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Urgent prayer needed for a former friend

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Hi, please pray for my friend Jordan: I asked for us to take break in May of 2013, in January I contacted her since I had time. In march, things got ugly and she started to cuss and we both said a lot of mean things. I stopped talking to her, this evening her mother called me and told me what exactly happened. Jordan told me she had moved out, she seemed really happy about it. Her mom told me that Jordan packed away her things in secret, and moved out in the middle of the night. Her mom noticed she started to get rides by this man in his forties( whose married and has kids) she didn't get any bad vibes from him, however things took a turn for the worse: He started feeding her all these negative images about her parents, and started making her think she was entitled to things. It sounds like he may have an inappropriate motive towards her, I am really concerned about her well-being.

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I will be praying for Jordan. What came to my mind while reading this is that it is a witchcraft spirit that she's attached to. That thing needs to be broken around her. I will get my prayer team involved...once she's freed, she's going to need a friend Destine...so use this time to pour into her and bring her back to life again.

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I called her and texted her. She told me to stop talking to her. I thought it was Jezebel and witchcraft too. Thank you, I appreciate it.

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She's doing that now, but she will need you when that spirit is completely gone. She can't see straight now...she doesn't know what she wants now.

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She sent me a slew of text messages. She claimed that her dad molested her and that her mom is a headcase. Her mom said everythinf was false, she found a notebook from two years ago;containing plans to harm me and my family.

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