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My friend commited suicide.

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Hi and blessings friends.

I just found out my friend committed suicide. She was more like my spiritual kid. She lived in California where I moved from to Oregon. I had talked to her briefly three days before she took her life on fb. I told her to call me when she had time because she had told me she was not doing well. Oh man do I regret not calling her that day! Well now she is gone.

Please pray for the Miller family who will hold her funeral tomorrow afternoon.

In the mean time I have been busy with fundraisers and had to have a neck injection do to bad pain, now I am suffering from the injection and I was put on a new pain med on the market. Tomorrow I have dessert theater at church for raising money for India and I am in pain physically and emotionally.

Please Keep me in prayer I feel so emotionally a wreck and I am overwhelmed. crying

Thanks so much.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I have never been through that but hear tell it is very difficult for those who are left to deal with. Give it over to the Lord. Do not blame yourself. There is no way you could have know what your friend was going to do. You were her friend and I am sure she took comfort in your encouragements to her. The enemy would want you to feel bad and try to put condemnation on you....don't you let him! The Lord says in Romans 8:1....Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. You walk in the Spirit. I feel it every time you are on here. I will gladly pray in agreement with you.

Love in Jesus,


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Thanks Connie I do not feel bad or blame myself. I believe nothing could have been done. It breaks my heart to know she was hurting and took extreme measures. It is tragic she was special she was like my kid and was only 30 she has just had a Birthday.

I lost another friend who hung her self the same date as my friend Keri only she was 28, her name was Katy, and I was only 23 it was the most gut wrenching time for me. I did not know the Lord then. I have lost a lot of friends and it never gets any easier.

I am thankful I have Jesus and that he is my all in all.

I am also in a lot of physical pain from an injection that went wrong and I have a fundraiser tomorrow night. So a lot on my plate right now and I am needing a touch from the Lord.

Hugs to you sweetie.

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I understand completely. I am so glad you don't blame yourself! Praise God! I will be happy to touch and agree. Let us pray!

Father God,

We come before you today to lift up our friend and sister in Christ, Steadygaze. Father we thank you that you have already healed us. We thank you that by your stripes we are healed. We thank you that the blood of Jesus is painted over us. We thank you that pain has to go now in Jesus name. We command every spirit that brings pain and illness to go now in Jesus name. We bind you and command you to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ! Lord we thank you for the peace and the healing that are resting on Steady right now....We thank you that you have given us ALL power over the enemy and nothing will by any means harm us. We thank you for every good thing that happens in the fundraiser tomorrow. We thank you for divine favor and for united and agreeing spirits to give from their hearts for this cause. Father we give you all the honor, all the glory that is due you a most Holy God! We pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.

your servant,


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My heart is saddened...I am in prayer for you and the family of your friend.

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Oh Jesus, how sad to lose a loved one that way... sad to think of them in so much pain that they would do that. I pray now for the family of your friend steadygaze, I lift them up and beg you Jesus to wrap them in your comfort.

I pray also for the many others who are contemplating this right now and ask that you will give them a new perspective, a point of light to keep them from taking their own life... distract them with something Lord and bring them someone who can make a difference to their day... a smile in the street, a friendly hand... whatever it takes Jesus please be with the bruised reeds today!

I pray for steadygaze, I know her fundraiser was days ago and I pray that it went well and your hand has been on her ever since, I pray that the pain from the injection has gone and that she is feeling physically well.

I pray that you will comfort her heart over her friend too Lord, it is oh so sad that we cannot step back in time sometimes... and the sadness of loss is one you are familiar with. be with her Jesus please... and hold her give her rest and strength to continue on towards India.

Blessings to you Steadygaze.

big hug 2

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Thank you all so much for the Love and prayers.

My fundraiser was great and I was able to get through and God provided what was needed for the down monies for the trip now I have to raise more for all the other stuff.


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Oh girl....I'm so sorry to hear that. I had a friend who committed suicide several years ago. She was convinced that Jesus wanted her to kill herself to be with him. It's just so sad. She was a genius, in that MENSA organization. I wish I would've gotten in her face every day, picked a fight with her or something, to show her a different perspective, or to get her to defend herself. I ignored the empathy I felt in my heart for her. The sting of her death still hurts to this day. God bless you, hun. Just try to be there for the family of your friend as much as you can. Suicide seems to be contageous and the spirit of depression and hopelessness needs to be broken off of this family.

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