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God answered my prayer....

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Praise the Lord, Saints!

I just HAVE to share how good God is with you all. I know you all know Prophetess Juanita Bynum, right? I know you all know about what she went through with her now ex-husband. Well, during the time she was going through it, my thoughts were, "She is going to be so powerful when she gets out of this".

I prayed for a long time, when I thought about her, asking God to allow me to sit under her when she came out. I told God I just knew there would be a greater anointing on her life when she came out and I wanted to sit under that anointing.

She was in Dothan, Alabama last week and I was able to go sit under that anointing! Oh, my God, I had an awesome time in the Lord. I had my eyes closed when I heard everybody clapping. When I opened my eyes, she was standing behind a table getting ready to speak. All I could do was cry and give God thanks because that night is what I had prayed for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've always loved Prophetess Bynum. I have a few of her books and teaching cd's that have blessed me throughout the years. It was such an honor to actually sit under the anointing as the word of God came forth! woo hoo woo hoo

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I do remember her story. Not a pleasant thing for her. She is awesome in the Lord and Praise the Lord you were able to be there.

Love in Jesus,


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I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. Praying all is well with you as well!

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