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I had a hard time with the fish sticking out of the water ... I had to rotate the fish, then crop them. It didn't want to work at first ... I tried adding more fish, but it was starting to look too crowded.

I took two pictures of precious fishing and merged them to get the biggest surface available, then cropped out parts of the picture to cover her up. I think it turned out cute ...

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I just realised that the fish are hanging over the border ........ Do you think that I should change that, or does it look ok like that ??

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he he ..... i changed it on my working copy and like them hanging over better ...... lol

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Well, there ya go! HAHAHAHA.

Hey you got first place in the Hunt this week, which stand do you want, or would you prefer a cat baby and sheep doll??

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he he .... How did I do that??

I think that I would like the lemonade stand ....,.,.

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Okay sure. : D

i really thought the lemonade stand would have been the least desirable.

your name jumped out the hat first. : D

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sorry I keep disappearing ...... I am trying to catch a cat tonight ......

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I had to close fb because I have a drunk friend who keeps trying to talk to me .......She is getting to be a pain in the but .....

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I have 1 orange, and 5 white ones that need to be fixed ..... the last time I looked the orange one was in the cage, but wasn't stepping on the right spot to trip it .... I have most of the cats locked on the back porch and two loose that are fixed ..... I am hoping that one of those don't get in the cage ....

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Well I think the lemonade stand is quaint... but the other ones are really cute!!! : 3

you need like kitty GPS or something.
Or a cat whisperer.

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what I need is a remote control cage so that when I see a cat go in there, I can manually trigger it ....

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Yeah, i think they are outsmarting you on that one... you can go classic box and a string. : D

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hmmmm .... may have to give that some thought ..... I can get within about 10 feet of the cage and she won't get out.. If I get any closer than that she backs out ....

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the cages must not be very sensitive if they are not triggering so easily....

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Morning all!
Sorry I'm so late, I slept in a little and then discovered the provider (for tv, telephone and internet) had issues and we were not connected to the outer world :p So had to call them first (with my cell ofcourse), and everything's fixed now!

Will be leaving in a bit already, going shopping today!

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the way that it works is there is a tray at the front of the cage that youare supposed to put the bait on and the animal is supposed to step on the tray and push it with their foot and it releases the door ... My cat is not stepping on the tray to eat the food ......

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Yeah, been wanting a new (bigger) handbag for quite some time, but didn't have the time before to go shopping, so we're going to look for that and other things too probably

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi BG !! Shopping sounds fun.....

It does Smile Am looking forward to it!
Only thing it's still icy outside, wish the snow and ice had melted over night...

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I am the opposite of most people ..... my purse gets smaller everytime that i buy a new one .... Right now I am basically carrying a large wallet .... The only time I use something bigger is when I travel ...

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I'd love a bigger one because I could use it to go to school and carry around my stuff and books. Looks a bit more mature than the bag I have now...

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I really like this one .... I like the way that you grouped items around the C&G logo .. Maybe use some of the current TWS items grouped around C&G??

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If I had to be out and about I would probably have a bigger one. Just about the only place I go is to work or shopping ... when I am at work, i don't need a bigger bag, and when I am shopping, i don't want to carry the extra weight around ...

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bleurgh, have just been looking at the webcams (they had webcams where we went skiing) and it says it's -11°C and the sun is shining... It looks SOOO good today to go skiing!

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Kijo ..... she likes her fishy siggy ..... she wants an avvy too!!

Yaaaaaa .......

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Hahaha, always seems better after you are not ther BG!

Maybe I can do a pirate theme! : D

that would be kind of neat.

working on something else atm (havent even started the group pic besides saving the images. but I have some time at home, since cable got turned off today.)

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I figured she would!!! Its absolutly adorable Tan Tan!

oooh! you should make her kissing a fishie on her avi! HAHAHAHA!
(im just messing around.)

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Hahaha, did you notice they changed the banner back?
Guess the much didnt care for it too much either... it wasn't even up there a week.

(main banner)

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Laughing It was funny looking ..... It looked like a picture that had been duplicated .....

I like the pirate idea.... I love the new pirate stuff .... I don't quite understand why we have pirate stuff, space stuff, and the old timey stuff the same week ...... Whoever organises this stuff for PF is not very bright ...

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♫Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow
I and I will see you through,
'Cos every day we pay the price with a little sacrifice♫

Good Morning, back in a moment, just need some cereal

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Yeah I am not sure either... thought it was a bit crazy.. and no Madi Gra stuff either.... today is Fat Tuesday.... so i dunno what is up with that.
: /

Mornin Zoon.

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I am sure that they TRY to be fair, but it doesn't seem that way ......

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Maybe.... Just seems a bit strange 2 times in a row.... I mean i can peg the first one to me being a brat.... but i dunno... Im going to keep watching stuff in the future to see what happens.

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