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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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I wish I could confirm some for you... but that isnt how the rules work!!! Hahahaha.
Like Frannie and her guilt trips. hehehehehe

Sorry was taking so long.... Had a Hilton Computer Crisis.

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that is ok ..... I had my own crisis here ..... I can't decide if I have a virus or if it is stupid norton antivirus .......

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Sometimes if you downloaded the antivirus from online... the "anitvirus" is a disguised virus itself.

Someone tagged me with a blue Coyote and a grey one.
only White Coyote and Tan Tiger left!!!!

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I don't think that they do cuz Franie is always asking me if there is anything that I am missing .....

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Laughing nobody around here is petty like that anyways.
we all lurves each others!!!!

: D

besides, you are keeping up on your own this week with the rest, so good job!!! :thumbs:

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very cool ...... Everyone wants to see you keep the guide up to date ..

i got it from the norton site ... Hubby decided to go with it when our other antivirus ran out ... This is the hardest program to figure out .. I lkit to never found where you can set the times when it runs , and still sometimes I will be here and the hard drive just takes off and everything just locks up .... grrrrrr .... very frustrating ...

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Morning Boogs, check out the petling thread, I was able to update because of you and other's pics!!!

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grrr its done it again eaten my post Sad

is this happening to anyboday else?

Ok gonna type it again

Kijo It was hard finding them as so many have kept the original colours, will go check out your thread now Smile

Did I spy Tanya

Has anyone see me loon Z, not seen her for a couple of days, is she ok?

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But i don't have a mac .......

Hi Boogie!! What have you got planned for today??

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She said that she was too busy to get on here yesterday (message on my facebook but not sure about today.....

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ok ladies ...... sorry to leave but I am tired .....

Kijo, I will be a bit scarce at night for the next few days .... I have to work a 3-11 Wen, then I have 7-3 on Thur and Fri .... so I won't be here at night with you .... Sad I am really looking forward to this weekend .......

bye ya'll ....... all around ....

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TanyaRC wrote:
But i don't have a mac .......

Hi Boogie!! What have you got planned for today??

Tanya not much more housework Sad

must be almost bed time for you?

inu-kijo wrote:
She said that she was too busy to get on here yesterday (message on my facebook but not sure about today.....

Busy thats good I was worried that she might be poorly or something.

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Nope, she is online right now even!!!!

: D

About to head off to b-fast soon.

awwww Tanya, that is no fun!!!!! : C

night night though!

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Is that a call out for me?

Morning playmates (and night night Tanya)

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Gill, look for a Rachel to be asking to join soon.... not sure what her screen name would be.... maybe something Skylar.... or something with Rebel in it.....

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Zoonie wrote:
Is that a call out for me?

Morning playmates (and night night Tanya)

There you are I was worried about you

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inu-kijo wrote:
Gill, look for a Rachel to be asking to join soon.... not sure what her screen name would be.... maybe something Skylar.... or something with Rebel in it.....

Okies. I get an email notifying me when anyone applies, so no problem.

bogie wrote:
There you are I was worried about you

Aaaw sorry Boogs.
It's nice to be missed though. How are you and all the family? how's your MIL doing lately?

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We are all ok now after the tummy bug at the weekend Sad

MIL is doing great, she's slowed down which is a good thing as she used to rush about here there and everywhere. The stoke left no damage but she must prevent it happening again.

What have you been up to?

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That's good news then about MIL, so long as she heeds all the advice now

I'm on my self improvement plan.
First the haircut, then yesterday I went to the opticians for a very long overdue check up and contact lens consultation (both my prescriptions were way out of date and I haven't had lenses for ages) I found a new Optician and they were really good.
I have both daily disposables and some fortnightly ones to try.
Bad news is that my eyes are quite dry (and a greasy tear film apparently - could be the cat allergy contributing to that, plus I have to change my eye makeup remover) and also at the higher end of the pressure test (a bit over actually, which is worrying as my mother has glaucoma)
Good news is that my prescription was -2.75 and is now only -2.25, which isn't too bad.

They had some nice frames in there for new glasses too, although I found a place on line that does glasses so much cheaper.

I'm out all day Saturday too by the way, getting hair highlighted and then going shopping, AND Sunday - going to Wembley congratulations

After all that I need to clear out my wardrobe and then start trying to implement my new year resolution to get a bit fitter

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Oh and I also went in Space NK and had a makeup makeover, bought two new products, a new foundation and a Nars Orgasm Illuminator - when I got home IMOM said I looked 'glowing' rofl!

