparing me...I had this dream on September 8, 2008. On October 26, 2008 there was a booksigning/reception at my friend's new restaurant which was co-sponsored by a cultural association that we both belong to. My ex appeared at the booksigning/reception with his wife. It was their first public appearance within this community of friends, many of whom didn't know that he got married.

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Dream: Terror on the Bridge
Dream: I dreamed I saw my former co-worker Sasha. I knew we were different type of people and that she was kinda rebellious these days. We
decided to hang out and got in my car (which was silver i think). I
was driving and went over a bridge. The bridge was thin and the
railing wasn't very tall. Suddenly Sasha grabbed the wheel and spun it
over and over like the merry go round you find in playgrounds. We
were spinning so fast i started screaming at her and panicking. I knew
we could go over the bridge railing at any moment. I also knew there
were cars flying by us and could hit us as well. There was a girl in
the back seat who was concerned about our safety as well but she
wasn't terrified like i was. I kept telling Sasha "Stop it stop it,
I'm gonna puke! I'm pregnant and I always get nauseated. Do you want me
to puke all over you?" She kept spinning for what seemed like
forever. I suddenly realized I would just have to endure it and trust
God. I was still frantic in my heart though. Sasha was having so much
fun like she did that stuff all the time just for kicks. Finally she
handed the wheel back over to me and told me You don't want to just
grab the wheel and force it to stop spinning, you have to do it
slowly or we really will be in trouble!" I was annoyed she would even
think I was that dumb and I put my finger out and barely touched the
wheel adding pressure to it to slowly stop spinning. Eventually the
car stopped and I was shocked to see we weren't harmed at all. I hadn't
even thrown up even though I did get a little bit nauseated. I
noticed we weren't on the bridge anymore but we were a couple yards
behind it. I knew we had traveled backwards and lost ground in the end. The girl in the back seat (rebecka) got out and was glad we were ok. She was really annoyed with me though for not having more faith, even though she herself had been concerned.

Manifestation: During this time, My husband and I recently had a miscarriage. I had finally conceived once again but then began spotting. I was concerned I would miscarry and I had this dream. We actually did have a miscarriage, but I wasn't that far along. I had been so terrified of another miscarriage, but it wasn't as terrible of a loss as the first was. My husband was very disappointed in me during this time for not having more faith. But I couldn't understand why this kept happening to me just like I couldn't understand why this girl was being so crazy trying to kill us. In the end we had lost ground and gone backwards. But that didn't mean we couldn't recover and move forward once again. Which we did PRAISE GOD!!! We have our healthy son Maxson!! happy dance

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Dream: Building a Bridge
I had a dream i was looking for a house. I went to my cousin's old house and saw they were building another house to rent out in front of the yellow house. I thought about asking them if we could rent it. When i walked/drove up to the driveway, i saw her son and my uncle were building a bridge. I believe I saw another cousin and he was being really sweet and was full of the Lord. I thought one of the planks of wood was bad,
but i knew they would fix it or not allow it to be nailed down. I saw a
friend of my sweet cousin's that was helping him nail stuff together. I remembered
how i used to practice hammering and nailing stuff together. They were
making things. whatever they were working on was just play but i knew
it would help their skills for later...they were pretty good too.
I remember going in the house and there were little dogs in there. i
was talking to a person in there and helped them with something. I
encouraged them in some way and showed them that they didn't have to have the same opinion as others.

Manifestation: This dream was about actual events that had happened a year BEFORE I had the dream.

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Dream: Tardy for class
I dreamed I was at a school and I was on my way to class. The first bell had rung signaling we only had 10 min to get to class. I came to the classroom door at the end of the last five minutes. I barely made it but I was there. My mother who was also my professor met me at the doorway and told me to go to the office and get a tardy slip. I was baffled that she wouldn't let this slide. I was pretty sure I had gotten to the class on time. I asked her why? She told me she required her students to be in class five minutes early. I was thinking how rediculous that was. End of dream.

Manifestation: IRL I am attending school online. The school is pretty laid back and I had become pretty comfortable about when and how I was getting my assignments done. Partly I had waited till the last minute to turn in my work but I felt I had completed it satisfactorily. Unfortunately, my instructor wasn't impressed. She counted off points for not writing enough material. I soon learned that what was ok for some instructors wasn't going to fly with her.

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Dream: Bamboo Stage Burns Up

In one dream, it appeared to be located in Jamaica. My former boss and her boss were pressuring me that the performance review had better be as good as last year's. I was the project manager for the performance review process (which is typical in my role) but this was a play on words...the performance review was actually a performance, a review, i.e, like a talent show. I was the show producer - coordinating the acts for the show, making sure the props are in place and ready, coordinating with the sound people, etc.

