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C&G Triathlon!

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Welcome, one and all to
Hosted by C&G!!!

This week we will have been on the Pet Society Fan Community Forum for 3 months!!!!!! So what better way to celebrate it than host a Triathlon for all of PSFC to play!!!!!!

Below are a series of 3 games. Feel free to play one, or all of them!!! There is a Prize awarded for each game. These are games commonly played each week on C&G, so if you enjoy playing them here, you should stop by in the future and check out all the fun!!!!!


To play the games in here, please be sure you read all the PSFC rules, making sure you are an active member of the forum, and have at least 20 posts in the forums.


If you have any questions, be sure to ask!!!! (Mods of these Games are Gill (the leader of C&G), Myself, and Tanya.) anyone of us will be more than glad to help you out in any way you need.


1. Take the pictures in Pet Society, as you would.
2. Go to the full view of your picture in Facebook, Right click it, and select "Copy Image Location"
3. In the Forum post, click the little button that looks like a polaroid picture (its the 16th button from the left) and then paste the code you copied from Facebook.
4. Repeat for all pictures.
5. you can also move all pictures into Paint, or any photo editing program and make it to one big picture, then upload to Photobucket, or any other picture uploading site, and copy the IMG link here as well. : )

Prizes For Best Triathlete!!

There will be an award given to one random person who has played all three games. Any one who has played at least 50% of each game (so 10 correct hunt answers, at least half of the Spot the Difference correct, and an attempt at the Theme Challenge) is eligible to win!!!
Also, everyone who has met this Criteria will get a 999 item of my choice, just for playing!!!!!


Please enjoy the games, and have fun!!!!!



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How to play is easy!

Look at the image provided, You will see a series of 20 blurred images. You will need to be able to figure out what items those images are, and take a picture of those images in Pet Society, then post all your entries here.

The person with the most pictures correct, wins the prize!! If there is a tie for most correct images, a winner will be randomly drawn.

Please make sure to read this section, if any pictures submitted does not follow these rules, the pictures will not count.

1. Your Pet must be in ALL photos.
2. You can not use a photo more than ONCE.
3. You can take photos anywhere in the realm of Pet Society (your house, a friends house, ect), EXCEPT in the stores! any picture taken in the store will NOT count!!
4. You may NOT have more than 20 pictures entered, after the 1st 20, the pictures will not count.
5. You can edit and change your photos until the contest deadline: Tuesday 6:00 AM Playfish time, on Tuesday March 23rd.
6. If there is a picture of a Cash shop evolving item (immortal wings, blooming hat, WWF ice blocks, potions ect.) the first stage of the evolution will be the picture posted, but you may post a picture of the item in ANY state, or the effect that it creates (glowing pet, ect)

7. PLEASE try to put the pictures in orders when posting them 1-5 would be the first row, and so on. that makes it easier for me to check them, and not get any items confused in your pictures.



If you Enjoy this game, Click here to see more!!!!!

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Game Two:

Compare the two images on this post, and be able to spot all the differences between the two!!! (each picture when clicked will open in a new link) A fun game to play for those with Eagle Eyed abilities!!!!!

The person with the most correct answers, wins the prize!! If there is a tie for the winner, one winner will be randomly drawn.

Please make sure to read this section, if any entries submitted does not follow these rules, the entries will not count.

1. These answers MUST be submitted to me in PM format!!!!!! If you post your answers on this thread you will be DISQUALIFIED.
2. The Title in your PM must Say "Triathlon Find the Difference" This helps me keep track of all entries, if you do not do this, your entry may be lost.
3. You can play the game a couple of different ways, you can either type up the differences and send them to me, using correct PS item names (instead of words like "thingy" or "black spot" ect.) Trying to be as clear as possible, or you may submit a photo version with both pictures posted circling the difference in both pictures. Either way is perfectly fine.
4. You will be notified of your results after submitting your entry. If you are missing any answers, you may resubmit until the deadline (Tuesday March 23 6:00 AM Playfish time.)





If you Enjoy this game, Click here to see more!!!!!

