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Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/27/23 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    This topic is an easy way to gain access to the VIP Members group. All you have to do is reply with your favorite animal. This only applies to people who are exactly members of User-Made Creations.
  2. 3 points
    The section is open again for new VIP Members.
  3. 2 points
    I love pinnipeds, especially the Hawaiian monk seal or the California sea lion!
  4. 2 points
    Designer: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: All models have been modified by me from the originals. Original models are the Marsupial Mole from DinosaurMan/Hendrix's European Hedgehog; Dibbler, Kaluta, and Kowari from Nessich's numbat; Kultarr from Tyranachu's Leppy; Fat-Tailed Dunnart from Blue Fang's Fennec; and the Tiger Quoll from Zerosvalmont, carlosdino & Bunyupy's Tasmanian Devil. Requires: African Adventures (AA) for all but the dunnart and kowari which need Endangered Species (ES) and just normal ZT2 respectively. Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: None that I have found Description: A remake of six of the original devilish dasyures in Awesome Australia (I omitted the Tasmanian Devil because Hispa designs has already come out with a fabulous remake of that species) and added a marsupial mole. Kowari Dibbler Fat-Tailed Dunnart, close up of new model and in game Kaluta Kultarr Southern Marsupial Mole Tiger Quoll Dibbler.z2f Fat-Tailed Dunnart.z2f Kaluta.z2f Kowari.z2f Kultarr.z2f Marsupial Mole.z2f Tiger Quoll.z2f
  5. 1 point
    Mine as a kid was probably the nile crocodile, but nowadays it has to be all dinosaurs, both avian and non avian 🙂
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I have a few favorite animals but I'll say wolves are my most favorite!
  9. 1 point
    My favourite animal is the gray wolf.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Euparkeria General Information: Euparkeria is a prehistoric reptile from the Triassic period, thought to be close to the common ancestor of all dinosaurs (and birds) Creator(s): Ringo Language(s): ENG, SPA Expansions Required: EA Bugs (if any): Doesn't breed. Each time the game starts it get's out f exhibit. I recommed placing rocks (with collision effect) around every fencing to prevent the animals to scape. Extra Information: Credits (if any): Tyranachu and Lazardi for their Decuriasuchis model (Pseudosuchia pack) Bonus Features: Public Domain? Yes (model credits for Tyranachu and Lazardi) Permission to Reupload? Yes Zoopedia? Yes Download Link: Attached below zzzzz_Euparkeria.z2f
  13. 1 point
    My favorite animal is the blue whale
  14. 1 point
    My current favorite animal is the whale shark!
  15. 1 point
    My favorite animal is the Lowland streaked tenrec
  16. 1 point
    My favorite animals are tyrannosaurids
  17. 1 point
    I like lots of animals but my 2 favorites out of all of them is Spinosaurus and the Saltwater Crocodile
  18. 1 point
    my favourite animal is the saltwater crocodile
  19. 1 point
    my favourite animal are saochilong,parasaurolophus
  20. 1 point
    My fav animal or fish is a oscar or any large cichilds
  21. 1 point
    It also includes a hack that adds the missing Guest folders to the pack so that zoo visitors can see the animals.
  22. 1 point
    The golden pheasant has been my favourite animal since i was little.
  23. 1 point
    Some screenshots have been added.
