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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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Yeah, or with the pen tool or lasso tool or anything like that.....
like how do you separate the pet fromt he background??

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Do you think that I should ahve made the font bigger?? I tried adding a border and it looked stupid....

Well, I use GIMP, not photoshop.. they have this thing that looks like a magic wand, it think it is called fuzzy select.. You click inthe white part and it surrounds the pet with ants ..... lol

then you delete the white part, grow the image by a pixel or two, click delete again and you get a farly neatly trimmed pet..

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Okay cool. we have a similar thing in Photoshop, just wasnt sure if you were aware of it. called "magic wand" in photshop.

I would try making the font a bit bigger, or using a thicker font... maybe a lighter drop shadow would help it pop out as well??

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is there a propartion of the picture that the saying should be to look good?? is it all dependent on the size of the siggy??

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MORNING BG!!!!! There was something important I was supposed to tell /ask you... for the life of me i have forgotten. : /

I think it depends on the size and composition of each siggy to be honest Tan Tan. I play around with that alot.

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I'm going to start late today to study, I'm not very pleased with how certain things turned out (I had an entire nagging scene here last night), so am waiting for parents to return from the store, help them out, take a bath/shower and then start... I am not looking for excuses, I swear, my course is lying next to me, so I am reading the text I still have to read and then start summarizing when I finished them all (won't take long). Then I can memorize it all again.

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armellproctor wrote:
i am back i couldn't sleep

Hey Army!

inu-kijo wrote:
MORNING BG!!!!! There was something important I was supposed to tell /ask you... for the life of me i have forgotten. : /.

Morning Love!
I read back and I am a bit worried about you and your hand now! Please get it checked, don't wait until tomorrow (I'm guessing it won't magically heal before tomorrow)

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TanyaRC wrote:
wb Armell ..... You didn't try very hard ...

well to tell the truth i got interested in a movie lol and was relaxing when my pc told me i had some messages lol so i answered them and ended up playing a game lol which has made me awake lol but i did manage to get my PJ's on

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Toulouse wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
i am back i couldn't sleep

Hey Army!

inu-kijo wrote:
MORNING BG!!!!! There was something important I was supposed to tell /ask you... for the life of me i have forgotten. : /.

Morning Love!
I read back and I am a bit worried about you and your hand now! Please get it checked, don't wait until tomorrow (I'm guessing it won't magically heal before tomorrow)

Hey Sophie how's it going ??

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armellproctor wrote:
i think i will get photo shop i like what you do and would like to try

Kijo uses photoshop ... I use a free program off the internet called GIMP..
armellproctor wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
wb Armell ..... You didn't try very hard ...

well to tell the truth i got interested in a movie lol and was relaxing when my pc told me i had some messages lol so i answered them and ended up playing a game lol which has made me awake lol but i did manage to get my PJ's on

he he he ..... at least you have on your jammies .... That is more than I can say .... I am still in jeans ..

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everyone, you know you can go to adobe dot com, and get photshop for FREE!! (to try for 30 days, then it quits working)

but still def worth downloading to see how ya like it.

takes a bit to get used to it.
a LOT of button and gadgets on there.

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armellproctor wrote:
Hey Sophie how's it going ??

Besides the fact I'm still annoyed and have to do my best to make today as good as I can, I'm fine honey
How are you?

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inu-kijo wrote:
everyone, you know you can go to adobe dot com, and get photshop for FREE!! (to try for 30 days, then it quits working)

but still def worth downloading to see how ya like it.

takes a bit to get used to it.
a LOT of button and gadgets on there.

but GIMP is free for ever and ever ..... but there is no instruction manual .... There are a lot of tutorials on the net though ...

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but photoshop is AMAZING!!!
and you pay for it once, have it forever.

i will have to look around my house, I think I have a photoshop CD laying around there somewhere that came with a printer a while back, can mail you that (not sure if its a limited time thing, full version or what....)

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I've never used anything else but photoshop, so I'm pretty hooked on that programme, think I'm a bit biased : )

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lol me too, came with my mac, and i LOOOOOVE it!!!

best thing there ever is!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
lol me too, came with my mac, and i LOOOOOVE it!!!

best thing there ever is!!

