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Christmas Time Chitter Chat ~ Daily Thread

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I'm good... waiting for daughter to get home so I can relax... This being a parent again wears on you lol

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I reaad where your hand is a little less swollen, that's a good thing

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I know!!! : D

Hardly hurts at all right now (took some pain pills a while back)
so that is a very very good thing!!!!

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Nope. had one drunk couple come in around 2:00Am, but that was it. Nothing fun or exciting at all here last night.

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indeed.. pain pills are a wonderful thing! Luckily, since the new knees I've not had to take many.. but I sure keep up my supply LOL

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looks like oyu had a little better response this week for your competition.. That darned swinging bird.. I thought I had him.. searched everywhere in everyone's house.. found him somewhere and then looked in my chest again and there he was!

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Hahaha, I should come to your house then! ; P

any plans for the new year??

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inu-kijo wrote:
Hahaha, I should come to your house then! ; P

any plans for the new year??

weird.. just got locked out o fthe thread.. You can come any time you'd like Kijo.. would have to sleep on the sofa bed and fight off the three cats and the big hairy dog.. but it's yours whenever you want

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seems like you would have checked there first!!! HAHAHA

are you enjoying your MB cake dear??

and yes, I am glad more people are playing. gonna take me all week to send prizes thouugh....

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I got lockedt oo, and tnow the first message of the forum has changed... : /

not sure what is going on atm.......

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ohhhhh LOL dumb me... i thought that was Alex actually posting

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whispers.. i really don't like it here.. am trying to adjust.. but it's soo strange

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I know, i think so too.... ; /

But we have to be with the rest of the family.

maybe one day we will adjust completely.

I still have a habit of logging on the PF automatically.

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ooo Kijo.. am hearing daughter pull up in the drive.. am gonna go see if she had a grand time last night.. Happy New Year to you... and wishing you the best of luck in it!

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and YES! family must stay together.. is the only reason I am here.. (but still check over there, as well) hugggggggs

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HEY BG!!!!

sorry I was bored, so decided to go through my friends list and massive delte people!! : D

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Lolz, think that's a good way to entertain yourself :p

How's the hand doing today?

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yeah, b ut I think it cause I feel better physically!!

anyways, time for me to go love!

thanks again for helping me with my project, and I will see you later!!!

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see you later sweetie!

(and you're welcome)

lunch is ready, so have to go too
have to do a lot of visits today, so won't be able to study either

happy new year!

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I hope it's better than 2009 and filled only with good things for everyone

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Just stopping by to wish my C & G friends a very happy, safe and wonderful New Year.

p.s. since you've not seen me on this board and since I was signed up here before we moved....on the old board I was TxBoo. ::

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Hi Vivian! Good to see you here. I'm gonna have to get used to all the new names, lol

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Good Morning and Happy New Year C&G.

I wasn't around yesterday as our fabulous New Year's Eve turned into a bit of a night from hell, and I still don't feel my best yet.

I'd better type out an explanation ?

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going to go smoke a few... and will check back.. coffee is ready-smells so delicious

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Yes, I'm around, just had to go find tissues - cold is in full flow (sorry if TMI)

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I keep checking back for you Frannie, I'm currently getting ready for late breakfast of eggs and wholemeal toast, watching Saturday Kitchen cookery programme, surfing the net for individual pie dishes and a new hairstyle for 2010 and chatting to Mr Zoonie and Socks congratulations ... but I am here!

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I am back.. quite cold today. So sorry about your cold and I bet staying out ALL night didn;t do it any good!

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Quite! it snowed as we left the Restaurant and the wind chill meant it was below freezing even inside the station - I wasn't well before we went out let alone after!

I thought the idea of stopping up all night was to have fun - not for endurance congratulations

I see you're out tonight for Mark's birthday? I'd say wrap up warm - and take a hip flask just in case

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LOL @ the hip flask. we'll be at a Mexican Restaurant, his favorite type of food. Margaritas will be flowing and we'll be in our car. Shouldn't be a problem. since he's the designated driver...

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I'm not sure I understand why they moved all of you from one station to the other?

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Hi everyone; popping in for a real quick visit to wish you a happy new year!
I'm doing fine, finally found the drive to study (yay!!) (but still bit tired, those days wear me down, never understood why, since I don't do much)

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We have British Rail, which are the overground trains, and in London the mainline stations have Underground Stations attached (two different operators)

The main Rail Station closes for two hours after the last train departs apparently (I didn't know this) but the Underground (Subway) runs all night, so it was the only place to go.

We should have gone down there earlier, it was a bit warmer and more sheltered - but ... no police in evidence, and lots of drunken revellers, so actually perhaps it was just as well we didn't. We were miserable and frozen, but at least we were safe.

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Hi there Bunny Girl... sometimes. the less one does, the more tired they get

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Public transportation - good because it reduces pollution and accidents.. bad because you are the mercy of their schedules or lack thereof. Glad now that you are safe and warm... really makes you appreciate your home, eh? And adds a little more compassion for the homeless

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