  24. 1 point
    Author: Scooby Requires: ZT2 Picture: Giant_Charcoal_Peacock.zip
  25. 1 point
    Designer: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: Artifex, used with the permission of Penguinman. Requires: ES (and EA to use the fossils) Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: none Description: Ramoceros was a deer-like antelope from Miocene North America. Complete with fossils it will inhabit both Grassland and Temperate forest habitats. Ramoceros.z2f
  26. 1 point
    Author: Octavio17493 and Kangorilaphant Requires: Endangered Species WDU_Tasmanian Devill.z2f
  27. 1 point
    Author: Slice Original Creator: Bethesda Softworks, bitComposer Games, DinosaurMan (cat model), ZTABC Team (duck model), and zerosvalmont (dog model) Requires: ES, AA and Zoo Tycoon ABC's Aves Language: English Notes: Most models and textures are imported from Oblivion and Wildlife Park 3. Since most of them are high poly models, avoid to place to many or to fast, it may slow down or crush the game. Description: A pack that includes 3 animals, 4 shelters, and several plants and scenery. zzzWorldofImports3.z2f
  28. 1 point
    Creator: Tamara Henson & Treebeard Original Creator: Several people need credit for the original models, skin details, and coding used in this pack. Dinosaurman/Hendrix for the bat, jerboa, mongoose, galago, hedgehog, leopard, dik-dik (with Longisquamata) and ostrich meshes; Doc 118 for the mesh used for Naked mole rat; Jannick and the dube Warrior's team's for zebra mesh used for the Somali wild ass; Triceraptor Rex and Slice for the Beisa Oryx; and Zebrasoru for the lesser kudu. Requires: Most of these downloads use only zoo tycoon 2 but will benefit from having the Radical Remake new biomes as many are coded to prefer the tropical dry forest biome. The bat needs DM's bat and the jerboa needs the European Expedition jerboa found in the EE-new bonus downloads. All the animals below need African Adventures - Somali Hedgehog, Somali Dwarf Mongoose, Somali Desert Warthog. Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: Food occasionally sticks to the hedgehog's face Description: 13 animals native to the country of Somalia in Africa. This pack includes the Beisa Oryx, Silver Dik-Dik, Somali Ostrich, Somali Wild Ass, Somali Leopard (including the super-rare king leopard color phase), Somali Hedgehog, Somali Galago, Somali Dwarf Mongoose, Somali Desert Warthog, Schlieffen's Bat, Northern Lessr Kudu, Naked-Mole Rat, and Lesser Egyptian Jerboa. Screenshots: Beisa Oryx Adult, Juvenile, and Young Northern Kudu Desert Warthog Somali Galago Somali Hedgehog Silver dikdik Somali Ostrich Naked Mole Rats Somali Wild Ass Somali Leopard Schieffen's Bat Lesser Egyptian Jerboa LesserEgyptianJerboa.z2f Naked-Mole Rat.z2f Northern Kudu.z2f SchlieffensBat.z2f Somali Desert Warthog.z2f Somali Dwarf Mongoose.z2f Somali Galago.z2f Somali Hedgehog.z2f Somali Leopard.z2f Somali Ostrich.z2f Somali Wild Ass.z2f zzzz_Silver Dik-Dik.z2f zzzzzz_Beisa Oryx.z2f
  29. 1 point
    Creator: Tamara Henson Original Creator: A lot of original designers need to be credited for original meshes and coding in this pack... 16529950 for the Swan; DinosaurMan/Henrix for the Mink, Porcupine, Juvenile and Young Fox, hare, snake, Bohemian Waxwing, Toad, Salamander, Fur Seal base mesh (with Eryel, and the rest of the Carnivora crew), carabou, Sheep, and squirrel; Bunyupy for the Adult Wolf; Crookedjaw for the Turtle; Doc 118 for the ground squirrel and Marmot; GLM for the original young swan and goose meshes; JimmyzHoopz for the Goose and bear; Platypus for the Pony and young, juvenile, and adult caribou; Ulquiorra and Zerosvalmont for the base mesh used for the Adult Arctic Fox, and Zerosvalmont for the Young wolf and ringed seal. Requires: ZT2 - Just ZT2: American Red Squirrel, Spirit bear (f you do not have the RR new biomes just use boreal), Thinhorn Sheep, Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel, and Vancouver Island Marmot. ES EE - American Porcupine, Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Lac La Croix Indian Pony, Mackenzie Valley Wolf, and Peary Caribou. AA - Blue Racer, Bohemian Waxwing (also needs the EE_Eurasian Jay), and Canadian Toad. AA and MM - Eastern Tiger Salamander :Shell: MM:American Mink, Blanding's Turtle, Northern Fur Seal, and Ringed Seal (If you do not have the RR new biomes just use tundra). :Bones: EA: Canadian Goose and Trumpeter Swan. Public Domain: Yes, but make sure to credit the original designers. Language: English Bugs: The ringed seal does not breed but a baby can be bought as a separate animal for a small price. It is possible the waxwing does not breed either. Description: This is a huge pack containing twenty animals, many endangered, native to Canada. Screenshots: American Mink comes with a lot of variants including platinum and albino! American Porcupine Yes they climb trees! American Red Squirrel Arctic Fox Arctic Hare Blanding's Turtle Blue Racer Bohemian Waxwing Canadian Goose Canadian Toad Eastern Tiger Salamander Lac La Croix Indian Pony Mackenzie Valley Wolf Many variants in both the adult and pups! Northern Fur Seal Peary Caribou Santa's tiny reindeer remade for your zoo just in time for Xmas! Ringed Seal and Pup Spirit Bear Thinhorn Sheep a remake of the stone and dall's sheep RR style! Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel Trumpeter Swan Vancouver Island Marmot American Mink.z2f American Porcupine.z2f Arctic Fox.z2f Arctic Hare.z2f Blandings Turtle.z2f Blue Racer.z2f Bohemian Waxwing.z2f Canadian Goose.z2f Canadian Toad.z2f Eastern Tiger Salamander.z2f Lac La Croix Indian Pony.z2f Mackenzie Valley Wolf.z2f Northern Fur Seal.z2f Peary Caribou.z2f Ringed Seal.z2f Thinhorn Sheep.z2f Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel.z2f Trumpeter Swan.z2f zz_Vancouver Island Marmot Remake.z2f zzz_American Red Squirrel.z2f zzzzSpirit Bear.z2f
  30. 1 point
    Squeeee, black-faced sheepie for my farm zoos! ?
