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2010 Chat - January (part 3)

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Oh No Gill...........work done in the house

We have to start doing something with our dining room - all my furniture is ready, but i had to ask the carpenter to keep it until end Feb until we can re-decorate and lay the wooden floor!!

I don't envy you at all, but it will be so FAb when finished.

I know!

First job is ripping out and gutting the bathroom.

This was a new house when we moved in, 9 years ago next month, and we both really disliked the bathroom even then - so we've done well. I say that but I don't even go in there, lol, only to clean it.

It's going to involve a new ceiling, new lighting, replastering walls, ripping the floor up and putting underfloor heating in before tiling, then refitting it.

Same for the downstairs cloaks.

After that we're having most of the house decorated (if the two decorators I've asked for quotes EVER come back to us!)

and finally the whole house is being re carpeted - as again, it was done when we moved in (by the builder) and isn't anywhere near the kind of quality we wanted - it probably cost about as much as the new underlay (and is probably not as thick) then again, it was plenty good enough for teenagers to tramp over.

It's the carpet I'm dreading the most, because it's going to be an upheaval everywhere!

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Frannie wrote:
be right back.. calling in a grocery list to hubby....

My kinda hubby that Frannie... :good:

Gill - gosh the carpeting - can't they do it in stages - they don;t have to do all at once so all your furniture is all over the place :negative:

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kasijab wrote:
A few years ago OH and I lived in Abu Dhabi where he was working and we and a few other expats had a quiz team ...this was our team name ..an anagram of all the participants ...and its just stuck, but most people on here just call me kasi Ashamed

Aaah an interesting choice!
Mine's my pet name, a name from childhood - and OH had a R/L dog called Zocko!
His pet is called after a similar nickname he has for me

Frannie wrote:
it's the unloading that holds everything up here, as well... someone ought to do a government study and make millions finding out why

Why don't we do it ourselves? I propose that it's in direct relation to the similar theory that it's ok to do a massive weekly shop and lug it home, but stowing it all in the c
I prp
I p

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OUCH my type became invisible!
I meant to say stowing away all the shopping at home, is more of a chore than the actual choosing and purchasing!

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Zoonie wrote:
OUCH my type became invisible!
I meant to say stowing away all the shopping at home, is more of a chore than the actual choosing and purchasing!

totally agree..another job i dislike ...putting away the weekly shop ...though not too bad today as OH going back to work on monday so will be away all week ..and I'm really trying to cut down , so if I don't buy it i can't eat it ! Laughing

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Mark is off Monday.. bank and postal Holiday (think the Market is closed as well).. but he wants only a certain type of yogurt that only one of the grocery stores here carries.. and I really don't like that store.. so he makes that run

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I don't mind the emptying or loading of the dishwasher..what I hate is that everyone thinks it's actually MY real job!!!!!

I do all my shopping online where I can and just for veg and stuff walk to the local greengrocer - is there a name for people with morbid fear of entering a supermarket ? :-)

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Wish Fairy wrote:
I don't mind the emptying or loading of the dishwasher..what I hate is that everyone thinks it's actually MY real job!!!!!

I do all my shopping online where I can and just for veg and stuff walk to the local greengrocer - is there a name for people with morbid fear of entering a supermarket ? :-)

agoraphobia - fear of the market place

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Agoraphobia (from Greek aγορά, "marketplace"; and φόβος/φοβία, -phobia) is an anxiety disorder.
Agoraphobia was traditionally thought to involve a fear of public
places and open spaces. However, it is now believed that agoraphobia
develops as a complication of panic attacks.[1]
But there is evidence that the implied one-way causal relationship
between spontaneous panic attacks and agoraphobia in DSM-IV appears
incorrect.[2] Agoraphobia may arise by the fear of having a panic attack
in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape. As a result,
sufferers of agoraphobia avoid public and/or unfamiliar places,
especially large, open, spaces such as shopping malls or airports
where there are few 'places to hide'. In severe cases, the sufferer may
become confined to his or her home, experiencing difficulty traveling
from this "safe place."

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LOL Frannie - I'm sure not agoraphobic - it's only the supermarket I hate!

