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Enough Is Enough

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For the last few years I have been watching my mother and brother suffer by the hands of evil s*xual spirits that attack them all day and all night long for the past few years. They are believers they love the Lord they are spirit filled but yet they are being tormented to the point where these things are flushing their toilet, they see dark shadows moving around in their rooms, lights go on and off, etc. My mother has resounded herself that God knows the reason and entry point, but she will not be moved by what is occurring to her she believes she will be free, but yet she is being attacked and tormented. My brother on the other hand struggles for the last 17 years. Everytime he tries to move forward he feels like he is tied up and can't move forward or even sometimes out of his bed. There is an internal war in his mind and he has been hospitalized before and has ran away, but he realizes it is a spiritual problem. A few years ago in the middle of the night he asked me to help him I prayed and all of a sudden he started to manifest, demons upon demons were exiting out of him. I saw the POWER of GOD move in a mighty way that night and yet he struggles.... Enough is Enough and I want breakthrough for them. Help.

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Try to find the root of the problem, otherwise you'll only be treating the symptoms. Could it be a generational curse?

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We've been trying for many years to find out what the answer is to no avail. And sadly this type of thing is not discussed in main stream churches so they suffer. Yes I do believe it is generational. They both went through deliverance counselling about three years ago somethings they are definitely free in, but this particular area still plagues them.

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Do they by any chance live on or near an Indian reservation? There are certain evil spirits that attach themselves to certain areas. 
And attending a church that does believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and deliverance would be a must.
You say they have been through some deliverance. Did they continue to fill themselves with more of God and his word or were they, perhaps, like the house that is "clean and swept and garnished" (emptied out) that Jesus spoke of, so that more "unclean spirits" came back after a season and took up residence there again? Praying for you!! wink

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You know, I'd like to share my opinion and my personal experience with you. You're totally right - enough is enough. This is true that evil spirits gain entry points into our lives through some of our own actions or belifs. But what is MOST important - JESUS HAS PAID for these sins already and the only point that COUNTS is that these evil spirits have absolutely no right to stay.
The only thing satan can possibly have against us is sin and this has been paid for by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
So my point is - they CAN'T STAY and HAVE to leave when told. But they will if allowed. The only way they can legally stay in a person is when a person actually wants them to saty, wich is not the case with your mother and brother.
Now the question is "Why are they still there?" It';s because they were never literally kicked out. And they way we kick them out is by looking and keeping our eyes on the Lord INSTEAD OF what the enemy is doing.
I used to fall into that mistake all the time. When I feel there's something in my life that was caused by the evil spirits, I'd start furiously looking where and how I let them in and what they are doing and what's going to happen to me because of that, and o my goodness, what am I going to do etc etc etc. This would cause me to freeze and stare at them and this is exactly what they need in order to stay.
Another thing I have learned (by EXPERIENCE and enlightning of the Holy Spirit), is that they most often kreep in "under our radars". They start with a small lie, small thing and we usually "buy"it or with other words accept and belive it.
A person (a believer) is in a great danger of any kind of deception if they believe that they "deserve" punishment because of their actions. This belif is unfortunatlly broadcased by most churches and thousads of believers are in those chains. I was bound in these for decades! It took me quite a while to get out of there.
If a believer "buys" a lie that the demons have a right to get in and legally stay because of our actions, they are wide open for any kind of destruction, be that sickness, powerty, demonic opression of all sorts.
But the reason that they can't is because of the GOSPEL, because that what JESUS did on the Cross for us. That's why they can't keep us in sickness, powerty, any kind of curse (generational or otherwise), lead our loved ones into any sort of bondage etc.
So, how on earth do they get away with anything right under our very noses? It's because we let them by being ignorant of who we really are and what our rights are in Jesus!
We believe lies and those lies keep us in bodnage, not the demons.
They are just like dogs. They are under our authority, but when they are not dealt with in that manner they totally can get out of line and boss their owners around any way they want to.
Many times they will try a small lie and we accept it. Then them move in further and we buy it also. And then w e think "Oh, my life is going down the drrain, I must of sinned something awful and now this is what happens. Etc, etc, etc." And that's when the demons go to town. They just do whatever and get away with it. And all they are hoping for is that we don't find out that they actually CANNOT do what they do! And the reason is JESUS!
I used to be terrified of the evil spirits. I did not know much truth, just whole bunch of religious junk and was mystified and scared all the time by their doings. Now this was my own ignorance.
But I decided to not stay like that and started learning. And I learned and I practiced what I learned and it does work!
I can give you tons of examples from my own life if you want. When I know I start experiencing something that I know if NOT from God, I do NOT belive that this is true and simply COMMAND IT OUT! And when I do that, it listens and gets out. Praise GOD!
This only started working when, like I said< I LEARNED the Truth! I'd speak the same words telling the evil one to get out and quit doing what they are doing and nothing would happen. I'd even keep saying "In the Name of Jesus and still nothing would happen, because inside I did not even believ myself or was very unsure of my rights. So they did not listen to me also. Now they do!
I never back out anymore. I am very very aggressive with them. And I keep learning and the Lord keeps showing me more and more. I widen my area of authority all the time. Or, let me rephrase it. My area of authority is limitless and it's always been this way ever since Jesus paid for my sisns on the Cross. But the more I learn and realize the more of it I practice and the more they lose.

So what I would suggest for them to do is FIND OUT FOR THEMSELVES who they are in the Lord and stop seeing them big. No matter what Jesus is INFINITELY BIGGER! One drop of His Blood overweighs all the sins of the world and chases out any demon in hell. Read the Gospels and see what happened when JESUS dealt with them. Your faith and their faith will skyrocket and do not stop till the very last one is gone. Do not allow them manifestations. Just command them out. They HAVE to obey your commands when they are spoken out of faith in the FINISHED work of JESUS!


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