  31. 1 point
    Designer: Dinosaur Requires: ZT2 and EA Picture: European Hippopotamus.z2f
  32. 1 point
    Designer: Whalebite Original Creator: Jannick and Ulquiorra Requires: EA, MM Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: Description: A duck that is either extinct or very close to extinction Screenshot: zzzz-Rhodonessa caryophyllacea.z2f
  33. 1 point
    Authors: Zoo Tycoon 2 Designing Center If you are going to create a new biome or download a new biome, you will need to download this first. zbiomeshell.z2f
  34. 1 point
    Designer: Laura "Tamara" Henson Original Creator: For the Sicilian Dwarf Elephant remake I must think Eryel for their Sumatran elephant and Columbian Mammoth. Lazardi for his Blora Elephant and Bill and Luca9108 for his Paleoloxodon model Requires: Endangered Species, Extinct Animals, Stepe-Tundra Biome, and Radical Remake. Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: None that I have found Description: : this pack re-makes the elephants in Extinct Animals and my Ice Age pack to look compatable with Radical Remake and similar modern expansions. Screenshot: American Mastodon Remake Sicilian Dwarf Elephant Remake Woolly Mammoth (Ice Age Remake) zzzzzzzz_Extinct Animals_Elephant Remake.z2f
  35. 1 point
    Designer: Tamara Henson Original Creator: Platypus for the base model and skins Requires: Endangered Species and Extinct Animals Public Domain: Yes Language: English Bugs: None that I know of though I haven't tested the fossils yet Description: An extinct horse breed from Abaco Island in the Caribbean. Screenshot: Abaco Barb.z2f
  36. 1 point
    ENORMOUS ELEPHANTS Creator: Velociraptor and Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creators: This enormous pack would not have been possile without the orignal skina and models of many talented designers. Carthaginian and Desert Elephant (modified), Astypalea Dwarf, Cypriot Swarf, Kos Dwarf, Maltese Dwarf, and Tilos Dwarf Elephants are all from Lazardi's Blora Elephant with the Young from Eryel and co.'s Sumatran elephant. Chinese and Syrian Elephant from the Sumatran elephant by Eryel and co. Cretan dwarf elephant from Eryel's mammoth, Young from Eryel and co.'s Sumatran elephant Straight Tusked Elephant modified from Lazardi'a Reck's Elephant with the young modifed from the Blora Elephant Asian Straight Tusked Elephant from Lazardi's Blora Elephant Channel Island and Sardinian Mammoths use Eryel's mammoth Wrangel Island Mammoths use Eryel's mammoth modified by Zoo Tycoon Thailand. Flores dwarf elephant from Eryel's Stegotrabelodon,Juvenile from Lszardi's Reck's Elephant (moded) Young from Eryel and co.'s Sumatran elephant Requires: Extinct Animals EA Public Domain: Yes. Language: English Bugs: Ghostly elephants occasionally occur when there are a large number of animals in the park. Description: A remake of Velociraptor/Dinosaur's Enourmous Elephant packs, all placed in a single file. This pack contains 15 species of extinct elephant and a living ecotype for your zoo ranging from the tiny Cretan dwarf mammoth to the immense Asian Straight-Tusked Elephant. Screenshots: African Straight Tusked Elephant Asian Straight Tusked Elephant Carthaginian Elephant adult and baby Chinese Elephant https://imgur.com/Gae4XZh.png[/img] Desert Elephant Syrian Elephant Wrangal Island Mammoth Astypalean Dwarf Elephant Channel Island Dwarf Mammoth Creatan Dwarf Mammoth Cyprot Dwarf Elephant Flores Island Dwarf Elephant (Stegodont) Kos Swarf Elephant Maltese Dwarf Elephant Sardinian Dwarf Mammoth Tilos Dwarf Elephant Enourmous Elephants Remake.z2f
  37. 1 point
    The attachment has been added.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    Creator: Silesian Tomcat Requires: ES Picture: LemurRedRuffed.z2f
  40. 1 point
    Creator: Artifex Requires: EA Island Fox.z2f
  41. 1 point
