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Need prayer!

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Hi ya'll  :glory: 

I went to the ER a few weeks ago with some chest pain, and they found a large mass in my chest, attached to my spine.  So I just had an MRI today and see the doc tomorrow to talk about it.  I'm praying that the mass will go away, or be no problem. Also I have no health insurance, so this could get a bit ....messy lol. Thanks so much in advance for all prayers!

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Hi justicarjamie,
This mass whatever it is is NOT a problem and cannot be a problem if you believe this is not a problem. You have God's Word for it in - 1 peter 2:24 STATES that by Jesus' stripes you are healed. The only thing that makes the difference is what you believe.
I have been meditating on this for a very long time. It got so real to me that there's nothing that any physical condition can do to override it.
There was a condition in my body that kept me in pain for over 6 years. 5 doctors could not figure out what it was so I could not get any medical help. I was confessing healing scriptures and nothing happened. No improvement. Devil was threatening me with thoughts that I'd die with it and it will never go away.
The problem was I did not believe in my heart that I was healed. With my mind I did believe it, I did confess it, but my heart was not included.
So I changed it. In my heart I "dethroned" that condition. I denied it the power to stay and cause me any harm. Once I established in my heart that the Word of God is the supreme authority it as a piece of cake to believe that this condition was a total "nothing" compared to God and all fear left, all doubts left like vapor.
Since then all pain is gone. Before it escalated to the point when I was in pain almost 24/7, my leg would go numb etc. All that is gone for good now and I don't have any fear of it returning. It is no match to God and His Word.
We give too much power to the enemy, sicknesses etc in our hearts. While in God's Kingdom they don't have any whatsoever. Jesus took it ALL from them. All we need to do is believe it and not just know it in our minds.
This mass has absolutely no chance against you simply because of what Jesus did on the Cross and what happened when God the Father has resurrected Him and had Him sit at His right hand on the Throne.
That literally means for you in this situation that no matter what the size of that mass is, what it feels like. It does not matter. What matters is what YOU believe in your heart.

I personally agree with the Word of Almighty God which is the Supreme and only Truth that by Jesus' stripes you ARE healed right now and this mass can't stay. I command it to GO in Jesus' Name!

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I forgot to mention that the Lord revealed this to me. He said: "Most people think that healing means absence of symptoms." That's all He said and the Holy Spirit "connected the dots" for me.
What it means is regardless of symptoms of any sickness whatsoever being present or absent in our bodies we are HEALED ONLY on the ground of what God said about it - our sins ARE forgiven, we ARE reconciled with God and by Jesus' stripes we WERE healed. THIS is the reason why we are healed!
Also Peter's walking on water came to my remembrance. No one can walk on water. It's physically impossible, storm or no storm. Peter walked on God's Word because Jesus said "COME". So He said to you "you ARE HEALED"! That settles it. The rest of the phytsical just HAS to line up with that. It has not choice because GOD said so.

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You are most welcome. Now that you received it, keep it no matter how it feels or sounds or looks in the physical at the moment (physical reality is subject to change!!!). Same with your finances. Your God delights in your prosperity just the same as in your perfect health based on the FINISHED work of Jesus!!!

Many blessings!

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