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juewls davis 777

Waves of depression

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I am having a huge battle with strong waves of depression. A lot of the time I feel O.K, then I will have this horrible feeling which almost covers me. I can't stand the feeling....it is alful. I feel very sad and every thing seems hope less and pointless, but this is not me, I am a very possitive out going person most of the time. This feeling is over wealming and I can not cope with life when I feel like this. My nan passed away about a month ago and of course I feel sad about this, but I have a strong faith and am very close to God. Her funeral was beautiful. I just can not handle this alful feeling that comes over me.....I just want to break down and cry and cry and just sleep. I have two small children to look after, so thank goodness it is not there all the time. This is very deep. Last time I cried deeply, I felt the Lord hold my head and pour deep healing into me. I am afraid of the depth of how I feel.

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Hi Juewls!

I think most of us knows what that feeling feels like, but I really feel in my heart that when you are feeling fine THAT'S the time you should be praying and coming against that spirit of despair. While reading your post, I could see a very tall black blob hovering over you...whis is what is causing the dark feelings. I can guarantee that the times it's coming over you, God is moving for you in the spiritual realm.

We have to understand that the kingdom of darkness doesn't come in waves like that unless God is moving in waves like that. It comes to disconnect you from the Lord so that you won't be in a place to hear your next set of instructions. This spirit is in violation and does NOT belong in your home so while you have the energy and focus pray against It and kick it out of your house. Turn on praise and worship music in the house and focus on the Lord.

There is nothing wrong with you. That which is attacking you is outside of you...trying to smother you and we aren't having it. There is no distance in prayer so my prayer team and I are praying tonight. We will call your name out and come up gainst this foul and smelly demonic force who is intruding. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER and whatever God is doing on your behalf, there WILL be a manifestation of it in your life.

SO BE IT!!!!

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Cholette wrote:
Hi Juewls!

I think most of us knows what that feeling feels like, but I really feel in my heart that when you are feeling fine THAT'S the time you should be praying and coming against that spirit of despair. While reading your post, I could see a very tall black blob hovering over you...whis is what is causing the dark feelings. I can guarantee that the times it's coming over you, God is moving for you in the spiritual realm.

We have to understand that the kingdom of darkness doesn't come in waves like that unless God is moving in waves like that. It comes to disconnect you from the Lord so that you won't be in a place to hear your next set of instructions. This spirit is in violation and does NOT belong in your home so while you have the energy and focus pray against It and kick it out of your house. Turn on praise and worship music in the house and focus on the Lord.

There is nothing wrong with you. That which is attacking you is outside of you...trying to smother you and we aren't having it. There is no distance in prayer so my prayer team and I are praying tonight. We will call your name out and come up gainst this foul and smelly demonic force who is intruding. NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU WILL PROSPER and whatever God is doing on your behalf, there WILL be a manifestation of it in your life.

SO BE IT!!!!

AMEN, Cholette!
I'd like to only add one thing: darkness FLEES automatically in the presence of the Light! So stay in the Presence of Jesus continually and it won't come near you.
Like Chollette said this things happen to othe rpeople as well. They try to attack me too. I however don't let them to bring me down. I have trained myself to recognize the first signs of a spirit like that and rebuke it right away. The next thing I do is start soaking in Light, meaning in the very tangible Presence of my Savior Jesus Christ! I do this by reading the Word. Just start reading chapter after chapter as the scriptures speaking about His immeasurable Love, Might, Compassion pop out for me and I intentionally apply them to my own life and circumstances as though they were spoken directly to me by God Himself, as though they were MEANT for me personally. I imagine myself right in the Throne Room of Heaven. This makes the whole experience so real, so personal as opposed to some sort of "theoretical" head knowledge that does not go past our minds and does not reach our hearts.
Then I listen in my spirit what He has to tell me. This is called RHEMA Word, which is spoken Word, when God speaks directly to you by giving you specific guidance, direction, comforting you etc (goes along with LOGOS Word - written Word).
Then also pray in tongues. I do that again, by imagining myself right in front of Him. This changes the whole experience completely.
If I am somewhere where I can read the Word, for example in my car, I play Praise CD's constantly and again I do imagine every word or phrase as though it's actually happening, I re-live the songs, soak myself in the very reality of praise and worship.
Do you think any dark spirit can stay in this atmosphere? NO WAY! They FLEE like mad :-)
Well, I don't just do it to cast away the darkness. I do it just because I was born to live in His very presence and because this is the greatest joy anyone can possibly experience - to delight ourselves in the very Presence of our God!


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Yes I understand all of the above.......I have been a born again Christian for 26 years........I think I have just been caught off guard . . . . I remember my Uncle stayed here and he told me about a darkness that came on him and he described it as you said Charlotte like a black image. He said it was like utter despair and he has become very negative, he is not a Christian, but believes in God, after we left my flat we went on holiday, after my nan's funeral....well a break more than a holiday and I took him to a church on the Sunday. So I do believe God is on the move, as the sermon really spoke to him and he has friends that attend that church, so where he is now staying, he has a lot of the christian community surrounding him. so all prayers for his complete salvation would be wonderful. It is not untill I returned to my flat that the attacks started. I can see now what has happened......

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juewls davis 777 wrote:
Yes I understand all of the above.......I have been a born again Christian for 26 years........I think I have just been caught off guard . . . . I remember my Uncle stayed here and he told me about a darkness that came on him and he described it as you said Charlotte like a black image. He said it was like utter despair and he has become very negative, he is not a Christian, but believes in God, after we left my flat we went on holiday, after my nan's funeral....well a break more than a holiday and I took him to a church on the Sunday. So I do believe God is on the move, as the sermon really spoke to him and he has friends that attend that church, so where he is now staying, he has a lot of the christian community surrounding him. so all prayers for his complete salvation would be wonderful. It is not untill I returned to my flat that the attacks started. I can see now what has happened......