    Creator/Designer/Author: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: Blue Fang & (for the birds) Kangorillophant Language: English Bugs/Information/Notes: This pack contains 9 new animals for Zoo Tycoon 2; the Antelopine Kangaroo, Australian Pelican, Australian Snubfin Dolphin, Black-headed Monitor Lizard, Brolga, Ledbeater's Cockatoo, Toolache Wallaby, Western Brush Wallaby, and the 'Pretty Faced' Whiptail Wallaby. The birds were created from meshs by Kangorillophant. The black-headed monitor has a minor bug which keeps it from blinking. A more serious bug is found in the snubfin dolphin, while most testers here say they have had no problem with it, the download will cause some games to crash, so save the game before selecting it. As it was mainly my Acer computer with Windows Vista that was affected I was unable to get a photo. Requirements: ZT2, ES, AA, MM Picture: Antelopine Kangaroo: Australian Pelican: Black-headed Monitor Lizard: I am sorry but this image seems to have been lost during the change from Photobucket to Imgur. I will replace it if I can find a copy in my old files. Sorry for the inconvenience. Brolga: Ledbeater's Cockatoo: Toolache Wallaby: Western Brush Wallaby: Whiptail Wallaby: Antilopine Kangaroo.z2f Australian Pelican.z2f Australian Snubfin Dolphin.z2f Black-Headed Monitor.z2f Brolga.z2f Ledbeaters Cockatoo.z2f Toolache Wallaby.z2f Western Brush Wallaby.z2f Whiptail Wallaby.z2f
  42. 1 point
    Name Continent Pack China Remake Creators: Laura 'Tamara' Henson and (for the dolphin) Whalebite. Original Creator: The following people need to be credited for the use of their models and original coding and skins... Dinosaurman/Hendrix for the pelican, adult giant salamander, young bison (used for the takin, and crane models; Jimmz Hoopz for the alligator, adult wolf, and bison (used to mod the takin); Hispa Designs for the young giant salamander; Platypus for the red goral; Whalebite and Jannik for the banji; and zerosvalmont for the young wolf. Requires: ES: Endangered Species for the Tibetan wolf MM: Marine Mania for the Banji EA:Extinct Animals for the Chinese Alligator, Chinese Giant Salamander, and Sichuan Takin. Public Domain: Yes for all but the banji. Make sure you credit the original designers for the mesh. Language: English Bugs: The eggs of the Chinese alligator take forever to hatch (sometimes more than 30 minutes after the gauge turns red) but they will eventually birth a baby. Description: A remake of eight of the animals from the original Countries of the World: China. It contains the Chinese Alligator, Chinese Giant Salamander, Red Goral, Sarus Crane, Sichuan Takin, Spot-Billed pelican, Tibetan Wolf, and the White Flag Dolphin (aka banji). Screenshots: Chinese Alligator Chinese Giant Salamander Red Goral Sarus Crane Sichuan Takin Spot-Billed pelican Tibetan Wolf White Flag Dolphin (Banji) Chinese Alligator.z2f Chinese Giant Salamander.z2f Red Goral.z2f Sarus Crane.z2f Sichuan Takin.z2f Spot-Billed Pelican.z2f Tibetan Wolf.z2f zzzz-whalbit-baiji.z2f
  43. 1 point
    Creator: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: The following people need to be credited for the use of their models and original coding... Ultamateterex2 for the lion mesh, Dinosaurman/Hendrix for the Adult and Old sambar deer, Cosmius for the indian giant squirrel, Bunyupy for the leopard and the Juvenile and Young sambar deer, and Jimmz Hoopz for the jungle cat. Requires: African Adventure for the Jungle Cat and Endangered Species for the Sambar Deer Public Domain: Yes but credit the original designers for the mesh. Language: English Bugs: none Description: A remake of five of the animals from the original Countries of the World: India. It contains the Asiatic Lion, Indian leopard, Indian Giant Squirrel, Jungle Cat, and Sambar deer. Screenshots: Asiatic Lion Indian Leopard Indian giant squirrel Jungle Cat Sambar Adult & Juvenile Asiatic Lion.z2f Indian Giant Squirrel.z2f Jungle Cat.z2f Sambar Deer.z2f x999_Indian Leopard.z2f
