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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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I sent them some too .... I hope that it helps ... I like our new home ..

I am going on tues or wend to finish my shopping ...... Yess, I like the sales!!

I am not sure that I would be looking forward to the trains right now after what you and Bee have been saying about them lately .....

well, it is time for me to go .... I will check back in about an hour ....

toodles ....

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Morning all, just dropping by for a bit, to not seem like a complete stranger
How's things in here?

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Seems a bit slow.
Oh I went to the DR this weekend and found out about my knee.
Seems I have sprained it pretty ferociously... so they have me in a "knee immobilizer" witch is a leg brace that goes from the top of my thigh down to the middle of my calf. It has metal bars in it, and doesnt let you bend you knee. Quite uncomfortable. and im supposed to wear it for like 4 weeks or so.

Hey, can you do me a fav, can you send me a list of the dolls in the Hunt prize pic in the order from want, greatest to least, that way I can use it to split up the prizes??

How was your weekend??

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Oh hun, I'm very sorry about your knee, that must be very uncomfortable, does it hurt much?

I'll send you a PM for the dolls, okay?

Weekend was actually great, have been spoiled rotten and had a great time even though BF & I didn't do much.

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Princesita wrote:
hi Zoonie!!!! *hug* I am doing good but I've been busy and haven't had much time to spend here

Hugs and greetings for you too Marisol - everyone's been busy, so you haven't missed much.

inu-kijo wrote:
Ok guys I am back, and I brought b-fast... ravishing at the sudden!

Hi Kijo, you keep that leg brace on now, if that's what you need to do...it seems a long time now, but you have to get it right for the rest of your life [/lecture]

TanyaRC wrote:
I sent them some too .... I hope that it helps ... I like our new home ..

I am going on tues or wend to finish my shopping ...... Yess, I like the sales!!

I am not sure that I would be looking forward to the trains right now after what you and Bee have been saying about them lately .....

well, it is time for me to go .... I will check back in about an hour ....

toodles ....

Later Tanya, and thank you. Have checked the live running info for the train (fingers crossed)

Toulouse wrote:
Morning all, just dropping by for a bit, to not seem like a complete stranger
How's things in here?

BG, hello honey - I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

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Its.... uncomfortable. But its actually helping to make it feel better. ; D
I took it off to come to work, and it seems I can walk more regular, which is good.

however, watching me try to get up the stairs in that thing, is quite a show.
The Dr. gave me lots of pain meds. So I am set on that, just cumbersome, but hopefully I will be a lot better soon!!

Glad you weekend perked up a bit.

still addicted to Guitar Hero??

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Laughing morning Zoonie, already with the lectures?? I wear it all the time at the house, but its jsut not feasible to do work with that thing on. and the Dr said I could have breaks from it. as soon as I get home I will put it back on!!!

hey, dd you ever get my private messages on here??
I sent you some graphics.

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Kijo, that reminds me, how's the hand?

Zoonie wrote:

BG, hello honey - I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

Zoonie! How are you, hope you had a great Christmas too?
Ours was very cozy and fun, very relax. Finally done with eating now, we had to go to BF's Dad on Dec 26th, so have eaten three entire days... But all very good and tasted a lot of new things I never had before

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inu-kijo wrote:
Laughing morning Zoonie, already with the lectures?? I wear it all the time at the house, but its jsut not feasible to do work with that thing on. and the Dr said I could have breaks from it. as soon as I get home I will put it back on!!!

hey, dd you ever get my private messages on here??
I sent you some graphics.

Yup, lectures 24/7 a speciality congratulations

Just ran to check, oh yes

I haven't had a chance to really concentrate on anything forum/Ps related for ages and ages

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inu-kijo wrote:
Its.... uncomfortable. But its actually helping to make it feel better. ; D
I took it off to come to work, and it seems I can walk more regular, which is good.

however, watching me try to get up the stairs in that thing, is quite a show.
The Dr. gave me lots of pain meds. So I am set on that, just cumbersome, but hopefully I will be a lot better soon!!

Glad you weekend perked up a bit.

still addicted to Guitar Hero??

I thought about bringing the game with me, but decided not to do it, so have been missing it a bit lolz
Hey, I saw Up yesterday (gift from BF), really good!

