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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Hiya Marie, you have your little bundle to keep you warm hey? You ok? Sara, Zoonie's sent you and Army a little sweet treat for being so nice
  2. Sorry - bye Army and thank you. I'd just stepped away from the computer, as there's an altercation with Dennis and Socks and Dennis wont come indoors...a bit worrying really...he's in major sulk-mode.
  3. aaw thanks Army. Same goes for me as for Sharon you know - if you need a friendly shoulder, it must be a strain for you and all your friends. Good on you though for being so understanding and not taking things personally. Oh bless, a zoo just on the TV, has been giving hot baked potatoes, to keep the baboons warm, how sweet is that?
  4. Sorry playing catch up, was just finishing my angry email to the Mayor of London lol. See you Frannie, See you Wish. Thanks both for the mistletoe, do either of you want one back? and to Sara for the tree seed. They're for Missy, so I will tell them who they're donated by Just watching the snow and travel news, it's really unbelievable. 16" in our parts and up to 20" up in Scotland, but a lot of it's so dangerous as it fell on ice. Airports and roads closed, trains off and people trapped in cars overnight!
  5. I just read the joke Wish, Lisa and Audrey are back already! they were both on site today. I don't know of anyone away this week, the only thing I'm looking for is a mistletoe and a festive tree seed for Michelle (Missy/Carlie) we didn't have any spare last week. Oh bless Sara, when the UK grinds a halt we're still only measuring in inches it's crazy, but true!
  6. Of course, I understand so sorry though I think we only know so far as the end of the week so far Sara, no let up is the general opinion!
  7. Happy New Year Novia, sorry you don't feel so good Sara, oh it's been quite an adventure! Our eldest can't believe how long we stopped out - even she was home by half five on New Year's Eve rofl.
  8. you can tell which of the cats has long term outdoor experience here. Dennis's tracks are very slow and measured, creeping like your traditional cautious cat on the prowl. Socks's are like Tigger on speed, bounding around like a lunatic It's still snowing here!
  9. About NYE but not about being stuck after missing the train, well, I guess I can add in the bit about the stupid policing which caused us to miss it even though we arrived 45 mins early. Complaining about being charged £9.60 each for our £1.60 journey to the restaurant (return was free as all tubes are free 23.45hrs-04.30hrs on NYE) and to sit on the platform when they threw us out of the railway station (I guess they charged the max daily rate plus the same again as a fine?) Anyway, am not happy about that. Sara, happy new year honey, how are you doing? apart from snow-less...Wish and I would gift you some if we could
  10. Chilly, and got my gander up I'm presently composing a letter of complaint to Boris Johnson in his capacity of Mayor of London (and therefore in charge of Transport for London) <--- it's going a bit like that so far!
  11. Wish, have you let him in yet? :spiteful:
  12. Everyone's been busy then? We've taken down our decorations and the trees outside - well, I say it's outside, 50% of it stayed dug in to the carpet All good fun!
  13. Well, work and duty calls, catch ya later taters
  14. I just re-jigged Zoonie's front room, and put a hot tub in the snow
  15. OK thanks PInky, snowed in, so here with my OH. Hi there Paige, I just typed a message to you on your thread out in the main forum Happy New Year honey.
  16. Paige, I was sure I answered you somewhere lol, only just saw this - happy New Year! x
  17. PInky!!!! how are you honey? Happy New Year x
  18. ha ha haaa a woman after my own heart!
  19. I can imagine! Well, we've been a bit disorganised lately with people having so little time. It's only for our regular members, and only for TWS items, and anyone is free to donate whatever they wish to. I offered to put you and Lisa down, but was told you were both sorted out, so we didn't make much effort to collect numbers of everything, as we weren't collecting for anyone specifically. One of our members lets us use their pet's house as Kitty C&G Stores so you can either add them as a friend, or send to me and I'll pass it on. Occasionally a CeeGeean friend has forgotten something so we sell at a profit for the new TWS items (cheaper than Trading Forums) and I'll be opening the G/R for a sale soon, incase members want to buy past TWS, as we can't just keep collecting for ever lol. Oh and I sometimes use stuff for prizes too. In all honesty though, it tends to be the same few of us donating all the time. Ok honey, see you tomorrow. I don't have Photoshop, not that I want to blur anything really, except pics of me
  20. Your Scavenger pics are too hard for my eyesight. How do you do that blurring anyways? Oh no, I forget to send stuff about the newsletter - not that there is much! Do you have anything or shall I just do a short one myself?
  21. Have you seen Sharon's posts about her Snowman? ROFL Welcome Home Audrey - how were your Hols? We were all thinking about you, jetting off in the snow, and now back to more snow!!! You'll soon get used to all the regulars, and it helps that on here it shows our real names, so if some of us use them instead of forum names, you can check. All you really have to remember is that we call Toulouse BG (see her signature) and Armell, Army - little pet names
  22. BRB going to heat some croissants and cheese
  23. See you Fran. WB Kijo, as you can see I'm playing my own Spot the Difference Hey D, we're snowed in today too - on the downside that means IMOM is finding work for me to do!
  24. So am I. I've ringed them all on pic 2, but keep losing count, as the phone and fax are going here for IMOM. I wrote a list and am now typing the list under Pic 2, but am one short I told you what I'm like! rofl
  25. Yes, I was trying to upload them normal size, but obviously that didn't work, so now you can click for a larger image in a new window One or two of them are fiendish :girl_devil:
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