The stage was made of bamboo and straw with two scontches (sp?) on either side of the stage - two fire lamps. The acts were performing and everything was going well...there was a African dance act - men and women dressed in green, red, white, and black outfits. While they were dancing, one of the fire lamps touched the straw and there was a fire that destroyed the whole performance site. The smoke was everywhere and overwhelming. Very frightening. I woke up and couldn't breath...literally. It took a couple of minutes to calm down but to this very moment my left lung hurts. Weird.


This dream was both a word of knowledge and a dream of comfort although it doesn't appear that way on the surface.

When I'd had this dream that night, my ex boyfriend had gotten married earlier that day out of the blue to an African woman that he barely knew. While he mentioned the weekend before that he was CONSIDERING marrying her, he didn't tell me that he got married for another 4-5 days after the marriage.

I mentioned that there was a play on words in the dream in that I was coordinating a performance review - still not sure how my coordinating it played a role, but the marriage was a "perfornance", it was fake (long story). There was another play on words in the dream - the stage was made of bamboo and the location of the dream was in an area named Bamboo. My ex was born and raised in a small town in Jamaica called Bamboo.

The dream was a word of knowledge - showing me that the marriage did take place, but it wasn't of God so it would "burn up in flames". It also showed that it would almost destroy my ex which also came to pass...

Someone who interpreted the dream confirmed this and also had a scripture to share with me which I received as I thought it was indeed from God in relation to the dream:

Corinthians 3:10-15, "According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 11: For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; 13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. 14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."

I feel like God was showing you ahead of time what the end would be -- that because it was NOT of God, it would "burn up".

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Dream: Small tornado forming
I dreamed I looked out my living room window and saw a funnel cloud forming in the sky. It was a normal looking white cloud the funnel was forming from. I was glad the thing hadn't touched ground yet and was hopeful that it never would. However it was concerning to watch. I was also aware that I was home alone with my children and my husband was gone to church.

This is actually manifesting right now. My husband is at church and there is a cool front BLOWING in. It's really bad because the dust is everywhere and the lights are flickering. The wind is blowing so hard I'm praying nothing will have permenant damage. I'll post the end results after this is over.

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I dreamed I was in the front yard where a man had announced he was selling meat.
The meat was huge and spread out everywhere. He handed out hangers that had been
stretched out and the ends tied off. The idea was to stab as much meat and
string it on the hanger until it was as full as you could get it. He was selling
as much as you could grab before it was gone for only $10.00!!! There was
another man that was faster than me and was stronger..he got the most meat. But
I still scored 50lbs of buffalo meat for only ten dollars!!! I went inside to
show my husband my prize and I was inspecting the meat to see if it was ok to eat. It
looked a bit brown on top, but it was still good! I was so happy!

Manifestation: i had several reminders the very next day about this dream. It seemed no matter what channel I turned the tv to, there was buffalo!! i knew the reminder was from the Lord that the dream would come to pass....I just didn't know what in the world it was!
Well it was the end of the month and we were very low on supplies. Our food pantry and fridge were very low. But God has blessed us at the moment and we had previously applied for food stamps! Well two weeks after having this dream, my husband and I grabbed a buggy EACH and loaded up on beef! It was strange for us because we usually buy only fish, chicken and turkey. But we had gone without beef for so long that I was craving it. We literally "bought" probably 20-30 lbs of beef! Honestly if I went in there right now and counted it I wouldn't be surprised if it amounts to literally 50!!! When we were at the grocery store, my husband was grabbing meat along with me. I picked up a roast that looked a bit brown at the tip and wondered if it was good. I knew that it was normal to be that color and the date was fine. This was another manifestation of the dream. God is FAITHFUL!!!!

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Dream:Attacked by Wild Hogs!!!!
I dreamed I was walking down a path near my house with my grandmother (irl my grandmother is fighting cancer) Suddenly we come across a wild bull and I began to tell her about the wildlife..She starts telling me about trees. Suddenly a pack of wild hogs cross our path. We both knew they could kill us in an instant. I really thought we could escape them. I tried all the things I knew to signal them to leave peacably. Instead I just angered a female and she attacked us! She backed us into a corner where I was behind my grandmother and unfortunatly she was sheilding me. I had my arms wrapped about her and was fighting the things off with my hands as they came at her. I finally screamed for help and knew my husband and some cops heard me. The cops really didn't care..but I knew my hubby was on his way. I finally managed to scoot around from behind my grandma. There were two hogs attacking us but several more in the background. I jumped on their spines and broke them in the weakest point. They were immobilized so I knew I was safe to leave and get help. For some reason I left my grandmother behind. I knew i couldn't carry her. I had terrible bruises all over me from the attack. Finally when I came back with help we went to the spot my grandmother was. Except it wasn't my grandmother anymore. It was my goat Gracie. She had been eaten down to almost nothing. She was still alive. Her head and neck were the only thing that looked normal. The rest of her body was just small heaps of meat and mostly bones piled together like intestines. bandaid But the hogs weren't around...however I knew they were nearby...but I was happy that at least I had help with me...even though it was too late.

