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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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The weather is the same here Sad blowing a gale, and very wet.

Cannot wait for the spring/summer at least then I can get the kids out more.

and Yes my getting out and away from the kids is long overdue I need to put my nicky hat for a change and not my mummy hat! There is always something when I have planned things, either the kids are ill or I am or OH has to work late etc......

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Hope Gill is not getting to wet at wembley, she must be up there by now as kick off is at 3pm GMT

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Uhoh, then I'm afraid Gill might not be having a good time, isn't she at the Wembley today?

I hope spring arrives soon, just the fact of having more sun and being able to go outside!

Even though the kids need you, you must not forget yourself
(or at least that's what I think)

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Im thinking gill must be very wet and cold, Im sure she will tell us all about it when she gets home.

I do try and think of myself but kids change your priorities and they must come first always.

It will be so nice to be able to go out without a coat and waterproofs, hurry up spring BG and I want you to come faster congratulations

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I'm hoping she has a wonderful time, apart from the weather!

Glad you think of yourself too. Completely understand kids are your first priority, even though I don't have any (maybe someday...).

It's so weird how we get tired of rain so quickly. I don't mind when it snows (as long as it doesn't give any problems though) and I love the sun, but when it rains... This really gets on my system

Going to work in the meantime, want to summarize 2 texts (although I am really not in the mood)

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I love the sun too Smile

Good luck with your work & catch up with you soon

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Keep checking back but nobody here Sad

Miss you ALL lots Sad

Far tooo quiet in here

Me loon hope you are not getting to wet at Wembley x

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I loved biology and anatomy in college Smile

I am old now ...no more school for me.Well I might take a few more classes.Doesn't hurt to get learn as much as you can Smile

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we're doing the nervous system in school right now... we have a new biology teacher, and she is awfull... Mad

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Hi bunny!
I also loved biology in high school!

Tweet I'm sorry she's an awful teacher!

Sorry, went to make me some tea

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i'm sleepy... but idon't want to sleep till the new items are out
maybe i should take a quick nap befor thet (and set my alarm clock to 1 am Laughing )

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How long will you have to wait?
I always take a look at the new items tomorrow morning, they come out when I'm fast asleep congratulations

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tweet40 wrote:
we're doing the nervous system in school right now... we have a new biology teacher, and she is awfull... Mad

I am so sorry that you have a horrible teacher.I have conjoined nerve roots in my spine which is a birth anomaly and is why they are kinda scared to do my surgery etc....... plus the insurance people I am dealing with.

Wish I could help you out.Get some rest.3 pm here ..4 more hrs!

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I suppose noone is still here??

been a lonely night so far......

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Hi sweetie!
Got just out of bed, am going to have breakfast and a quick shower now, so I'll see you after that!

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There, I'm back congratulations
Yeah, was too lazy to shower yesterday, so had to do that this morning and got up a bit earlier

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Ok I am back... sorry had to post the auction up for the Scavenger Hunt.

Been busy on hunt stuff all morning!!!!!

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hello ladies .... just dropped by for a sec ....

long day today .... tomorrow will be worse ...

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Toulouse wrote:
Morning Paige, how are you?

Morning Sophie Smile good thanks , trying to find items through pplz houses through the hunt , its harder then i thought!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Ok I am back... sorry had to post the auction up for the Scavenger Hunt.

Been busy on hunt stuff all morning!!!!!

hello Kijo congratulations

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TanyaRC wrote:
hello ladies .... just dropped by for a sec ....

long day today .... tomorrow will be worse ...

Hi Tanya , all the best for you for tomorrow xxx

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Thanks BG....

Thanks Paige ..

Tomorrow I try to stay sane and calm while all these people come to visit a dead body that they couldn't bother to come see when she was a living breathing wonderful person ... This is going to be much worse than the actual funeral ...

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: S

Poor sweets. Well, if you need someone to talk to , you can always call me, you know my number. I have the next 2 days off, so call anytime! : D

Yeah, I never cared much for funerals either.... Not sure who people are putting on a show for... the person is dead already.....

How are you fairing?

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Tanya, that's going to be very hard (but so very true what you say) - I hope you'll be fine!

I have to admit I never got the point of greeting a dead person, but then again, it's to condole the family.

It's going to be a tough day I think, so lots and lots of hugs in advance from me!

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thanks honey .... If I make it through the day without losing my temper, it will be amazing ... I have these useless cousins who are going to be all weepy tomorrow and I have already warned my mom to keep an eye on me if they get too close .... they live within 10 minutes of here and I probably saw Grannie more than they did ....

I am sorry .... I have to stop this .... They have to live with how they treated her.. I can only be accountable for what I have done ...

I am doing ok .... I will fall apart tomorrrow when I see her .... I still haven't had a good cry yet ... Funerals are a necessary evil IMO .... You must see the person dead to feel closure ... It is hard to think of them dead otherwise ...

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TanyaRC wrote:
Thanks BG....

Thanks Paige ..

Tomorrow I try to stay sane and calm while all these people come to visit a dead body that they couldn't bother to come see when she was a living breathing wonderful person ... This is going to be much worse than the actual funeral ...

yw , i hope you get through the day

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Nope not me. Seeing my grandpa in the casket was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. Much would have just remembered him the way he was.
I plan on being cremated myself.

it will take some time to hit you, but I am sure a good cry is coming.

and please be careful about your cousins....

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I remember her the way that she was. In some ways, she has not really been "my" grandmother for a while .. There has been astranger living in Grannie's body ... it is just that it is hard to believe that they are really gone if you don't see them ..... I have had several people that I know die, both relatives and not , that I did not make it to the funeral, and I find my self thinking of them alive .... sorry, don't know if that makes sense .. I know that they are dead, but since I did not see them .... there is always a bit of doubt in my mind ...

I am sorry about your Grandfather ... Mine had cancer and on my last visit, he looked so bad, I told my mom that I couldn't take it ... My next visit would be the funeral ...

I don't want to be creamated, but I don't really want a funeral ... Just stick me in the ground ... congratulations

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