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Game Three:

 zoonie12.gif tanyaa12.gif jokili13.png

This is a your choice themed creative challenge. You may do as much or as little as you would like, as long as you follow the rules. This way you can show off your pet and your creative abilities all at once, and Dazzle us all!!!!

The entries will be judged by 3 impartial judges, and one winner will be chosen from the entries submitted.

Please make sure to read this section, if any pictures submitted does not follow these rules, the entries will not count.

1. You get to pick your theme you would like to create. Something with at least 3 characters. (Wizard of Oz, Rocky Horror Picture, Life in the 50's, Fairy Tales, CAN BE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO CREATE!)
2. You may only use YOUR pet for the characters. (so if you have 4 characters, your pet will have 4 pictures posted.
3. You may change your pet at the stylist for each character if you would like, but you do not have to if you do not want to. This is just up to you.
4. You can do as much or as little as you would like (minimum entry is 3 characters posted) you can have as many characters as you would like, any story listed to explain your entry, room entries to go with the theme, whatever. the entry is completely up to you.
5. you may post reference pictures of whatever character you are portraying in case someone has not heard of it..... (say you are doing a video game character, and perhaps no one knows of it, you can post the original video game character's pic on here to show the resemblance if you would like to.)
6. Your entire entry has to be on ONE post. Otherwise your entry can be disqualified.
7. MINIMUM use of any photo editing program can be used (such as photoshop or GIMP) If you use any digital editing, you must list all the changes that you made so it can be noted in the judging process please.
8. Can be edited as much as you like until the deadline (March 23rd, 6:00 AM Playfish Time)

(If you need to know how to post pictures, please see 1st post for help.)




If you Enjoy this game, Click here to see more!!!!!

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Special Thanks to:

Need to List all the Special Thanks to the CeeGeeans out there who make Competitions like this possible for us all to play!!!!!

First and Foremost to Gill, who has brought us all together from far and wide and made us a little nest for our virtual family! C&G is really something special, and I am glad I can be a part of it.

Next to Tanya for the wonderful inspiration and support for this contest thread for all of you to enjoy

And then to all the Wonderful CeeGeeans around who make everything possible, Special thanks to:
Yarden/Paul M, Gill/Zoonie, Kim/Bailey, Tammy/Piglet, Pernille/Gismo, Boo/Vivian, Francine/Misha, DawnyDawn/Sparkle Nicky, Boogie


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OK, still making small changes, and will be adding a prize section later to each game, but for now this game is open to play!!!!!!

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Thanks for all the support guys, and to Kijo and Tanya for hosting this event. Some of the prizes for this have come from our C & G Gift Registry stock, where members have not needed past TWS donated to cover friends' absences from the game, or, generously and regularly donated as C&G prizes...so special thanks to all who participate in that.

Anyone who wants to join the C&G Group can apply with the Groups Tab at the top of the page - we're an active chatting and gifting group who encourage our members to stop by regularly and say Hello.

Everyone's really friendly and helpful and our members come from all around the globe.

Have fun everyone

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Way to go C&G this is brilliant!! I especially love the themed idea

I'd just like to second what Kijo and Gill said, this is a warm, welcoming group and I'm very proud to be a member.

And just a note on the Scavenger hunt...it's uber fantazmagorical! Join in everyone I guarantee you'll love it!

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Laughing thanks for the support Dawn, and glad to see you stopped by Hannah!

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two hunts in a week? congratulations
i haven't quite understood the game 3 (create a theme) what do we have to do?

hey, maybe we should get something, like an anniversary group picture congratulations
but you're the boss kijo Laughing
i'm really happy you came here to psfc

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We thought about an anniversary pic, So i may have to put that together.

For the create a theme, you get to make up any theme you want, and then illustrate it using PS and your pet. does that help any??

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Question from me too - in case anyone else is wondering : can photoshop or any other program (like gimp) be used for the contest? or only portrait/room photos?

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hmmmm, see I debated that. the use of photoshop....... I think I will allow MINIMUM use of photo editing, and if you change anything you have to list the changes you made digitally. (so it can be noted in the judging process)

that seems fair I think. I will amend the rules now.

