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Former Employer and Candy Bars

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**I'm only posting in this section because the setting of this dream has often represented this site.**

In real life, I visited my former retail employer from over 10 years ago, today. I was there to make a small purchase, and while I was there two old, long-term employees recognized me. So, we had a quick chat about "back in the day."

This afternoon, I dreamed that I was at my current employer doing my tasks in the lab. I had been working for what felt like quite a while, and I stepped away to take a break. I was running a test on a machine that isn't actually there in real life, which I questioned in the dream. The test was going to take a long time, so I was able to get away.

I left the lab and found myself at my former retail employer. It was like the two areas were connected. The store wasn't open (it was the middle of the night), but there was a mix of employees there from either employers (past and present). A few that were from the store were actually working as cashiers. One of my factory/lab coworkers was purchasing snacks for his break, so I decided to do the same via another cashier. I entered the checkout lane and decided that I would purchase a candy bar. I looked over all the different kinds that were available, and I decided that I was going to buy whatever was the best value for my money. Most of the candy bars were priced the same, but they weren't all the same size. First off, I decided against anything that came in a small package. Out of what remained, I wavered a bit between flavor and satiety. I narrowed it down to a Hershey's chocolate bar since they can be broken into 12 pieces (in the dream, it seemed like 16). This bar, however, wasn't what I truly wanted - it just made the most sense. Then, the idea came to mind to get the same type of bar, but with almonds. That seemed like a better choice, so I searched for it, knowing that it was pretty common. However, I couldn't find any among the selection. This bothered me, and I remembered that this particular candy had been clearanced out to not be sold any longer. I went back to the plain Hershey bar, but I discovered something near it: Some brand of candy that I wasn't familiar with, but the individual bars were quite large. They struck me as a steal! I also knew, somehow, that they'd taste good. I realized that no one was buying them because the price wasn't clear to most people - but, I figured out what the price was and felt that they'd be a good choice, overall.

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You're probably right. I was half-thinking about the dream this morning, and the thought came to mind that it could be about how I spend my free time - which makes sense since I took a break from work in the dream.

I don't have a lot of free time, but I'm sorta undecided on what to do for fun when I do have some.

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I wouldn't think so - that's not something I'm feeling in real life, anyway. I have been kinda laying low up until a week or so ago when I had a different dream at the same setting (the store) where I was encouraged to participate more on the site - at least, that's what I took away from it. So, I've stepped it up a little bit.

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