I hope you feel better soon hun, I can imagine what a burdon it must be, but at least it's going to make you feel better in a while

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Funny story. well the left hand ended up being fine the next day! ; D

must jsut of pinched a nerve or something. but now my right hand where I broke my hand a couple of years back (in between the first two knuckles) is really swollen, and kind of painful. So I am not sure what happened to that one.

might have popped it on something without realizing it and made it worse. But it is still pretty tender.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Funny story. well the left hand ended up being fine the next day! ; D

must jsut of pinched a nerve or something. but now my right hand where I broke my hand a couple of years back (in between the first two knuckles) is really swollen, and kind of painful. So I am not sure what happened to that one.

might have popped it on something without realizing it and made it worse. But it is still pretty tender.

Well, don't laugh, but I followed the advice Gill gave, I bought some Arnica a couple of weeks ago and I had my hand swollen again, put some on it before I went to bed and the day after, I felt absolutely nothing!

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felt nothing as in the arnica did ntohing, or your hand felt nothing after the arnica??

LOL arnica... the Gill's cure all.

I think I may have to draw something later.....

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I was wondering.

we should hold test trieals to see what all it can cure. : D

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Toulouse wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
Funny story. well the left hand ended up being fine the next day! ; D

must jsut of pinched a nerve or something. but now my right hand where I broke my hand a couple of years back (in between the first two knuckles) is really swollen, and kind of painful. So I am not sure what happened to that one.

might have popped it on something without realizing it and made it worse. But it is still pretty tender.

Well, don't laugh, but I followed the advice Gill gave, I bought some Arnica a couple of weeks ago and I had my hand swollen again, put some on it before I went to bed and the day after, I felt absolutely nothing!

inu-kijo wrote:
felt nothing as in the arnica did ntohing, or your hand felt nothing after the arnica??

LOL arnica... the Gill's cure all.

I think I may have to draw something later.....

Toulouse wrote:
I mean my hand was better after putting the Arnica on it :Oops:



You laugh at me you see...but it's great advice, infact, Kijo, I think you should have an arnica gel lined suit especially for weekends

Can you guys read this link?

I can see our group members, but not how many posts each has made in this forum

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inu-kijo wrote:

I was wondering.

we should hold test trieals to see what all it can cure. : D

Think I got it messed up, couldn't concentrate lol, got distracted by the music quiz over here

Zoonie wrote:


You laugh at me you see...but it's great advice, infact, Kijo, I think you should have an arnica gel lined suit especially for weekends

Can you guys read this link?

I can see our group members, but not how many posts each has made in this forum

It was great advice, so thank you again!
I can see how many posts each member of C&G has made, but I have no idea whether it is in this thread or the entire forum

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Laughing I should seems lately I have been getting hurt mroe often, and no reasons why!!!

I am a danger to myself. : /

i can see the posts on that link. : D

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Yeah but it's posts in the whole forum - so if you have to have 20 posts in the group in order to enter competitions, not quite sure how you work that out yet?

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I like the cat pics. I have a few cute ones from this Christmas, but something's gone wrong with my camera drivers Sad

Wasn't all that keen on YD's cat, sadly she reminded me and Mr Z of a gremlin

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I posted one jsut for you BG! : D

yeah i drew a kitty earlier, so I am stuck on kitty cuteness right now!!!

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I'm sorry BG, I have to go too, ED's B/F would like to use my lap top and he's going to download some music to Mr Z's new ipod that the girls bought for him for Christmas Smile

Catch you all soon xxx

PS Kijo, go carefully congratulations

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hii all.....i forgot on this group sorry...........i have a lot of work i trying to make the big Market here on forum and have a lot of things to do.....i hope that i will finish all before 13 January becous i want to open my Shop 13 January ..........i need to make a lot of pictures and to make prices ........i hope that i will have a good year in my Shop.......:DDDD

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tnx i love animals soo much....i think that im post picture of my own cat in this threed on 6-7 page but i'm not sure..........:DDDDD

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lol i know, it gets confusing, cause we have to change the chat threads so much.

I have a snow footed siamese cat myself.
after I get done uploading everything else, I can see If I can find a pic of him if youd like

btw, I'm kijo.

Nice to meet you! ; D

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh Tanya how cute!!! ; 3

sorry was trying to get the hunt going. ; /

Hi honey!! Thanks .... I went to Sam's and that is the box that I brought the groceries home in ..... I try to get boxes that the cats will play in ..

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awwww........how cute cats................i love cats my cat love to be in my room....but they can't becouse my mom say that cat need to be outside but some times i can to have cat in my room and them cat love to play games on my computer.......:DDDDDD

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my cat likes borwn paper bags... and lately... bed sheets. o__o

i was going to video him today, but never did.
I will have to tomorrow. he is sooo funny!!

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