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Boscoe Jenkins

spiritual afflicted..

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How can a Christian tell if they have a demonic affliction? Im asking because there are a couple of things going on in my life & and im worried that some of the things tht I've been doing might be a little bigger than me. If that makes any sense. I am in need of alot of help and prayer.

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Most people are afflicted in some way or another. Yes, even Christians. That doesn't mean possessed, it means harassed externally. It would be more surprising if you weren't afflicted than if you were. Paul was afflicted by demons which means anyone can be but through our authority, we can do something about it.

The key is asking God and getting spiritual discernment or discerning of spirits over which areas of your life you need to change and which areas of your life are spiritual battles. Some areas just need the execution of wisdom to correct, meaning making smart choices. Others, are absolutely spiritual battles that require a spiriutal solution. The key is knowing the difference.

Do you have dreams with snakes in them? Or people with serpents tongues?

Do you know a person who is effective in prayer? I only know a few and those are the ones that I go to when I'm being harassed. I would travel to my former pastor in Texas if I needed intercessory intervention because he is a very effective person of prayer. Do you know of anyone who can effectively lay hands on you and pray over you against these things?

If not, I can pray for you with my church intercessors tomorrow if you'd like to send me a list of things to pray about.

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Just wanted to add one more thing to what I said previously. You ARE NOT above your head here! I know what you are talking about and even though it might look like a bit too much it's only if you look at the matter through the eyes of a mere human. We, however, are NOT ALONE in this or anything else. When the enemy is lying to us or afflicts us, he automatically is facing JESUS, our BIG BROTHER! Who, by the way, has already DEFEATED that enemy.
Simply come to Him in full understanding of who you are in Him and boldly believe His Grace will be given to you to overcome. This is HIS Desire and Will for you, so who can possibly stop Him from helping you? No one!

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wow I have dreams with snakes in them and another one when this person put the head of a old dead snake in his mouth and the body of a green snake with no head on it and he chewed on it and ate it and then a green snake came out of his mouth I think im being affected by demons, and another dream where an angel cut my body open and pulled a snake out

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mia can you add me to your prayer list my name is Robert martin, because im being affected mentally.

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Hello Robert,
I have read your othe rposts where you shared about your wonderful experinces in the Lord and how your trust in Him supports you in your life. These are awesome.
I wanted to encourage you to go way further though. The further and deeper you into knowing the lord the more awesome it gets!
I started my "digging deep" after I was diagnosed with something I never wanted to be diagnosed with and I wanted healing real bad ;-). But I did not understand how it worked. What I knew about healing did not work at all and I realized that I stood before 2 choices:
1) Get stubborn in my deceptions and assume that "God heals some and doesn't heal others" statemnt was right. Or that I did not deserve it after all.
OR 2) Lay down everything I have learned so far and ask God what the Truth was and start DIGGING!
I chose 2nd option and am I glad I did!
Robert, you are saying that you are being afflicted by the enemy. May I share with you what I have learned in this area so far? It took me quite a while to get there, but what I know now is so awesome!
I have learned that the enemy can only push us as and afflict us as far and as much as we allow them. It does not mean that they won't try and come against us again and again, but the more we know the truth the less they (evil spirits) will get away with in our lives. We can get to the point where they will hit the wall with us every time they try something. Every time they try to put some illness on us, we can easily stop them and stay in perfect health and peace.
But the very same way we can stop them by understanding and PRACTICING the Truth (which is the Gospel, the TRUE Gospel!), we can actually empower them to ransack our lives all they want by not understanding who we are in the Lord.
Robert, you have to be AGGRESSIVE in going after the truth. You need (by you I mean every single believer, including you and me) to make it your lifestyle! Remembering vaguely what the Scripture says and not even being totally sure is actually even more dangerous than we think. This opens up an opportunity for the master of deception to twist the Truth and make us harden our hearts to the Lord by believing the lies .
What breaks my heart is that believers, the REDEEMED ONES do look and magnify what the enemy is doing in their lives and get busy with the enemy's works by keeping their eyes on it rather than completely focus their eyes on JESUS and what He has accomplished.
I know these words have become so familiar to the believers that they almost sound like a church cliche, something they say because we are "supposed to". That's a tragedy because this truth is so powerful that it actually literally busts the efforts of all hell in a snap. But if we do not PRACTICE it, if we do not get the DEEEEEEEP understanding, practical (not just mental) understanding that is deeply rooted in our very core which is our spirit and revealed to our natural understanding, we simply won't see the manifested working of it in our lives.
I can give you TONS of amazing testimonies how it worked in my life when I chose to go for it. And again, when I do chose not to, I see no results.
Robert, you, as a believer in the Lords Jesus Christ do already have all the power and authority to stop satan's attacks on you dead in their track! And ultimately you are the only one who can. YOU are the steward of your heart and mind and body. Other people prayers only can get you so far. It's more like a "boost" or a nudge for a new believer. They can also be an aid in spiritual warfare to edify us and uplift us. But If, for example, a person does believe that they are sick (even though the Bible says the opposite - by Jesus' stripes we WERE healed (that means spirit, soul and body which does include our minds! 1 Peter 2:24) all the prayers of others can avert an attack and give this person a break, but ultimately a true, complete healing that LASTS will not be received against what this person believes.
Look at what Ephesians 3:20 says: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" See, the Lord IS able to do things immeasurably more than we can even conceive to ask (so complete healing definitely falls into this category), but it only manifests according to what we allow to flow through us or work within us. This is so important! How do we allow this power to work in us? By believing it as it is being revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and acting on IT and not on anything at all that states or feels or looks otherwise. When you get down to it it's very very simple and not complicated at all.