  44. 1 point
    Creator: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: As in all of these packs many people have my thanks for providing the models, original skins, and coding for this project. Jimmz Hoopz gets credit for the bears, mountain lion, and bison; Dinosaurman/Hendrex (plus the crews that made up Carnivora and Wild China) for the bat-eared fox model (used for the kit fox), crane, and young red fox mesh used for the Adult Channel Island fox; and finally gcfm for the young fox mesh. Requires: Most of these animals need ES. Whooping Crane may need AA Public Domain: Yes, but credit the original meshers for the models. Language: English Bugs: None found Description: A remake of eight of the animals from the original Countries of the World: United States. It contains the Florida black bear, Glacier bear, Wood bison, white buffalo and plains bison hack, California mountain lion, Channel Island fox, San Joaquin Kit Fox, and Whooping crane. While not required the use of World of Import's monkey bars is recommended for the bear exhibits. Screenshots: Wood Bison White Buffalo San Joaquin Kit Fox Florida Black bear Channel Island fox Glacier bear Whooping Crane California Mountain Lion Channel Island Fox.z2f Florida Black Bear.z2f Glacier Bear.z2f Mountain Lion.z2f San Joaquin Kit Fox.z2f White Buffalo.z2f Whooping Crane.z2f Wood Bison.z2f
  45. 1 point
    Name: Countries of the World: Russia Creator: Laura 'Tamara' Henson Original Creator: The following people need to be credited for the use of their models and original coding... Artifex for the model used for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow; Dinosaurman/Hendrix for the Young and female wapati, wapati statue, seal, bear, hamster, bustard (modified by me), tortoise, sable (modified by me), crane, juvenile and young ibexes, roe deer, and snow sheep; Doc 118 for the bobak and siberian weasel; Hispa Designs for the pit viper; Jimmz Hoopaz for the wolf and eagle; Platypus for the Adult male Wapati and adult ibexes; and Ulquiorra for the chukar and raccoon dog, the latter modified by me. Requires: AA: African Adventure for the Steller's sea Eagle ES: Endangered Species for the Altai Wapati, Bobak, Russian tortoise, Siberian pit viper, Siberian roe deer, Siberian tundra wolf, and Ussuri raccoon dog. MM: Marine Mania for the Bearded seal. EA: Extinct Animals: Bergman's Bear (for fossils) Any expansion pack for the Russian objects. Public Domain: Yes but credit the original designers for the mesh. Language: English Bugs: The bearded seal does not reproduce and the hamster does not go inside (but lays alongside) the hamster wheel. The bouncy ride has no name. Description: Eighteen animals native to Russia and several objects including new shelters, new enrichment items, and Russian themed restaurants, bathrooms, and statues. Screenshots: Altai Wapiti Bearded seal and new shelter Bergman's bear Bobak Chuckar partridge Djungarian Hamster and new enrichment object Eastern Great Bustard Russian Tortoise Sable Siberian Crane Siberian Ibex Siberian Pit Viper Siberian Roe deer Siberian Tundra Wolf Siberian Weasel Snow Sheep Steller's Sea Eagle Ussurai Racoon Dog RUSSIAN OBJECTS Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Siberian wapiti statues Firebird Inn Russian Bench Russian Bathroom Konek Gorbunok Bouncy Ride Altai Wapiti.z2f Bearded Seal.z2f Bergman's Bear.z2f Bobak.z2f Chukar Partridge.z2f Djungarian Hamster.z2f Eastern Great Bustard.z2f Russian Objects.z2f Russian Tortoise.z2f Sable.z2f Siberian Crane.z2f Siberian Ibex.z2f Siberian Pit Viper.z2f Siberian Roe Deer.z2f Siberian Tundra Wolf.z2f Siberian Weasel.z2f Snow Sheep.z2f Steller's Sea Eagle.z2f Ussuri Raccoon Dog.z2f
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