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inu-kijo wrote:
We thought about an anniversary pic, So i may have to put that together.

For the create a theme, you get to make up any theme you want, and then illustrate it using PS and your pet. does that help any??

like a story? Smile

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Sure np!!! : D

I know some PS items need a bit of tweeking sometimes, so i have no qualms with it!!!

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Sure tweet, It can be a story.

Say..... you decide to make your theme Wizard of Oz.
you would want to post pictures of Dorothy, Toto, The Scarecrow, and the Lion (all which would be pics of your pet) then perhaps a little twist to the story that you post, and some backgrounds pics from your rooms, ect.

Anything to make whatever theme you pick come to life. You could do night of the living dead, Hollywood, Futuristic.... ANYTHING you can think of. this is really a free for all.

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okay, i understand, thanks Smile

hmm... night of the living dead... :spiteful:

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Laughing sorry I think i was watching something about Zombies when i was typing that up.

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Game 1 (hunt) :
(will get to this later)

Game 2 (find the differences) :
PM sent

Game 3 (theme) :
(pet society twilight)
hope you like it lol Smile
( i used gimp (image manipulation program) ill list the things i used then)
scene :

[coloured the flowers and the grass on the (trees with poppies)
[added the twilight new moon logo
[added the characters ( my pet) (made the background of them transparent) in

characters page :

[added the characters (my pet) (made the background on them transparent)
[added the 2 red crescent moons
[added the characters names and borders on names
[added black background

thanks Kijo , Tanya and Gill for this Triathlon congratulations !!!!!!

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Cute, please dont forget to make a lsit of everything you did to digitally edit the pics, ok??

; D

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nice work Paige .... Can't wait to see what others come up with ......

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TanyaRC wrote:
nice work Paige .... Can't wait to see what others come up with ......

thanks Tanya Smile

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I would like to reserve a space for hunt pictures ,,,,,,


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I would like to reserve a space for a themed room picture .... congratulations

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inu-kijo wrote:
Paige is always so good at that sort of thing! ;love:

awwwww thanks kijo not always though Ashamed

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by Snorks

Since we're both (Snorks & I) a big fan of animals, she decided to go out and visit a couple of her friends. She dressed up to fit in and to feel one with the others (she loves dressing up LOL). We want to share these photos with you:

PS: don't tell, but we used Photoshop to put her in a different background!

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Toulouse wrote:
by Snorks

Since we're both (Snorks & I) a big fan of animals, she decided to go out and visit a couple of her friends. She dressed up to fit in and to feel one with the others (she loves dressing up LOL). We want to share these photos with you:

PS: don't tell, but we used Photoshop to put her in a different background!

awww very clever and awesome congratulations !!!!!!! luv them all especially the frog one

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Shield my eyes !!!!!!

Young Snorks is Nekked!!!

Fabulous entries Paige and BG, hmmmm I must get my thinking cap on!

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prepare for my entry soon.. BWAHAHAHA... :girl_devil:

oh, oh... wait.. i was actually here to start hunting O__o
oh well, that can wait..

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ok, kijo ...... I posted some hunt pictures on page 3 ...... Did I get any right??

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Tanya, 1, 10, 11, 13 is wrong.... i THINK 15 is right, so hard to tell.

Please beware the small pictures!!!!!

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for some reason the big pictures won't load ...... sorry ........

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at least I got 5 right .... Smile I will fix the little picture ......

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great start so far!!! :thumbs:

hopefully others will fall in line behind you soon, thanks for being the example on here Tan Tan.

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Entry hunt


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DawnyDawn wrote:
Shield my eyes !!!!!!

Young Snorks is Nekked!!!

Fabulous entries Paige and BG, hmmmm I must get my thinking cap on!

thanks dawn Smile hope to see yours when its done xxx

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Lets see BG, number 3 and 4 is wrong, And that looks like it to me!
Nice Job, and you have entered all 3 contests!!!

sending you a 999 item now. : D

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Paige you have also entered all 3 so far as well, sending a 999 item your way!!!!

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