Well, there is so much I can say even on the topic of healing. For example, we should not put any conditions on our healing (like, someone might think they need to learn all the ins and outs of how this works before they can actually receive it, or I have to not commit any sin or I need to be worthy of healing before I get it, the list can go on and on and on). Just come before the Lord simple, like a child and receive it because of what HE did and it will be very very easy :-)
With the peace of mind and freedom from mental torture, I'd say you do need to do what I said above by learning and focusing on the truth and stay away from feeding your mind with anything that is depressing. Average Christian won't think twice before emerging themselves into ready our worldly news from newspapers, TV, internet etc and they don't realize that this feeds us with fear, despair that fills the world, they watch movies that depict immorality, paganism, occult, violence, filth, fear, hopelessness etc and they they wonder why God won't grant them peace of mind. They just go on and talk to unbelievers and without noticing it accept what they believe into as a norm for themselves while we are NOT of this world at all.
So we have to closely guard our minds and hearts all the time! And this is not a burden, This is awesome! Then the Truth of God keeps raising up in us, undefiled, unquenched and then it overflows us and spills all over into the lives of everyone we meet and sets them free :-) Boy, this is awesome!

I did not mean to write a long post, but it's so hard to stop sharing once I start, I want to go on and on and on. There is soooo much to share. I only hope this encouraged you to go for it and receive ALL that is yours in your Lord Jesus!
Blessings and peace!

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can you please tell me more. I love to hear testamonys. and jesus came to me in a dream like a week ago and said the truth will set me free.

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I am actually going to copy and paste your post so I can remember what you said if you have anything else to tell me please write more

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Ok :-) Like I said, I have tons of testimonies and I actually do pay attention to what's happening in my life very very closely.
Some testimonies of recent healings:

I never ever take pills anymore. Especially for headaches. I simply refuse to believe that when my head hurts that means that I HAVE headache. I simply stand and believe what 1 Peter 2:24 says (which is by Jesus' stripes I WAS healed!) and they leave.

But I do have to choose to believe it every single time I feel a symptom. One particular day my head was hurting badly and I started to complain in my mind about it and actually thought to myself: "When my husband comes home I'll tell him how much my head hurts". Then I caught myself thinking that and said to myself: "the Bible says that I was HEALED! Then why would I even acknowledge this headache and go to an extend of even telling my husband about it? Why would I give the enemy credit of winning where Jesus bought the Victory for me?!" and as soon as I decided not to even give it any credit at all, right that moment I FELT the headache literally diminish and disappear in less than 10 seconds.

Another time I had to go to a dentist to fix a tooth. It was a molar and they worked on it quite a bit. After that it was still painful to touch it when I was brushing my teeth. It was hurting for few weeks. I was ignoring it for a while thinking it will go away on its own. It didn't. I started to think that I probably should go to the dentist again and tell them that my tooth was bothering me.

After I started thinking in this way, another symptom started. I started to have sharp pains that were shooting through my whole jaw. The next day they increased and were happening more often.

Right away I thought - just as I admitted and accepted the fact that I already had a problem, the same day even more symptoms added to the ones that I already "accepted".

I though this sounded like someone tries to pull a fast one on me - and namely a spirit of infirmity is trying to convince me that the problem really exists and it's a serious one.

I instantly rebuked the symptoms and commanded them to be gone and repented of accepting this junk as truth. Well, these bad pains that were going through my whole jaw stopped the same day. The next morning I brushed my teeth and there was absolutely NO PAIN left whatsoever! I even pressed on that tooth so hard that I tore the skin off my gums and still no pain till this day!

And to top that I want to add that the day I accepted and received healing for my tooth and jaw I did sin. I sinned and I knew it. I got really mad at a person (they really pushed it, but still I had no right to get that angry with them). So, see, even though I knew that I sinned, I do still believe that my sins were PAID FOR by Jesus on the Cross and I still qualify for healing and since I do believe it I easily received healing.

Am I saying that sinning is OK? Of course NOT! All I am saying is that GOD does not hold our sins against us simply because Jesus was already punished for them ALL for us. This is the Gospel and it should be preached loud and clear in every single church.

I think your dream about Jesus telling you that the truth will set you free is AWESOME!!! There's nothing else that will set us free other than Him and HE IS THE TRUTH (John 14:6 "I am the Truth, the Way and the Life"!) Truth is a Person and His Name is JESUS!

But we should always remember that we will only be set free according to the measure, we allow this Truth to flow through us.

