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Please pray for a difficult family situation

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I was wondering if you would mind praying for a situation going on in my extended family. (I have edited these details out as they were personal) . Please pray for God to reveal the truth to all concerned and for wisdom and courage and strength.

thank you kindly!

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Father, I pray for this family situation and I ask You, Lord, t step in and heal it. Father, I pray that You protect this teenage boy and bless him with peace and security. I pray Psalm 91 over him and cover him with Jesus' Precious Blood. I speak in faith that he is hidden in Your secret place where no evil can reach him. Thank You, Lord, that You care for this boy, that Your Angels carry him in their hands, that You are making his path easy and his ways straight I thank You, Lord, that NO WEAPON formed against him shall prosper. I ask You to remove the ungodly people from his path with Yoyr mighty Hand.
I ask You, Lord, to touch his father's eyes and uncover them that he sees where the wolves in sheeps skin are hiding and to give him strength, and courage and wisdom to stand for his son and to protect him as he is supposed to. Thank You, Lord, for Your mighty intervention and deliverance ofr this boy and his family!! In Jesus' Name. Amen!

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thank you so very much everyone for your prayers - I really appreciate it. thank you

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