Oh myyy!! So are you saying that your Uncle may have brought the spirit in? That wouldn't be impossible. It happened to me before, but it was a "restless" spirit. I used to stay in an apartment and they were doing upgrades. During the day, the construction guys were allowed to come in and out of our units while we were gone to work. During this time, I couldn't sleep...I was restless. It's like I couldn't find enough to do. When I laid down to rest, I felt like I needed to be up doing something. It came to me in prayer that I had strangers in my home during the day and they could have left some "stuff" behind in the atmosphere. SO I got up and prayed. I even opened the door and kicked out every contrary spirit that was NOT of God. From that point on, I never had the problem again. I even anointed my threshold so that anything that would try to come in on the backs of anyone, would be stripped before they entered. HA HA...it worked so well that some of my neighbors that used to come and visit me, wouldn't come in...they just stood at the door and talked to me.

God is real!!!

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Fantastic...............! Lol

Yes indeed, I do believe that is what happened, I was trying to work it out for days. It wasn't until you said about the black blob spirit thing, that God reminded me of my uncle's conversation with me. He also seems fine now by the way. So it thought see you, taking my victims to church, I am gonna take you down! Well that is what he thinks, right! Now I can see what is going on, I can deal with it...........! Thank you. X

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Awesome, Cholette! I had some recent experience with binding a spirit that was on a person. I spoke to that spirit and said it can't come in to my home and next thing I heard was this person decided they weren't coming (although they were invited to the party). I also found out that this person was planning on starting a real bad scene at this gathering as well.

From this observation and from what Cholette said, does this mean that if a person to which the spirit is attached chooses to "keep" that spirit, they won't come in?

And also I have another question. Due to the spirit that was left at the appartment, does this feeling attack you only when you are physically at your appartment, or does this also happen outside as well?

I have a suspicion that there is something that got attached to my daughter as her negative reaction towards a certain person cannot be explained by anything rational at all. So if it was a 'territorial" spirit, does this mean it wold attack everyone in that place (house, appartment, etc) or only the ones that won't resist it?

I am not very clear yet on what to do in a spiritual realm where another person's will is involved.

Thank you very much for clarifications. Blessings!!

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Astra, from my own experience I've not dealt with the spirit outside. I'm not saying that it won't, but from my experience it hasn't.?.only in the home. I wasn't restless at work, just at night...at home.

I think that the kingdom of darkness is banking on us to not be aware. That restless spirit snuck in due to me not truly understand the ways a spirit can enter. Once I found out, I've prayed against it ever since.

Right now, I live with my mother. I've had dreams recently where she's downstairs and she opens the front door and let's a stampede of weird people in the house. When they come in, guess where the head? Yes, to my room. I had a dream where they came in my room and one touched my arm and I woke up and screamed, "THE BLOOD OF JESUS IS AGAINST YOU! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" and It left! Now, I say that was a dream, but it must have been real life because it touched my arm and I woke up and then it left.

I believe the spirits will attack anyone whose guard is down. Just like Juewls...the spirit had to make it so dark for her where she couldn't fight. The spirit that came into my apartment came in based on my ignorance. The more they mess with me or others, the more I learn their strategies. When we learn, we must stay ahead of their game...that's why daily prayer and the reading of God's Word is so important...it's our armor! If we don't, we coud be slowly perishing for a lack of knowledge.

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Hi, that particular spirit has only been attacking me in my home. I would go out and feel up lifted and fine, then come home and begin to feel depressed, tearful, despairing e.t.c. Also I just remembered, my mum came to feed my cat when I was away and she said she could not bear to be in my flat. She did her duties and got out as soon as she could. X

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juewls davis 777 wrote:
Hi, that particular spirit has only been attacking me in my home. I would go out and feel up lifted and fine, then come home and begin to feel depressed, tearful, despairing e.t.c. Also I just remembered, my mum came to feed my cat when I was away and she said she could not bear to be in my flat. She did her duties and got out as soon as she could. X


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Thank you very much Cholette and juewls for your answers! I have never experienced anything like that (Praise God, I pray that I never will!), like a spirit that only attacks at a certain physical place. I also don't recall feeling a tangible evil presence. I do, however, descern these spirits by their "fruit" - lack of joy, peace, condemnation, hopelessness etc.

This is sooo true, what you said: "I think that the kingdom of darkness is banking on us to not be aware. That restless spirit snuck in due to me not truly understand the ways a spirit can enter. Once I found out, I've prayed against it ever since.

I believe the spirits will attack anyone whose guard is down. Just like Juewls...the spirit had to make it so dark for her where she couldn't fight. The spirit that came into my apartment came in based on my ignorance. The more they mess with me or others, the more I learn their strategies. When we learn, we must stay ahead of their game...that's why daily prayer and the reading of God's Word is so important...it's our armor! If we don't, we coud be slowly perishing for a lack of knowledge

Indeed people won't fight them if they do not see, recognise or believe they are under attack. Most of the time people think it's THEM, or something is wrong with them. A while ago when I did not know anything about spirit realm, I'd feel down and depressed and could not find any logical reason for that feeling, so I used to write it off to some weird "mood swings". Now I know better.
I am praying and asking God to open my eyes more so I can see and understand more and learn how to fight off their attacks.

God bless!!

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