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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. See you then Frannie, I just came back to reply/ I have far too much hair, I could grow my hair as an Olympic sport and win a medal every time! Might not see you later, so enjoy your meal later xxx Sounds like a lot of drama BG, and that your sis and her B/F really should split and get it over and done with.
  2. It's ok with me, am going to get ready shortly, but still drinking coffee and looking at hairstyles
  3. oh dear BG, no I haven't read back. I feel like we lost a couple of days what with going out early NYE and then being up all night...yesterday was a complete washout by the time we got home. I just had an hour's nap on the sofa, but felt unwell and worn out all day really. Don't you find that NYE can either go entirely one way or the other? I think it's either a disappointment - or you have a great time...this year we managed both (to extremes!)
  4. Wishing you a Happy New Year too BG. Sometimes staying around the house makes you tired. It always amazes me how quickly the time goes when I don't seem to have accomplished too much, and yet when you get up early and get out and about, you seem to get loads done and be invigorated. You're right...it was quite an experience. We don't even do camping as a rule! Yes, of late, you know how unreliable our trains have been - and to be fair, it galls us how unsympathetic or accommodating the staff are. I have no idea how homeless people survive. If you recall, we only took on Dennis because he was existing by himself in the wild. Speaking of cats - there's been an enquiring about the youth...am having to be very strong-willed about letting him go (although it is just an initial enquiry, not anything certain) I have to reply to the email before we go out today.
  5. We have British Rail, which are the overground trains, and in London the mainline stations have Underground Stations attached (two different operators) The main Rail Station closes for two hours after the last train departs apparently (I didn't know this) but the Underground (Subway) runs all night, so it was the only place to go. We should have gone down there earlier, it was a bit warmer and more sheltered - but ... no police in evidence, and lots of drunken revellers, so actually perhaps it was just as well we didn't. We were miserable and frozen, but at least we were safe.
  6. Quite! it snowed as we left the Restaurant and the wind chill meant it was below freezing even inside the station - I wasn't well before we went out let alone after! I thought the idea of stopping up all night was to have fun - not for endurance I see you're out tonight for Mark's birthday? I'd say wrap up warm - and take a hip flask just in case
  7. I keep checking back for you Frannie, I'm currently getting ready for late breakfast of eggs and wholemeal toast, watching Saturday Kitchen cookery programme, surfing the net for individual pie dishes and a new hairstyle for 2010 and chatting to Mr Zoonie and Socks ... but I am here!
  8. Yes, I'm around, just had to go find tissues - cold is in full flow (sorry if TMI)
  9. Good Morning and Happy New Year C&G. I wasn't around yesterday as our fabulous New Year's Eve turned into a bit of a night from hell, and I still don't feel my best yet. I'd better type out an explanation
  10. I like the last part especially OK life goals are good, so are highly achievable little resolutions that wont be too hard to keep. Mine are going to be 1. Take more exercise 2. Drink less alcohol 3. Not to buy so many plants that I don't get around to actually planting, or taking care of We'll see how I get on
  11. Happy Happy New Year, Good Health, Happiness & Great Friendships for everyone xxx
  12. TEX!!!!! Welcome, lovely to see you xxx
  13. Lyn, sorry to cut and run, but I have a few things to do before I start getting ready, so will say Happy New Year to you too and I hope the little un plays nice for you later xxx
  14. OK Frannie, Kijo, BG - a very happy new year to you all. Good health and happiness too xxx
  15. Hiya Lyn. Breakfast took longer than I thought, really don't have much of an appetite, which is sad seeing as we're eating out tonight.
  16. I wish I could help (all of you) BRB just eating breakfast...
  17. Thanks Boogs, am lashing away at the hot lemon and honey. Happy New Year to you
  18. Coloured tights are fashionable here this winter. I have a few pairs of sheer, only for wearing with dresses, because my legs stubbornly refuse to tan, that's assuming we see the sun (ever again) My knees go really quite brown, and my feet, but the bit inbetween - yuck! It's so not fair. But if I'm not wearing trousers or jeans in the winter, it's a shorter/straight skirt and opaque tights (usually black or dark brown depending on what colour the skirt is) Now - what's this about your hand Kijo?
  19. I'm still chuckling at BG fighting with her tights/panties I didn't know you distinguished names between sheer and opaque tights Frannie - interesting how many differences there are. I think it's crazy the stuff they took out of the boxes - and no warning! what about tuxedo shirts and rubbish wallpapers that no one ever wants?
  20. OMG, please tell don't tell me there's a difference between panties and pantyhose? :heat: :shok: (we just call them panties, but I mean pantyhose :blush3: ) Oh how funny - no such thing as panty hose in the UK, yes, we call them tights, or stockings if they're separate for each leg, and not joined. I thought you meant your pants/knickers/briefs (although pants are trousers in the States, yes?) Good grief, what a shocking start to a year! The laws here against drink-driving are very strict, but of course, that all depends on people obeying the drink/drug-driving laws...so, it's not a regular problem as such, but it does happen (sadly)
  21. January 2010 1st AVIRA. pet Esmerelda 3rd WINA, pet Stud Muffin 6th JOEY, pet Jessie that's for the first half January, more to come...
  22. Morning BG, OMG that's slightly TMI No shouting for me today/tonight and have promised not to kiss my friends, it'll be a celebratory handshake for New Year lol.
  23. BOOGIE! it's so long since I saw you!!! How are you? Your inner Barry migrated East and my throat feels like razor blades are jiggling in it
  24. I'm here now, but you might not want to get too close How are you Frannie?
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