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Prayer to lessen weariness within

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My dear friends, I've missed you all so much! I've been battling depression
And- quite a bit of unresolved anger & grief within. I- still live with my mother who has not gotten better/ I- ignore her perpetually. 2012 has been a challenging year- faithwise
Right now, I'm reminding myself that God is faithful & all that I- have.

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I am praying for your Princess.

I have a word of encouragment for you. LEAN ON GOD. Quit trying to overcome this in your power. Start every day in the word, listen to good teachings as often as possible: Christian radio, podcasts, etc.

Choose to forgive even if you don't feel like it and ask God to take the ugly feelings away from you. It's that easy. You don't have to have these feelings because you an ask God to do something about it immediately - BUT! When you do ou have to choose to give up your right to repayment of the debt you feel someone owes to you.

See, anger is often the result of feeling we are owed a debt for some injustice done to us. Forgiveness is releasing the debt owed to us. That is why Jesus prayer said to forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Our debts is the price that we owe for our trespasses. You can't live in peace if you are carrying around unforgiveness. Forgive that person for what they've done, and ask God to help you release the feelings along with it.

THEN, read Proverbs 4.... over and over.

One of the weapons that we can use to overcome situations is choice. Oftentimes a thing keeps happening over and over because we allow it to. Do whatever you can do to change the problems. Sometimes that is moving, limiting fellowship, whatever it takes to maintain peace and tranguility because without peace maintaining God's presence is difficult and without His presence it is hard to fight off spiritual assault. The only way to overcome this is God's way and with His help.

Ask Him to do it and then do whatever it is He tells you to do.

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Sis Mia & Sis Dove sorry for the delay in my response. U r correct, I- need to move out. I've lived too long with her- 2009. I'd hoped 2012 would be the year I'd move out. She is so selfish that she doesn't want me to move out or move forward in my life, the wickedness she unleashed towards me last year left me breathless. The onslaught left me weak last yr-

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