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Farewell you beautiful sexy people!! (Announcement/Q&A)

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HELLO FRIENDS OF THE INTERNET!! Or rather farewell.. As I know I've told some of you, I am enlisted with the military, specifically the army. For those you that didn't know, see the prior sentence. There, now you're caught up. While I don't know for sure, I like to assume at least one person is curious for details so here ya go. I will be leaving home early afternoon next Sunday, spending the night at the Sheraton in Springfield, MA, then flying down south to Fort Jackson for BCT. Following that will be AIT at Fort Lee where I will train for my specific MOS (job). Being a 92G ( a more badass version of your standard food service specialist) I will be learning more cooking techniques and how to mass feed hungry people. Following that will be jump school at Fort Benning where I will literally be paid to jump out of a plane, awesome. After that is ranger school, location unknown at this time. All together this will span a period of about 7 months, after which I begin my first four year, 24 week contract, obviously i'm not gonna be on much if at all. Yes I know, its a sad, sad day, but you are all strong, you will be fine without me. Now before I leave, I just wanted to say, not goodbye, but until next time. Hopefully the server will still be up when I get back. 

Now I don't want this to end on a sad note, so as an idea to boost activity this topic will also serve as a question and answer topic in which you may all ask me any question you like, and I will answer it honestly and to the best of my abilities. 

First things first, i'm just going to get the sort of boring obvious stuff out of the way.
Real name: Ryan Cote
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: Men
Race: Caucasian 
Country of Origin: The United States of America

Right then, ask away, I look forward to any questions, and will try to answer them promptly. I will post pictures should you request them, so long as they don't go against the forum/server rules.

So again I hope to hear from you all again in the future, I have had a wonderful time in this dysfunctional little family, and I wish you all the best with what ever happens and where ever life takes you. Love you all! Very Happy


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Well you will be missed and keep safe out there in the military, do me a favour?........id your target before you shoot lol.

wow didn't know you were gay, well I am happy for you.

for the server, well classic is up (in both in minecraft.net and classicube.net) but smp is down for how long? idk

for pics well you can pm to ppl when they request them if you think it will breach forum/server rules.

well good luck and again keep safe out there in the big bad world

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Sheppard250 wrote:
wow didn't know you were gay, well I am happy for you.

Well I know I never outwardly announced it but come on, do you not recall the little bromances between lost and I? I didn't exactly hide it either. ;D

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HollowThanatos wrote:
Sheppard250 wrote:
wow didn't know you were gay, well I am happy for you.

Well I know I never outwardly announced it but come on, do you not recall the little bromances between lost and I? I didn't exactly hide it either. ;D

well the bromance mean jackshit lol, eric and lost had a bromance but eric isn't gay (as far as I know) and lost is bi and also you dated Gwen? and last time I checked Gwen is a girl XD

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Farewell Hollow, I'll miss you bro Sad

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I'm gay only on Tuesday from 6am to 10am and Thursday from 7pm to 11pm*.

Hopefully we will be there when you come backkkkkkk, have funnnnn, good luckkkkk, feed me.

*These restrictions aren't applied to lostie as I am full time gay for him.

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