Anyone short of Groovy Shades ? I have an extra pair if anyone one wants them :-)

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sorry folks ...nice chatting with you but I now have to go and tackle the dreaded dishwasher ..and then pop into chat as it appears I may be the only mod around so I draw the short straw LaughingAshamedLaughing

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LOL, Wish - it galls me when people bother to take things off the table and then put them on the draining board above the dishwasher, as though they're physically incapable of opening the door!

I don't go to the supermarket very often, and when I do it's with OH.
I am frequently known to pull a 'Mariah moment' where I go into a rapid decline and utter

'you'll just have to get me out of here'

Laughing and it works EVERY TIME!

Watching Come Dine With Me on +1hour and it's a shocker, the guy who hosts tonight has died since filming Sad Very sad.

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well girls.. I'm going to leave you as well.. I envision a nap...

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Nice catching up with you too Audrey!
(not to mention discovering a fellow Red) x

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kasijab wrote:
sorry folks ...nice chatting with you but I now have to go and tackle the dreaded dishwasher ..and then pop into chat as it appears I may be the only mod around so I draw the short straw LaughingAshamedLaughing

Bye Audrey - good luck with the ironing !!

Zoonie wrote:
LOL, Wish - it galls me when people bother to take things off the table and then put them on the draining board above the dishwasher, as though they're physically incapable of opening the door!

I don't go to the supermarket very often, and when I do it's with OH.
I am frequently known to pull a 'Mariah moment' where I go into a rapid decline and utter

'you'll just have to get me out of here'

Laughing and it works EVERY TIME!

Watching Come Dine With Me on +1hour and it's a shocker, the guy who hosts tonight has died since filming Sad Very sad.

LMAO - it could have been me writing all of that. I HATE the thing where they just leave things on the wroktop above the d/w....and also I can beat Mariah in the supermarket I;m sure (as I'm sure can you !!). I too am watching CDWM...but must go as OH has just arrived home.

Frannie wrote:
well girls.. I'm going to leave you as well.. I envision a nap...

Bye Frannie

Zoonie wrote:
Nice catching up with you too Audrey!
(not to mention discovering a fellow Red) x

Boo hissss to the reds!! LOL

Later Gill have a good weekend if I don't see you

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Thanks Wish and tat taaa and to you Frannie too.

Catch up with you guys soon xxx

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gooooooooooooooooooooood evening everyone

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hello army, BG and zoonie

I'm fine - defrosing, we had power cut in building today so no heating.
Most of snow here is now melter and today we had 5 degrees.

how are you?

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Hi there Army, I'm fine, just really tired (and pretty slow)

Bee > massive to warm up!

Am letting Snorks work hard lol, there's a wedding to be prepared!

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we are having a wind storm right now and it seems to be getting a bit colder mind you the rain always seems to make it colder

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Evening Bee, sounds positively tropical LOL.

I'm fine thanks Army, just doing dinner - so I'm in and out a bit!

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Toulouse wrote:
Hi there Army, I'm fine, just really tired (and pretty slow)

Bee > massive to warm up!

Am letting Snorks work hard lol, there's a wedding to be prepared!

thank you

do you have a wedding gift list? if you need anything - decorations for the big day - let me know and I will try to help.

8) so exciting isn't it?

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I'm trying to redecorate two rooms now, I had one, but wasn't... content... So I tore the entire room down and started a new one and have to admit that during a couple of breaks I came up with another idea I just worked on lol

Very sweet of you to help hun! If I need anything, I'll let you know

Very exciting indeed, I can't hardly wait

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Oooh exciting BG, I must get Zoonie a new hat! congratulations

Dinner's almost ready - funnily enough tonight it's cottage pie, with steamed green beans!

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If you already want to take a sneak peak, you can have a look in room 4 ànd room 6, but I still have to talk about it with kijo congratulations

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Might take a sneaky look BG, right now I'm serving dinner.
See you later on x

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gently opens the door and tiptoes in... turns on the lights and sets about to make some fresh coffee and place the kettle on for tea.... then steps out for a smoke... be right back

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