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C&G Scavenger Hunt (Part II)

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Dawn just number 19 is wrong.

Ok guys. need the input, should next week be the 5 day hunt or the week after??

the week after is technically the "last week" of the month but its split right in the middle, so I need to know what you guys think.

If we do it next week, the point can stop there, and the auction can start the week after.
if we do it the week after.....Hmmmm, I can count the points you have earned form the five days up until Wednesday, and the Thursday the points will kind of be split in half. then the week AFTER that I can start the auction....

Does all that make sense???

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the week after is technically the "last week" of the month but its split right in the middle, so I need to know what you guys think.

it's 15th... how is it the last week?

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tweet talking about next week and the week after. future hunt planning. : D

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hmmm .... I need to get these posted so I can go play the triathlon ......

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Sounds good to me for the 5 day hunt to be next week hun, the week after is leading into Easter and I'll be so busy and have company for Easter so may not even have time for the regular hunt that week.

But I'm easy really Smile Off to check #19 x

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Ok, I think I fixed it ........ did you like that Precious was waving her glove at you ......congratulations

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yeah I love it, but it looks backwards... almsot like a thumbs down!!!
: O

16 is still wrong though!!!

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al right Yarden all set to go!!! are you playing in the Triathlon this week?
the prizes there are FAB!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Prizes posted:

those are prizes? Sad i was hoping joki's house would finally have some furniture in it Sad

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hey! 'm back home and I think I have all 20 pics posted. I say think, because when I look sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not. Would you check me out, please?

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Seems 9 is wrong Frannie. as well as 16.

Hey did you ever get that PM I sent you regarding last week??
I never heard any response from you.

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tweet40 wrote:

those are prizes? Sad i was hoping joki's house would finally have some furniture in it Sad

Joki doe snot PLay PS anymore.

She gives away all her stuff in the hunt.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Seems 9 is wrong Frannie. as well as 16.

Hey did you ever get that PM I sent you regarding last week??
I never heard any response from you.

I changed 9... and 16... I wll message you on... having much trouble postng this week.. and to top it off my I key is not working right... grrrrrrrrrrrr

not sure about last weeks messages.. you got my donations for the contests.. i hope?

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I got your donations, although technically we are not allowed to speak of such red limit topics on this forum.

I did enjoy the "banana splits" that were send to joki's house. and as it is virtual and will not go bad, it will not go to waste and be used for great things.


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inu-kijo wrote:
yeah I love it, but it looks backwards... almsot like a thumbs down!!!
: O

16 is still wrong though!!!

still ....... hmmm .... how many other trees are there .... I guess at least one more Smile

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Updaed Pic, nothing else.

will work on rest later, and will add rules for 5 day hunt later for those of you who need it.

thanks for being patient.

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Yay I got my 11 correct Smile, I found the green week really hard! I also didn't have any of the green items either lol ohwell I'm pleased with myself Smile

Well done everyone though! congratulations

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good job charlotte!!!

make sure to re-read the rules for this week, cause its a little different. : D

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Thankyou congratulations
I know, I've read them but I can't guess any of them so far this week Sad, have to wait til they become less blurred Smile (I'm still an amateur at this Laughing )

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: D


that is ok.

IF you feel like making wild guesses for any of them, thats ok, most people dont get more than a couple right the first day!!
: D

So have at it hunny!!!

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Yay! Guess how happy I am its the five day hunt....

that's right not very LOL. Charlotte I don't know any either, it looks like Kijo is playing a blinder this week..

Well done eveyone on green week thought, it was fun xx

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My entry Day One











OK gonna post it wish I had more time today, most are a stab in the dark

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such a hussy that Boogie is.. she STILL doesn't have any clothes on! LOLOL

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Frannie, great minds .... can't belive that she is running around nekkid .... and it is not even Wendsday!!!

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awww .... man .... I forgot this was the bonus week ...... Sad will have to see what I can do ....

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Kijo ,,,, I am sorry to make such a poor attempt at the hunt today, but I am ehausted ...... I will do better tomorrow ... I promise ...

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Boogie got 6 correct giving her a total of 30 points!
Frannie got 4 correct giving her a total of 20 points!
Dawn got 3 correct giving her a total of 15 points!
and Tanya got 1 correct giving her a total of 5 points!

Congrats on the great job!!!!!

Day 2 begins, and the answers are worth 4 points a piece!!

Good Luck!!!!

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good luck with the hunt guys! and thanks Kijo again, i am sitting this week out... my lap top is almost dead now :-)

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Bad luck Yarden!

Boogs, does Boubie know about all this carry on????

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