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Please pray for my family!

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I was not sure where to post this - in prayer request or counseling section as I need both BADLY!
I have a very tough situation at home for the restoration of my family. The devil has been stealing our peace for over 10 years now. It feel like I can't take another day of this.
Our kids are 17 (my husband's son) and 19 (my daughter). It's both my husband's and my second marriage. My husband's son lives 1 week with us and 1 week with his mom. Both kids have their issues and are acting up alot. Unfortunately I did not see it before and was trying to discipline them which did not work at all. Things were only getting worse progressively.
Now the Lord is showing me the underlying reasons why they are acting like that. I see we have to go after the evil spirits that are bothering the kids and just show them (the kids) unconditional love and forgiveness. I am praying for both of them to come to the Lord, receive His peace and Joy and easiness of heart and mind. I am asking Jesus daily to heal their hearts and make them whole.
The problem is I am the only one who is fighting the spiritual fight. My husband is still going after the flesh and this makes things much worse. The only thing kids see from him is disciplining and bitterness. I understand that this is a natural reaction to their rebellion, but if they are under influence of these spirits, they can't just snap out of is because of us disciplining them. They need tons of prayers from both of us. I do the very best I can praying, but I do need my husband's help!!! I am seeing results of prayers, but it's so far from total victory. I don't know how much more time it would need to overcome this bondage. It's like coming against a train for me.
He keeps yelling at his son all the time because he "can't take it any more" and keeps pushing him away. Every time my daughter comes to apologize for her mess ups he always says something nasty and bitter back to her. This does not help and makes the situation worse. This is like constant confrontation where everyone loses.
I need my husband to forgive our kids and understand that they need prayer, not bitterness. I don't want to lose our kids. I don't want them to pull away from us and be distant the whole life. I simply can't let this happen! But it's so hard to stand alone!!!
Could you please pray for healing for my family - that God touches my husband's heart and heals it, that he knows the true reason why things are like that and does not feel this pain while standing for our kids in prayer. We need a MIRACLE of forgiveness for each other so much!
I would also very much appreciate your suggestions as to what else I can do to improve this situation. I very much would like to talk to my husband and tell him what I feel needs to be done, but don't want to catch him in a bad mood so he will just ignore everything I said or simply think I am trying to cover up for the kids. I need strength to deliver the message in love (which I very much have for my husband and it hurts me greatly to see him suffering for basically no reason). I just don't want to "lose it" if I bump into a "wall" when talking to him. Please pray for strength and wisdom for me as well.
Thank you so very much for your great support and prayers!!

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Yes I will pray for you!! praying

Lord I pray that you touch astra's family right now. I pray that you come into this home in a mighty way and you melt hearts and change lives. I pray that you give astra a supernatural faith that she can't comprehend how on earth it got their in her heart, but that it's such a HUGE faith from you that she can SEE CLEARLY the victory over the situation even while the storm is raging on! Lord you said we can ask for whatever we want in Your name and it would be given to us and I just pray that you grant this supernatural faith, and spiritual sight of the victory to her. I pray that you fill her heart with so much love that the enemy cant help but get sick of it and run! I ask that you fill her heart and mouth with your Word and that it becomes a light that continuously plant's seeds into her family's hearts. We love you and thank you for your Grace that carries us through all situations. You are Mighty to Save Sweet Jesus!!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!!" Woohoo!! I felt that prayer in my gut!!! happy dance laugh

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Hi Laura,
Thank you so very much for your prayer! I did feel it too! I had chills all over when I was reading it.
Well, I've just gathered all my courage and strength and talked to my husband about all this. God really gave me words to say to him. I am not sure what kind of "degree" of victory I got tonight, but I know I got through. Halleluiah! It was all God! He just kept giving me words to say. I would of never thought of it myself. Thank you so very very much for your prayers!!! I need them very much. I believe we have the Victory!!! Satan LOST BIG TIME! In Jesus' Name! Amen! Again thanks a million for supporting me in prayer and faith!! God bless you so much more!!!!

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I am so glad to hear that you got through! Praise the Lord! One thing I do is plead the blood of Jesus over my family, friends, etc each day. That helps so much. I also speak peace, joy, love, gentleness, kindness, etc over them. Remember this: Nothing crosses the blood line so when satan gives it a try tell him to back off in Jesus name. When he combats me and he does try I tell him to take it up with Jesus. That usually shuts him up.

Hope that helps,


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Thank you very much, Connie! Yes, this is exactly what I am doing - pleading Jesus' Blood over them many many times a day as well as speak peace, kindness, forgiveness etc into their hearts and minds. I even call for angels of Peace to minister peace into the family if I feel like kids' rebellious and stubborn attitudes might spark an escalation of anger. And absolutely NO fight happens! Praise God!

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Im in agreement and believing for complete restoration in your family Astra!!! praying Bless You

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Thank you so much, Daisy! It means a world for me to know that such great prayer warriors are standing in agreement of faith with me!

God bless you richly!!!

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