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Room Of The Week Winner 18/01/10

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Week 25 Winner Modern Villa / SW and the Seven Dwarves: Chay

The dwarves have a lovely new home with chay! but they must watch out for the witch that waits outside the door! lol Its clever the way she has made it so we can see both in and outside the house Smile
Wonderful entry hun and congratulations! xxx

This weeks theme is Groovy Night Fever! lol So get your disco boots and your groovy wig on and party! lol

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Well done, Chay.

And Gaia - thank you for doing this comp! Was amazed to see it's the 25th week already... that's like, almost half a year!

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apple wrote:
How to submit the picture of our room for room contest?

Click HERE, hope it helps. Smile

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chay wrote:
apple wrote:
How to submit the picture of our room for room contest?

Click HERE, hope it helps. Smile

Thank you so much.

One more question. Which topic that i should post the picture for contest... Pleaseeeee advice

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Wow, a lot of work went into that room! Looks fabulous! Congrats on the win Smile

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