Manifestation: This was about a goat that I had found ill one morning. She was already a very weak goat and we knew she probably wouldn't live long from birth. ALL my goats came down with a cold. Along with the heat and dust, this particular goat, named Debbie, came down with acute pnumonia. I gave her antibiotics and brought her in the house and cooled her down. I tried everything I knew to do. I didn't bother with the vet because there are none remotely near me that specialize in goats (AT ALL). (me not calling the cops) My husband helped me, but one morning when I went to check on her I found her almost dead. I had to have my husband put her down because she was too far gone. The rest of my goats have the cold and now I'm treating two of them with antibiotics.(the two hogs that were immobilized) I know they will make it because both are very healthy.
I believe that the name Gracie had meaning. She wasn't the goat this happened to and I believe this was the Lord showing me how He would give me the grace to get through it.

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I dreamed I was looking at this pond that once had beautiful clean water. However, something had happened in my life and I was scrambling on the bank of the pond...my animals were behind me following me and they stirred up mud in the water just as I had. The entire pond was filled with cloudy clay stuff that looked like milk. I walked around to the other side of the pond where I saw a small waterfall. Parts of this waterfall were running fresh clean water, and other parts were flowing the milky stuff. I was disappointed I had caused this to happen. It was a shame the pond wasn't clear anymore. i reached into the area where the clear water ran and tasted it. It was bitter! The water tasted like goat milk from my goats that had been feasting in a patch of bitter weeds! But I was hopeful I could fix it if I just did the right thing.. It may take some time, effort, and prayer but I was hopeful God could fix it!

Interpretation: Chaos was going on in my life! In my anger, I spoke some things I shouldn't have. I looked up 'bitter water' in the Bible, and this verse is what the Lord had waiting for me:
James 3:1 "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. 3 Indeed,[a] we put bits in horses’ mouths that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body. 4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.
See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.[b]
13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.


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Tapping into a Maple Tree:
I had a vision that the Lord's hand hammered into a tree and cut a chunk out of it. The bark that fell out was golden. I knew the Lord meant for me to receive the golden substance from this tree. I told him "thank you", and expected the flow to end after a certain point...however the golden flow stopped but the regular syrup kept on flowing!! I told the Lord I had plenty, that I had plenty to give to my neighbors and friends till they would have plenty. But the flow of syrup kept on coming!! I said "Lord, there's so much syrup, where will it all go?" I was worried about waste, but the Lord kept pouring!!! I kept waiting for the flow to stop but it never did...I had the feeling the flow would never end and I would have to end the vision if I ever wanted to stop watching the flow of syrup!!! Finally I said "Ok Lord, I get it!!"

I went and told my husband about the vision...several hours later, my step mother called me and told me that her family was donating some things that they thought I needed to us. I told her no because I already had everything I needed...however she kept insisting and told me that I couldn't say no because I would then be keeping her from a blessing. Then I remembered the vision and told her ok. I'm excited to see what the Lord will do. But I feel this is related and that the Lord is about to pour out blessings that there will not be room enough to receive!!!

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Worried about my son's medicine
Dream: I dreamed I took my son's medicine to the Pharmacy counter because I had been told I needed
to pay for it. I took it to the compounder in a nearby town and they told me it had
already been paid for. I was glad it was covered and felt silly I had done all that worrying
for nothing.

Manifestation: this was literal :)

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Fleeing a Wedding
Dream: I dreamed I had met this man named Scott and we had plans to get married. We had set a time and everything. At the
last minute I decided to not marry him. I gave the date of the wedding to
someone else who wanted it and was getting married. I went outside to get
something from my car..or I was just walking around and suddenly this man was
there and I knew he was out to rape me. I ran and ran from him but he followed
close behind. PRAISE GOD I finally made it to the sanctuary where my friend was
getting married (Right during the wedding). I told a neighbor sitting next to me
what was going on and why I had been running. I was glad I was safe and worried
the girl getting married would be upset with me for interrupting.

Manifestation: I had made arraingements to purchase a dog from someone on Craigslist LOL!! But I was struggling inwardly about it because I really couldn't afford the dog AND the gas to drive so far away to get him. I felt like the devil was going to steal from my finances and WOULD have had I not canceled getting him!! I knew this would open up an opportunity for someone else to buy the dog, but in the end I was worried the person selling the dog would be inconveinenced by me canceling.

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