And I bought two new shirts, a T Shirt, a cardigan and a cross over top as well Smile

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Oh my you have been busy. good that your eyesight has improved.

Is glaucoma scary fingers crossed that you have not inherited that from you mother.

Is there any news on a new home for socks yet? that will help you when he's gone.

Your going to feel fab saturday once your hair is finished.

Get fit that word scares me My body ached yesterday just listening BG & Tanya talking about their exercise bikes. Laughing

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So glad to see that your pampering & giving yourself an MOT

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No news of any new home for Socks. I've been sneezing again this morning, nose and eyes running, so I haven't even put any lenses in yet!

Glaucoma is scary, but so long as you keep being tested, you know the likelihood is there, and it can be treated with drops.

I was fine for fitness when I used to do just 20-30 mins each weekday, but as soon as you stop you lose the habit completely and it all went downhill, especially over the 14-16 months I could hardly move because of my shoulder Sad

Just going to get some cereal and sort out the laundry Boogs.

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I hope they find somewhere for him soon

Im sure you will get back in the habbit of exercise, be sure to take it slowly though, you do not want to irritate you shoulder.

Im going to be in and out too, I will pop in for pit stops between chores

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Armell ........................ Bee ...............................

How are you both?

Bee what happened at the weekend did you decide where to move to?

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Hiya Army, are you doing any better now?

Morning Bee, another yucky day out. How are you?

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Zoonie wrote:
Hiya Army, are you doing any better now?

Morning Bee, another yucky day out. How are you?

i have a doctors appointment tomorrow , but i am feeling much better , thanks for asking hun , how are you ??

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bogie wrote:
Armell ........................ Bee ...............................

How are you both?

Bee what happened at the weekend did you decide where to move to?

hey hun, good to see you xoxo how have you been ?

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Hello Army, Bogie and Zoonie

Army well done to Canada on their place in Ice Hockey quaterfinal

There is a twist in my moving situation (good one I hope).

There was a room advertised in my village that I have responded to. Few days later and another e-mail I was told that someone else is interested in the room but if that person won't take it she will let me know. So I decided not to pursue that one further and opted for the room that I have seen last week. Monday evening I got e-mail from the girl in our village saying the other person is not taking the room do I still want to see it?

So I went to see it last night - it's small 2 bed cottage about 5 minutes walk from where I live. Room is unfurnished (so I can have my own bed and chest of draws there). It would be sharing with one girl about my age (I'm guessing) who bought the place with her BF but since then split up and she can't afford it on her own. It's nice cosy place with light walls and wooden floors and little back garden (that I didn't see as it was dark outside).

The girl seems nice and we are going out for a coffee tomorrow evening to see if we would get on.

Fingers crossed for me please! It's bit more expensive that the one I saw last week but much nicer and still affordable for me.

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Sneezing and sniffling my head off Army, it's almost a way of blooming life now.

And, am in major eye mode following visit to the Opticians yesterday, get this

Trivia - Eye didn't know that!

  • Our eyes are composed of more than two million parts, all working together to make you see.
  • The giant squid has the largest eyeball on the face of the earth. At 18 inches across, it's about the size of a beach ball.
  • An ant has two eyes, each of which is made up of many smaller eyes. This type of eye is called a compound eye.
  • Worms don't have eyes.
  • A chameleon's eyes can look in different directions - at the same time!
  • Babies cry but don't produce tears until they're one to three months old.
  • Each of our eyelashes has a "life span" of approximately five months.
  • Of all the muscles in our body, the eye muscles are the most active.
  • Dogs can't tell the difference between red and green.
  • Overall, baseball causes the most eye injuries, followed by basketball, water sports and racquet sports.

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sorry got side tracked Ashamed

Im good thanks Armell, glad to see you feeling a bit better

Good luck Bee I hope it all works out for you

Love the eye triv me loon congratulations

Going to be in and out for a bit as unfortunatley this house will not clean itself Sad

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Bee wrote:
The girl seems nice and we are going out for a coffee tomorrow evening to see if we would get on.

Fingers crossed for me please! It's bit more expensive that the one I saw last week but much nicer and still affordable for me.

I do hope you get on well together Bee and that this turns out to be a good solution for you. I shall have everything crossed and want to know as soon as you hear anything at all!
It sounds exciting news.

My connection if playing up, if I go AWOL, at least you know why.

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there, i finished my first three rooms, not on to the next lol and i finely got to level 47 so now i have a lot of rooms to redo

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thanks guys. I guess I should now after our coffee and chat tomorrow evening.

Interesting Eye facts - some of them I know but some I didn't. You learn something new every day - thank you

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