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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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armellproctor wrote:

Eureka!! You did it!! See.... I knew that you could!!

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi BG!! How are you today ?? Shouldn't you be studying??

armellproctor wrote:
Toulouse wrote:
Morning Army! I'm fine honey, thanks!
How are you?

other that feeling really dumb about now i am doing really good, brb

Armell .... You are NEVER dumb ..... Don't let me see you say that again!!

We will get it, I promise!!
i have no confidense but when i learn, i learn

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armellproctor wrote:
hurrah i did it , this is a picture of my husband and my youngest daughter

Very good!!! (and very nice pic)

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TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:

Eureka!! You did it!! See.... I knew that you could!!
you are making me laugh thank you and now i can show my kitties

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Toulouse wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
Hi BG!! How are you today ?? Shouldn't you be studying??

I know I should, but something came up... again...
Mom wants me to come along with her to the store and I slept in a little, so am going to start this afternoon. Studied a bit late yesterday, finished when it was 10pm (a bit too late, now I know)

Be careful .... Don't wait too long ...

@ Armell -- He looks very handy to have around .... She is beautiful!!

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TanyaRC wrote:
Be careful .... Don't wait too long ...

@ Armell -- He looks very handy to have around .... She is beautiful!!

I won't, I have a tight schedule but I've taken into account some extra time for when something happens (I have a day extra for this course)

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armellproctor wrote:
[]you are making me laugh thank you and now i can show my kitties

I am here for entertainment .... the next show starts soon .....

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TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
[]you are making me laugh thank you and now i can show my kitties

I am here for entertainment .... the next show starts soon .....

you have created a monster lol

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armellproctor wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
[]you are making me laugh thank you and now i can show my kitties

I am here for entertainment .... the next show starts soon .....

you have created a monster lol

Just call me Dr. FrankenTanya ......muahahaha :mummy:

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TanyaRC wrote:
I think that Simon is trying to look sexy ....

always he thinks he's all that lol just kidding he is a real charmer

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bye BG!! Have a good day!! Tell mom we said HI!!

Armell -- Your furbabies are beautiful!!

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TanyaRC wrote:
bye BG!! Have a good day!! Tell mom we said HI!!

Armell -- Your furbabies are beautiful!!

thank you i love them so much

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this is the last one , she is my sisters dog ang we are all at the cabin at the same time, i have a ferret too but not in my pics yet, lucky for you lol her name is Tuck ( long story )

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armellproctor wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
bye BG!! Have a good day!! Tell mom we said HI!!

Armell -- Your furbabies are beautiful!!

thank you i love them so much

I know how you feel ... Mine are so precious ... Right now one is in the bed with hubby, one on the back of the couch, one on the kitty condo, and one asleep on the scratching pad guarding it .... I just put new cat-nip on it ....

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TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
bye BG!! Have a good day!! Tell mom we said HI!!

Armell -- Your furbabies are beautiful!!

thank you i love them so much

I know how you feel ... Mine are so precious ... Right now one is in the bed with hubby, one on the back of the couch, one on the kitty condo, and one asleep on the scratching pad guarding it .... I just put new cat-nip on it ....

My sister in law grows and dries her cat nip and brings it to my cats , they love it an it is so funny watching the two of them after they have had it

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They are all adorable ... even your niece!!

My mom has two ferrets.... She would gladly send them to you ...

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TanyaRC wrote:
They are all adorable ... even your niece!!

My mom has two ferrets.... She would gladly send them to you ...

if hubbie new that he would be right over lol he loves his ferret i bought him a three story cage so that his baby would have a good time unfortunitly he would rather run around the house

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inu-kijo wrote:
ugh feeerets.... hate them. : C
creepy and gross.

not creepy, just stinky ....

I was afraid of my mom's at first, but I fugured if she could handle them, so could I .....

They actually belonged to my niece at first but my mom kinda got stuck with them ...

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[quote="inu-kijo"]ugh feeerets.... hate them. : C
creepy and gross.[/quote

ah max is so cute and he does tricks too he is all white so i always call him .........maxi pad blush

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armellproctor wrote:
TanyaRC wrote:
They are all adorable ... even your niece!!

My mom has two ferrets.... She would gladly send them to you ...

if hubbie new that he would be right over lol he loves his ferret i bought him a three story cage so that his baby would have a good time unfortunitly he would rather run around the house

hmmmm.... wonder what it would cost to mail them ..... lol

She has a mail and a female. let me see if I have a pic ....

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one more and then i wont post any more ....................................................................tonight tee hee hee hee

this is my eldest daughter her name is Danielle and the younger is Nicole

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inu-kijo wrote:
They just freek me out.

theya re related to skunks you know?

ya but is you keep the bathed it's okay and we have ours descented

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armellproctor wrote:

one more and then i wont post any more ....................................................................tonight tee hee hee hee

this is my eldest daughter her name is Danielle and the younger is Nicole

Armell, she is beautiful!!

now we got the picture thing going .... next it will be your siggy!!!

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TanyaRC wrote:
not the best picture ... but this is my youngest bro and sis .... lol
ahhhh they are so cute i had two like that but they died a few years back

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armellproctor wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
They just freek me out.

theya re related to skunks you know?

ya but is you keep the bathed it's okay and we have ours descented

my mom's are the same .... they are a lot of fun to play with ... They are so funny to watch walk .. They take them outside on a leash like a dog and walk them sometimes ....

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TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:

one more and then i wont post any more ....................................................................tonight tee hee hee hee

this is my eldest daughter her name is Danielle and the younger is Nicole

Armell, she is beautiful!!

now we got the picture thing going .... next it will be your siggy!!!

thank you she almost looks like me when i was younger lol , i have to get a new siggy made as i don't want a christmas one up all year lol although i really like it , people might think that i am nuttier than i really am lol

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TanyaRC wrote:
armellproctor wrote:
inu-kijo wrote:
They just freek me out.

theya re related to skunks you know?

ya but is you keep the bathed it's okay and we have ours descented

my mom's are the same .... they are a lot of fun to play with ... They are so funny to watch walk .. They take them outside on a leash like a dog and walk them sometimes ....

yes , hubbie does that too' we even let him go swimming in the lake at the cabin thats fun to watch too!

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ha ha ..... Kijo or I will be happy to make you a siggy.. Her's are prettier, but I am getting better.........

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TanyaRC wrote:
ha ha ..... Kijo or I will be happy to make you a siggy.. Her's are prettier, but I am getting better.........

i love both, ha ha

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sorry so in and out tonight. attempting to work on something for the forum.

and then b-fast will be soon as well.

trying to decide what to cook. so many people here today.

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