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Delightful soul

Man to break off relationship with

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HI Guys,

I haven't been on here a while as I have been so busy. Am so glad to see every one on here.

I have been studying and have completed my course and am looking forward to getting work at last in something that will bring good rewards.

I also have b een going along the water front (God moved me to the ocean front yey) and handing out christian messages/postcards that I have designed and people are soooo receptive.

THis week my friend and I who go have been very much attacked.

I have been tempted by a man who I have met and he has been telling me he wants to marry me , have my babies etc etc yada yada and well I was swept up at first only to find out that his beliefs are vastly different to mine. So I have to break it off with him, but do not know how???????????????

My friend who has been handing out these messages with me has also been attacked and has had her life threatened and so I would appreciate any prayers and advice on how to handle all this attack.

I really also want to know what to do about saying no to this man. I at first tried to break things off about a week ago and he rang me the next morning all apologetic telling me he loved God and was filled with the spirit and that he loved me and wanted things to work out with me.

I know God is wanting to choose my husband for me and well, thing is I have an ideal man in my head, and well this man is not it. He is soooo good looking and suave and charismatic but when I think of my male friends who really love God, they are on fire and always building me up whereas this man seems to bring me to a place of lust and confusion.....I know this is attack but I simply don't want an argument or to hurt this mans feelings by breaking it off and yet I know if I don't, I could cave to his charms.

Please HELP SOMEONE....anyone (who loves GOD that is lol).

THanks all, and by the way hope you haven't missed me, cause I've missed you guys on here!!

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The best way to end this with this guy is to be bold and just do it. You described him as "suave and charasmatic", but in regular terms he's just manipulative and you can't move in a soft or easy manner. You just have to tell him that there is no future between the two of you and then keep it moving. Don't take his calls after that and avoid all contact with him.

I will pray for protection for you and your friends and come against the attacks that you all are under, but for this guy, you just have to be bold and forthcoming and not worry about "stepping on his toes" or hurting his feelings.

Glad to see you back!!! Keep your focus!!

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WOW thanks Cholette, Glad to see you on here.,

The Lord spoke to me last night through a friend and this confrims it in a way.

I want to thank you for this as it really is about Jesus right now.

My friend said that this is the last straw that satan has used and that once I break it off with him it will be broken off once and for all all these red herrings that have come my way (anyone who knows a little of my story will understand)....For the first time I have been really on fire for the Lord and know His call is strong on me right now.

Thing is I am now praising God that I as a single woman have the capabilities of accomplishing so much in Him.

When I speak to him, I know God has been preparing me for this, so am not too concerned now.

THanks Cholette. scratching chin

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Hi Delightful...good to see you back here! :hooray: I felt the same as cholette said...run for the hills. He seems aggressive in the sense that he is not going to want to take NO for an answer, and will try and continue to pursue you if you dont just shut him out. I thought the same to not return phone calls, and to just be very upfront, cuz if you try and soften the blow he will use that as a crack in the door to squeeze back into your life and tempting you away from the Lord. Not everyone would recognize this as an attack...God for you for having such spiritual eyes!! happy dance

You sound SO STRONG in the Lord! I am so proud of you!!! you go girl!

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It's so good to see you again Delightful!!! huggins

I know this doesn't have to do with guy stuff but it does have to do with breaking off.

I was seeing a therapist/psychologist and she was having me do things that didn't seem right, new-agey stuff. I asked God for a few weeks (everytime I had an appt.) to help me drop them without hurting any feelings. My chance totally came when I had to cancel an apt. to travel! I just didn't call them back to reschedule and therefore didn't hurt any feelings. God made a way of escape. I use this as my example because it was painful for me to think about having to go through with it. I didn't know what to do. My way was full of "pain" but God's way was effortless and "pain" free.

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Cholette wrote:
The best way to end this with this guy is to be bold and just do it. You described him as "suave and charasmatic", but in regular terms he's just manipulative... just have to be bold and forthcoming and not worry about "stepping on his toes" or hurting his feelings.
Glad to see you back!!! Keep your focus!!

You are very right on both points Cholette. Some times people continue in a relationship because they feel sorry for the other person. This is no time to dance around a situation (potential marriage) that can damage and destroy your walk with the Lord. It is not about the person but the words and actions that are coming out of Him. God will richly bless you for make a decision that is based on your continual intimate fellowship with Him (God).

Hebrews 1:9
Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.

Revelation 2:6
But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

Revelation 2:15
So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

Psalm 30:5
... in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

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Um the guy actually got back in contact with me and it was the hardest thing to do to tell him I wasn't interested. God seems to be saying that the word NO is often necessary.

This was my word for this year and it seems I have had to say no in business, in relationships and friendships. It's been a tough year.

Thanks for everyones help tornado

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