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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. A bit of both probably. Hopefully you're getting to like it more, but really hope you're feeling better. Hey SIB, back to work again then! Happy New Year. Oooh lots of people ask, and about Reputation - I put some links up from the FAQ. Basically you earn them for logging each day, and, for each post you make...then you can exchange them for instore items
  2. Happy New Year Wish, how are you?
  3. Hi Anastasia, and a Happy New Year to you!
  4. I'll be back later on, have a few things I really must do now x
  5. of course! Bee I have everything crossed for you. I so hope you get sorted with somewhere nice to live and a new job if you need one. It's so very daunting for you, am sure we all understand that. I just wish there was something to be done to make it easier and smooth the path
  6. Thread Closed please go to THIS NEW THREAD
  7. Byeee Kijo. Only joke is that Army keeps getting lost Bee. I see why the thread changed, threads automatically lock at 100 pages and a new one opens with the same title, although I thought it reopened with the same first post, so not sure about what happened there. Let's move to the new 2010 thread /c-g-f37/2010-chat-january-part-1-t7086.htm#196120 and carry on there!
  8. Check in here each day for our daily chatter!
  9. OK will do one, just keep your eyes peeled for Armell
  10. All I can do is wish you both the best of luck - you never know what might turn up! Yes, I guess the first post reset on the 1st Jan? Do you want me to start a January chat thread?
  11. See you BG, sweet snoozing Frannie Later guys
  12. my turn to be blond - I can't see Thank you button :girl_cray2: its only for the person who started the thread. : D So gill can see them in here, and I can see them in the Hunt, and so on. : D Me and BG was playing around with it the other day. I didn't know that! so Bee's not blonde at all then apparently although my Modding powers have disappeared...so have Sara's, something must have gone amiss and both Mr Mayor and Lea are away.
  13. my turn to be blond - I can't see Thank you button :girl_cray2: It just says thanks, it's the one on the left where you can also do quote, multi-quote etc. But I tried to thank your post as well and it just says the thread's already been thanked Hiya BG, so funny that you're afraid to say pants and tights now rofl! Good news on the lap top!
  14. The post goes green when someone presses the Thank You button Thanks Bee. Got to say I wasn't feeling well in the days leading to NYE and a night in the freezing cold (blow freezing) with just a metal chair that has a half height back, for hours and hours, is not really going to do you any good at my age, is it now? Luckily I had a warm coat, but I was dressed for dinner out - not camping! Got the pics now Kijo, they're so cute
  15. I'm so dumb. Kijo I did get your message, meant to reply and obv didn't - there was nothing attached honey, just the text! How about sending to my email please? TY
  16. The so-called-celeb BB fascinates me (or any reality show like that) as to who he producers can get, and why on earth they pay them so much money, it's totally weird (IMO) NYE we spent from 12.30-08.08am waiting at Charing Cross Horrid! You've made me hungry now, back after I sort out the laundry and get some cereal!
  17. Stephen Baldwin and Heidi Fleiss both have seriously scary faces.
  18. Always one step ahead hey? I gave up using my isp email and just stick to gmail as it seems pretty good at filtering out the rubbish. Just been away reading The Guardian blog about 'Celebrity' (ha ha) Big Brother
  19. Why is so much junk mail about viagra and other drugs, and replica watches??? do they seriously think people are going to buy?
  20. Hi Bee, Hi Dawn, Happy New Year to you both. Don't know if you saw how my NYE finished Bee? (seeing as we often chat about trains) I hate hate hate the live feed thing on FB now, my page fills so quickly with rubbish and all the interesting stuff seems to get skipped over!
  21. You're way ahead of me then! I've found a style I like, but not got so far as finding a new hairstylist yet. House looks like nothing on earth - believe me!
  22. aaw thanks so much, that's nice of you. I am so behind with any of the MB items, and on the few visits I've managed to do lately, keep seeing some things I don't recognise!
  23. Me? no, not even seen them, where were they from Frannie?
  24. Yes, I'm not in any rush to trade, got too much to do this week. Take down and store all the decs and then a major de-clutter, as we have work starting on the house next Monday! Sorry I didn't answer, not shaken off the chill as yet, but a lot better than it was - yesterday I felt really rough for some strange reason.
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