Lol, I started with it on my windows computer and was so glad it came with my Mac!

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ok, you have almost cinvinced me ...

Kijo, I have a copy around here somewhere .... it is one that someone gave me ... I just have to find it ...

Since the sedding of the century, I have been a bit tied up .... or didn't feel well

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night, again, Armell!!!

lol Tan Tan, you might as well at least TRY it.
I know its hard to switch from things, once you get used to them, but much easier to find reference/tutorials on Photoshop since it is so popular.

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Bye armell

hehe ... I will try it ... just give me time ... I had no idea when I started doing this, I would get hooked ....

sorry to dissappear for a minute .... posting contest going on ..

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Have you noticed I've made the BG quiz last longer? No one had entered besides you and I believe tweet and hope others will join too after the holidays.

Just got a very sweet e-mail (and yes, I am studying in the meanwhile, but I get annoyed by those stereotyping facts > boys use computers more often than girls, blah blah blah, I don't think that's always the case, but hey, that's my opinion and they have scientific proof)

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I still ahve to go back and edit a couple of my answers, ust been preoccupied with a project (will send you a PM later today)

; D

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Lol, you still have time (otherwise the quiz would end in less than 2 hours)

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Toulouse wrote:
Plus Tanya, Kijo will be able to help you out more :girl_devil:

inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing that is very true. ; D

shhhh.... Kijo ^^^^ I am not sure that she likes the idea ......
Toulouse wrote:
Have you noticed I've made the BG quiz last longer? No one had entered besides you and I believe tweet and hope others will join too after the holidays.

Just got a very sweet e-mail (and yes, I am studying in the meanwhile, but I get annoyed by those stereotyping facts > boys use computers more often than girls, blah blah blah, I don't think that's always the case, but hey, that's my opinion and they have scientific proof)

I am sorry that I have not entered .. I have great intentions, but somehow never have time to get it all done ...

Don't let the :scientific proof" bother you .. If you wanted to prove that the moon was made of green cheese, you could probably find supporting evidence ....

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Really happy with how my projet is truning out!!! ; D

BG i Will go over the quiz once more when I return from B-fast!!! ; D
then finsih up my lil project! : D

b-fast in less than 3 minutes!!

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I am going to be gone a bit .... have some stuff to do here .... I will check back before I go to bed .....

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TanyaRC wrote:
Toulouse wrote:
Plus Tanya, Kijo will be able to help you out more :girl_devil:

inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing that is very true. ; D

shhhh.... Kijo ^^^^ I am not sure that she likes the idea ......
Toulouse wrote:
Have you noticed I've made the BG quiz last longer? No one had entered besides you and I believe tweet and hope others will join too after the holidays.

Just got a very sweet e-mail (and yes, I am studying in the meanwhile, but I get annoyed by those stereotyping facts > boys use computers more often than girls, blah blah blah, I don't think that's always the case, but hey, that's my opinion and they have scientific proof)

I am sorry that I have not entered .. I have great intentions, but somehow never have time to get it all done ...

Don't let the :scientific proof" bother you .. If you wanted to prove that the moon was made of green cheese, you could probably find supporting evidence ....

Lol why wouldn't I?
It's what they call scientific proof offcourse Smile

Just got spoiled, was wondering where my parents stayed, because I didn't think it would take that long, but they went to town and bought me 2 pressies

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I'm here now, but you might not want to get too close congratulations

How are you Frannie?

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Zoonie wrote:
I'm here now, but you might not want to get too close congratulations

How are you Frannie?

Me loon

Why not are you not well??? Sad

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places mask on.... just can't get sick this timeof year... Hey there Boogie! Good morning Gill!

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BOOGIE! it's so long since I saw you!!! How are you?

Your inner Barry migrated East and my throat feels like razor blades are jiggling in it Sad

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Frannie wrote:
places mask on.... just can't get sick this timeof year... Hey there Boogie! Good morning Gill!

Hi Frannie

So what do you have planned for tonight?

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Zoonie wrote:
BOOGIE! it's so long since I saw you!!! How are you?

Your inner Barry migrated East and my throat feels like razor blades are jiggling in it Sad

Not good Sad you better come here barry and have a

No shouting happy new year for you tonight then Sad

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