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Everything posted by Joe99

  1. Because he was very angry, He make all of Pet society player on maintenance
  2. Forum Name: Joe99 Type of design: Cupcake Photo: Thank you! I really like the cupcake
  3. Joe99

    Would you rather...

    movies. Ps on Facebook or Ps on myspace?
  4. Well done! I still hoping for the fox and the diploma bear to come
  5. Fortunately, you alive now. Because the plane crash
  6. Joe99

    Would you rather...

    trousers. East or west?
  7. It eat you and your pet. I wish for a pink jello
  8. Joe99

    Would you rather...

    Meat. I'm a meat eater. Novel or Comic?
  9. The black cat crosses your path and it cursed you! I wish for a dancing snowman
  10. there is a pea underneath the the mattress! You can't sleep for days! I wish for Harry Pet-ter
  11. You click it! 0.0 I wish for a orangutan doll
  12. 99/99 candy beans 99/99 cendol.. 99/99 sweet mooncake!
  13. I like it Very nice! Especially the gardens and the dining room
  14. Joe99

    Would you rather...

    water. Beige or brown?
  15. I'll post soon. Just need some items to put..
  16. Wow! Gorgeous! I'm still making mine
  17. Can we didn't add the Arabic items?
  18. I have the watering quest problem too. I already watered about 20 dry crops but it still 0
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