We do not need more of Jesus. As new born believers we already got Him in whole. Not some degree or measure, but the whole Person of Jesus! All we need is getting the REVELATION of this fact in our hearts and minds so we can get it to WORK in us more and more.

And this will only happen if and when we do spend personal time with the Lord on a regular basis.

Another extremely crucial point I have learned is this:
We must come before God willing to hear anything He has to say to us. We can't and won't hear what we are not willing to hear. We won't hear anything that challenges us in areas of our life where we don't want to be challenged. So we NEED to make up our minds that we are God's, that we trust Him, and no matter what He tells us to we can trust Him.

I have learned this fact by my experience and constantly thinking and meditating on what's happening and why. And I personally do have to check my heart and at least be honest with God and myself with the areas where I am still holding on to my own ways.

If I am noticing that I do not hear from God in certain matters, it always means I am not totally open to receive His opinion. This is due to still having some religious junk in my mind from the past. But the Lord is working on this within me constantly and there are less and less of these areas in my life every day :-)

Today (this morning to be exact), the Lord has deepened my understanding of healing and what He did on the Cross for us by giving me this extremely clear revelation:

He said that people think that healing means absence of symptoms. Simply put, most people (even Christians!) believe this “formula”:symptoms in -> health out -> I’m sick. This could not be further from the truth. This line of thinking goes totally against 1 Peter 2:24. "by His wounds (stripes) you have been healed”. This is a fact that has already happened. It happened without our participation or help. This was His decision to take these wounds upon Himself and give us healing and there is NOTHING anyone can possibly do to change it. I actually spent lots of time meditating on it and the Lord revealed this truth to me very very deeply and He still deepens it more and more.

This revelation will take all the fears and doubts from your heart and mind forever and give you such a degree of boldness when you stand on your healing that no matter what anyone says (be so people – doctors or anyone else), or demons or spirits of sickness, none of them can even come close to overriding or canceling or lessening in any way or degree what JESUS HAS ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED on the Cross for us.

If anyone says otherwise, if doctors give you a diagnosis – this scripture goes with it: “yea, let God be true, but every man a liar” Romans 3:4. I don’t know how about you, but this settles it for me forever. Even if I sometimes slip into corrupted thinking I even tell this to myself – let YOU (ME) be a liar and God be true!” Same to the symptoms – they simply LIE. And I do not want to accept lies but only the truth.

I can give you a practical example that anyone can understand:

Imagine someone bought you a car and paid for it in full and then handed you the keys, all the paperwork that has YOUR name on it as a rightful owner. Then you park your car by your house and a thief breaks in and steels it. Does this mean that this car seized to be your property? Of course not. Everyone understands this perfectly well. Even thieves know it’s not theirs once they get into it. That’s why the hide!

So, we very quickly will go after them and do everything there is to do to get it back. It’s the very same with healing but for some reason we act totally different when someone (namely spirits of sickness) try to put some symptoms in our bodies and we do accept it. This is absurd from Biblical point of view.

Also very very important: when you command the thieves out (the symptoms of sickness or unwellness of any kind or sort) you should fully and completely EXPECT them to get out. For example when I command pain to get out in KNOW it MUST get out and I will not stop standing my ground until it’s GONE.

I have learned all this and much more by reading, meditating and listening to preachings about REDEMTION and Salvation, about Love of God for us and His POWER and MIGHT. Definitely not by trying to figure out what devil’s next move is going to be and how he can afflict me :-)

I pray that the Lord quickens His Word in your heart and reveals it to your natural mind and HIS Truth flows in you and trough you like a mighty River of Life, Robert and sets you free indeed (John 8:36)!

Do pray Ephesians 1:17-23 and 3:16-21 over yourself as often as you possibly can (even daily!) putting your name into these prayers and fully expect to receive liberally what you ask for. Your Daddy God can’t wait to shower His goodness on you!!!


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Thanks for what you said and I sorta knew about healing but I dident really get it this is what I thought about healing because of what god told me(at least I think this dream applys to healing) and tell me if this is true because I have a lot of dream with god in them. god showed me in a dream this woman wanted a car and she got it, well anyways god said to me after I seen that, he said " I see it as if it were". Is that true, because if so god tells me a lot of things when I dream. back to that dream I thought to my self "ahh I get it (this is what I was thinking in my dream) I see it but its invisible". so would that mean we have stuff but since its "invisible" its spiritual? And I thank god for having you write me this stuff. And would that dream relate to revelation of healing? it just sticks in my mind " I see it as if it were" and "its invisible". this dream happened like a year ago. and I find it strange on how you used a example on a person getting a car because in my dream god used a person getting a car for an example on people having stuff but its invisible. I honnestly think god set this whole conversation up.

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Hi Robert,
yes, absolutely. The things that have been provided for us by the Lord are SPIRITUAL things and yes, for our physical reality they are "invisible" untill they manifest. And our faith is what brings them out of the "invisible" spiritual realm into this natural realm where we can see and feel them.
I do believe God puts things together. He does want you free and well more than we can imagine. Just follow Him and there's nothing anyone can do to stop you :-)


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