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Boscoe Jenkins

I think I may be in trouble...

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In need of prayer. I think i'm spirituall dead. For the a couple of month's now I've noticed that i dont feel the way I used to when I'm praying. i dont feel lit in my spirit when I'm reading my bible, It doesn't resonate within me. It's like I feel nothing, & i cant hear him. i know he's right here with me through it all but there's something different about this but there is something different about this. He has something for me to do & when I decided not to do it is when I began to notice this. Please pray that the Lord will guide & bring me through this. sigh

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Can I suggest something? You should sit before God and share everything that is on your heart...including what you shared here. You sound like you need a "pow wow" with God. It does wonders when you get as real as you possibly can with him.

Let me know how it goes...if you choose to do it. wink

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Great suggestion, Cholette!
Boscoe, let me assure you, you are NOT spiritually dead. Spiritually dead people do not even realize their condition! Once the resurrecting Blood of Jesus had revived your spoirit you simply cannot be dead.

I have experienced what you are describing myself (and not just once). I must admit it is not pleasant but is a part of our spiritual walk especially at the beginning.

There are times when the Spirit of God is flowing through us like refreshing waters of the River of Life and we feel it with every fibre of our beeing but sometimes we go through patches of times when we do not feel it at all. It feels as dry as a bone. During those times we do need to stand on what the Lord said "I will NEVER leave nor forsake you" (Deut 31:6, Heb. 13:5)

May I suggest that you check in your heart and see if this is the spirit of guilt that is keeping you from being refreshed in Him? This is one of the traps that many of us are falling into often if we do not stand on guard.

You said the Lord told you to do something and you did not. I'd say that it is not good to make a habit of disobeying God and ignoring His commandments. BUT we all have fallen short of His requirements for different reasons. In such cases the worse thing you can do is fall into the trap of guilt. Remorse is one thing. Remorse and repenting IS needed but it's will never lead you into a "spiritual valley of death". It will only revive you. Always keep God's Mercy and Grace and LOVE for you before your eyes. Yes, at times like this it's easier said than done, but He is the only One Who can get you out of this state.

Never think that you won't be forgiven. O, of we could only see with our eyes clearly what astronomical unbelievable huge amount of debt WAS already forgiven and removed from us we would most likely have no problem at all believing that our mistakes on our way to the Lord can and will be just as quickly forgiven and removed from us by the Lover of our souls.

Like Cholette said, run to your Daddy and talk to Him, hide nothing from Him. He already knows anyway. The point of you talking to Him is that YOU can receive refreshment and strength to get up and get going. He is NOT interested in keeping you in this spiritual ditch. The devil is the only one who is.

I have been there so many times and every single time when I find myself sitting at the bottom of these pits I hear the devil tell me "that's it, now you've done it. You've comitted IT. The Lord will never even want to look at you again. You might as welll forget it."

But you know what, as soon as I find it in me (and I do) to ignore this and simply grab what Jesus said about His LOve for me by faith, He somehow ALWAYS gets through. And you know how wonderful it feels?! It's like you sit in the darkness of total desperation and all of a sudden (feels like out of the blue), this flood of light and love starts pouring right into me. All the heaviness is going away - an absolutely astonishing feeling! Just start singing praises to Your Lord with your heart by faith, do not check with your feelings! Talk to Him, worship Him and you'll see for yourself how quickly He will scoop you up and bring you up to the top of the highest mountain!

Praise God you ARE deeply loved, highly favoured and richly blessed!!!

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Just wanted to add one more thing regarding doing what the Lord asks us to. I don't know about you, but I myself very often fall into this mistake - I try and do it out of my own power whcih in most cases is NOT ENOUGH. I fall flat on my face and then get into this guilt/bitterness cycle. I am learning to ask Him for the Grace to be able to do it. If I have no clue how to do it I ask for His Light.

This asking part is greatly overlooked by us, I think. I also think that He might ask us on PURPOSE to do things that are beyond our abilities just so we stay in constant close relationship. Jesus needs us to need Him.

In His Word He compared Himself with a grape vine and us with branches. A branch can only bear fruit if it's connected to the vine and the juice/life from the vine constantly flows into the branches. How often I forget this and jump into doing things on my own in my stupid self-righteouness :-( But it's so easy to accomplish what He wants in His timing and the way He wants it to be done if we are doing it through Him!

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It's funny, my daily devotional dealt with this topic today. I agree with everything that's been said by Astra and Cholette ( Amen ) and would like to leave you with the following scripture that relates to what astra was saying about the way that we often try to come back to the Lord. We often try to come back to the Lord in our own power, but what we ought to so is to stand on His promise to bring you back as stated in Jeremiah 3:22:

22Return, O faithless sons, [says the Lord, and] I will heal your faithlessness. [And they answer] Behold, we come to You, for You are the Lord our God.

He knows there are times when we are weak whether that be weak to temptation or weak in our faith but He loves us and not even that can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39).

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Psalm 73 v 26 – My flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the STRENGTH of my Heart, and my portion forever.

This verse I believe is where u are, yet victory is yours for the word of God will strengthen you. Believe only in the love of God in your life forgive yourself for the many transgressions that have come to pass, for without that forgiveness you will forever be in this frame of mind. Ask God to renew your mind, to create in u a clean heart for he wants to pour out his spirit upon you. Be blessed is what the WORD says for Christ died for the many sins in our lives and we must believe this truth, or his sacrifice was for naught. The devil would have us believe that what we do is unforgiveable but this is not true for our father says cast your burdens (disobedience, unforgiveness) unto Jesus for he cares for you. Be blessed and may the truth set you free in the name of Jesus.

Psalm 119 v 50 this is my comfort in my affliction, for thy WORD hath quickened me.

Glory Be To God

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