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OMG I cant believe it!!

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One of Sea worlds killer whales has killed its trainer during a live show!


Mum has just phoned me to tell me this! I cant believe it...we were only there 2 months ago Sad

This is so incredibly sad...to be killed by the animal she spent so much time with

Guess it shows you can not fully train wild animals though Sad

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oooh no!! i wonder if the poor whale got confused and thought it was playing...so sad for her family

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Oh this is really tragic. She had so much experience, but an accidental fall into the water can get you in trouble. So sad. She was probably doing what she loved. What a unique career.

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apparently it has happened several times. I read that one guy was injured three times. I'm not sure if your article is the same one.

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That's really a sad story, but I think those kind of animals shouldn't be kept in captivity.... they should be free in the ocean!

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It brings it all into perspective when you think that these animals ..sorry mammals, are WILD ..don't get me wrong, I watched the show myself only 2 months ago and was in awe of what they were doing ...but any animal on a bad day can snap ..and maybe that is what happened here ...but the clue is in its name...they are KILLER WHALES ..and anybody, no matter how experienced, that gets in the water with them knows full well the risk they are taking.

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Chiaretta wrote:
That's really a sad story, but I think those kind of animals shouldn't be kept in captivity.... they should be free in the ocean!

me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i gree with u chiara its sad the death of a people (tragic to be honest) but we have to understand that animals born to be free not to make profit via them

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Aww thats quite sad. I know this is probably going to make some people angry at and im sorry if i do....but

what did that girl do to the wale to make it grab her...Did she do anything before hand..Teasing or tapping its nose for something....You never know...She may have made the wale angray at her.

Maby it wasnt entirly the wales fult.
Im not sure if thats gonna sound horrible to other people because i tend not to explain myself properly,,,but you should get whan i mean..

Like an eleephant never forgets....maby she did something to the wale in the past and the wale just wanted its ovn back =/.

It is sad for the girl tho...Whats going to happen to the wale now tho? Is he gonna be killed =(??

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Maybe the whale was sick of eating little treats and was bored, maybe he knew if he did this he may be killed and that would be better for him. Remeber hes an animal and is not meant to be trained, release him to the wild i say! its all there fault not the whales, let him be free!

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Ponyboycurtis wrote:
Maybe the whale was sick of eating little treats and was bored, maybe he knew if he did this he may be killed and that would be better for him. Remeber hes an animal and is not meant to be trained, release him to the wild i say! its all there fault not the whales, let him be free!

This is very well said Ponyboy! x

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