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Everything posted by lea75

  1. They are right at the top of the list hun 1500 coins for the red bed and 800 coins for the rattan bed xx
  2. /pet-society-forum-guides-f52/ps-recycling-t7765.htm this is the link to the recycling guide
  3. try playing it directly from PSFC...there is a pet society button at the top, click on that
  4. I like you because...you make fab comps
  5. lea75

    Kill the ant

    So one person says a reason the ant didn't die in the last post.. then tries to kill the ant themselves. Example: Poster 1: Ant is stepped on and dies Poster 2: A Veterinarian was there to bring him back to life. The ant is thrown in the ocean. Poster 1: Life guard brings it back to shore, and does CPR. Ant randomly for no reason catches on fire. And so on and so forth.. now let me begin. I'll start with: The ant falls in a tub of boiling water
  6. What do you like about the person above?? (please be nice about me lol) Post what you like about the person who has posted above you.... example: I like you because.....you are an active member of PSFC
  7. In this game all you need to do is change the word... To do this you must either change a letter in the word, add a letter to the word or remove a letter from the word Confused? I'll give you a few examples: Dogs Digs Figs Fig Big Bog Log Loin Hope this makes sense lol I will start with.... Male
  8. lea75

    Two choices

    The aim of the game is to give 2 choices. The next person answers their preferance and then gives 2 more choices. eg Person 1: Pepsi or coke? Person 2: Coke Strawberry or chocolate? Person 3: Strawberry coffee or tea? I'll start with....Tea or Coffee?
  9. moving this to the help and advice section x
  10. I can guarantee you that I did not hack anything to get the prices. I wouldnt even know how!
  11. all items sent and received...thanks hun...rep added xx
  12. I cant believe my little boy is going to be 15 tomorrow...talk about making me feel old It really doesnt seem like 15 years since he was born... I'm feeling really nostalgic tonight....and very old lmao
  13. can I get a set from you please hun xx
  14. I cant believe I gave a couple of them away
  15. lea75

    Home again!

    Welcome back hun...good to have you back
  16. do you want me to add you facebook profile pic for you? xx
  17. nothing yet...you can be sure that they will be here as soon as they are released
  18. /pet-society-forum-guides-f52/how-to-add-a-picture-t5617.htm Have a look at this thread hun..it shows you how to add a picture from your PC
  19. going to lock this thread hun so everyone knows its solved x
  20. This is a rare photo of me...I hate having my pic taken
  21. Shirley, My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I cannot imagine the pain and worry you are all going through Please keep us updated when you can...and hugs to you xxx
  22. lea75

    Good Morning!!

    Morning all What are you all up to today? I'm finishing off having a spring clean I did all downstairs yesterday, not that you would believe it now! After 10 minutes the kids had messed it all up again...oh well at least I know its clean under all the toys Will be online more today though, one day away is enough for me
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