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True Flight

Women of Faith / Profecy

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I got tickets for my wife to go to the Women of Faith conference. I thought she might like it. Since then I have been watching the line up, it started with five and keeps growing. I find myself getting extremely jealous. Not because of the speakers, but because of the presence of God they will bring.

   So, I keep thinking of this prophecy! I take every prophecy with a grain of salt. But this one says (Because men do not seek me with all there heart, I will raise up women to bring a revival to my people and the land) short version.

   So something told me to check the meanings of my children's names. I all ready know them.

   Susan = Lilly
   Alexis = Defender
   Brielle + Gods Strength 

  What I didn't know is Lilly in Hebrew is Women of Courage.

   Women of Courage Defenders of Gods Strength.

   I suggest if you can go to one of these conferences Go.

   If you cant then pray about it.

   Something big is coming to this land, By way of you Women.

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I all most forgot, check out the genealogy in Genesis starting with Adam. I believe its the first eleven names. Read the meanings of their names as a sentence.

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Anytime something needs to be birthed into the land, it will always come through a woman.  Not only do we have natural wombs, but we also have spiritual wombs that will birth God's will into the earth. 

It's awesome that you have three girls TrueFlight, God is intrusting THREE lifegivers to you and your wife.  What a wonderful testiment of who God is and his strategies/plans

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