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2010 Chat - January (part 3)

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Morning all, very quick visit, have to check up on something for school, so thought to drop by in the meanwhile.

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...well, I do have my new wellies! so nothing to fear.

Tell you what though this weather costs a flipping fortune!

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Anything for a newletter this week Kijo?
I have birthdays to notify.

first off the 15th, new member Darth Valley (Mindy's R/L friend)

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nope, Gill nothing new for me.

sorry dozed off for a minute there for real!!!

Morning BG!!!!

Will have to leave momentarily

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Morning Kijo
I have to get going already, found what I was looking for, so I'm off again, study-time!

Don't forget about the BG-quiz everyone!


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Hi BG!!

Gill, I feel your pain ...... It has been unusually cold for here lately .... We have electric heat .. Once the sun goes down, I don't think that it has cut off all night ..... I shudder to think what next month's electric bill is gonna be ...

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Ok, time for bed .... I am going to go update my hunt entry and then off to bed for me .....

Love to you all!!!

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Hi and Bye then BG, and tattaa to you both Kijo and Tanya, going to see who won the STD comp then!

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well I finally managed it to work
it's been snowing all night and it's still snowing now - my normal 20 minutes train journey took an hour today Sad

big to everyone

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Bee, how horrid.

IMOM's hour on the train turned into THREE. Normally at his desk by 7.20, it was 8.45 before he got there today!

Snowing steadily here still, and we had loads overnight.

I hope you both get home ok tonight - it's such a busy time for you as well.

I need hot coffee!

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Frannie wrote:
Gill must have heard me walking around LOL


Frannie you're like the genie in my lamp Laughing

how are you today?

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I'm good, thanks for asking... You folks got even more snow, eh? unbelievable... the newscast here has you featured every day

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WB Kijo, have you decided on a theme for next week's hunt? when you do, let me know ok?

Better than yesterday thanks Frannie

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inu-kijo wrote:
I am back, hey Frannie boo, how are you??

I'm good Kijo, thanks for asking.. how about yourself? sitting here sipping my coffee and thinking about getting ready for work. Am so happy I only do this two-three months out of the year LOL

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Ummm.... Think I might give a Halloween set next week, and I am good on those items, believe you me!!!! : D

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What do you do Frannie???

My knees are starting to get worse again. : C
I have taken like 12 Alieve today, and I still ahve to like baby step around, and feel like a tard. ;__;

Hope you two are better.

But i get to see a miss Tan Tan this weekend, so that should be a lot of fun!!!

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inu-kijo wrote:
What do you do Frannie???

sorry to hear about those knees.. having had both knees totally replaced, I can feel your pain - well I can imagine your pain now.. since I don't hurt there any longer

I prepare tax returns.. it's fun. like listening to confessions.. People start whispering like we have a direct listening tube to the IRS LOL

Seeing Tanya will be great.. I've met Kim and Chingada... someday may just show up in Savannah. we've been wanting to go for a while now

On another note no more fish in the hunt, please purty please LOLOLOL.. they are the hardest thing to find!

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well truth be told.. I have a source for fish.. once I figure out which ones are blurred LOL

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Frannie wrote:
well truth be told.. I have a source for fish.. once I figure out which ones are blurred LOL

ROFL, that sounds quite shady there Frannie!

Have you guys done the retro pic for your profile? have you seen mine....

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Zoonie wrote:
Bee, how horrid.

IMOM's hour on the train turned into THREE. Normally at his desk by 7.20, it was 8.45 before he got there today!

Snowing steadily here still, and we had loads overnight.

I hope you both get home ok tonight - it's such a busy time for you as well.

I need hot coffee!

I really admire you two!! I don't think I could do it

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Is that really you Zoonie??

i think I messed up Frannie, I try not to do more than 2 cash shop items, then 2 fish, but I think both of the fish were cash shop items this week!!!! : S

Will try for easier fish next week.

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I don't think he had much choice Bee, once he was on it!


no prizes for guessing who this is congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Is that really you Zoonie??

Yes Laughing that's me...it's not a recent picture though

Frannie wrote:
ohhhhhh so cute! I like the outstreched arms!

I haven't changed much, didn't like having my photo taken even then.

I could have used this one


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i forgot how to get pictures up on facebook.. this is crazy.. seems it's not giving me any options

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Click on the album and at the top, above samples of the pics it contains, you should see
Edit Photos|Organise Photos|Add more Photos

but they changed it - you can now upload directly from a webcam (scary!!)

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5 photos|Edit Photos|Organize Photos

is it possible I am at the limit?

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No, don't think so???

Does the webcab option come up? if so just discard it

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top one is the profile pic I chose.. bottom one shows which of the two of us was serious about praying

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inu-kijo wrote:
There is only one picture in the spot the difference game.

So far!
(just doing gift registry stuff)

Frannie wrote:

top one is the profile pic I chose.. bottom one shows which of the two of us was serious about praying

Laughing caught out Franster. Love them.

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I have earlier photos, but I kind of like that one - just because it pretty much shows my personality, even back then. WOnder what color that room was.. seems modern now

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I'm just doing the STD second pic...party planning lol.

Let me know if you need a pic of anything incase I have it.

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well.. looking for a statue.. but I think I know where to find one

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I'll be seeing you guys later - have some stuff to do now.

Byeeee x

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adios Gill and gbye kijo.. I'm rolling out as well.. see you later

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sorry guys - I'm still lurking - keep getting disctacted by work stuff - Tax Returns deadline fast aproaching and people are starting to panick now Laughing

I'm also (kind of) celebrating little aniversary today - 13 January 1998 was the day I've arrived to London

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Frannie wrote:
woo hooo I found a skeleton fish in someone's house

Frannie wrote:
well.. looking for a statue.. but I think I know where to find one

Are we collaborating this week LaughingLaughing

Zoonie wrote:
If you don't - let me know;)

I can't can I let you know too Gill pleeeeeeezzzzzzz congratulations

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