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God is a PRESENT help

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I've been having some horrendous fights with workmen's comp (WSI) lately, trying to get my husband's medical supplies, medicine and transportation to medical facilites paid. Last week it seemed like every nurse, receptionist and pharmacist we had to deal with were having a bad day and taking it out on my husband and I. I would stand in line literally hours only to be told we needed to go to another department or a doctor had incorrectly filled out a prescription or something. By the end of the day, I was almost in tears.

So this morning I was reluctant to take my husband back to the doctor, to say the least. I asked a couple people to pray for me, and then my husband and I prayed before we saw the doctor today. As I was praying, Psalm 46:1 came so alive to me:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

God showed me he is a PRESENT help. How many times have people promised to help, but when a person needs them, those people are no where to be found? I know this has happened many times to me. But God isn't like that. He is a PRESENT help. When I got home and looked up this passage in my Bible, a footnote says that can be translated "an abundantly available help."

Well today, it was as if every person we had to deal with had gotten a memo to be nice. A hospital pharmacist actually offered to call the doctor herself because he had forgotten to order injectable saline earlier so I didn't have to chase down the doctor myself. A receptionist actually smiled. A nurse went out of her way to make sure an order for dressing changes was to my liking. I could go on and on. I know these people were being helpful, but I very much sensed I was being helped by God Himself.

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