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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Too many people with too much to do. I had planned to do last minute present shopping along with all our nice food shopping - have had to forget it and just get food locally, we'll manage. Just saw on the news that the north of Scotland is expected temps down to -16!!! I've made some arrangement to borrow electric heaters, so as long as we switch the boiler off before the oil runs out, we should be ok...otherwise it damages the pipes and we have to get an engineer out to fix it again. Just posting up a comp for Frannie, brb.
  2. Paige! sorry I was so brief earlier, had tons to do for my OH and just didn't dare multi task, it was complicated. Also been chasing up our delivery of oil, which we need desperately - and now they say the 29th is the earliest they might get to us. It -5C when OH left this morning How's it going with you? Tweet, Hiya, just laughing at my OH playing with Socks and a very long piece of string. Funny little cat has to be tired out every day or he's far too active
  3. Pleased to meet you Tip, and welcome to C&G
  4. Helloooooooo my first break of the day since I was here early on - gaaah Mr Zoonie being home sure creates loads of work for me! How are you feeling Frannie?
  5. Sweet I don't know if anything would come out of it, but you need some support and encouragement and your work is fabulous! Thank you for all you do for C&G. Ponyboy if you take a look at the Facebook Group there are threads on there explaining. Take a pic of your pet in Christmas clothes, only use the portrait option that gives a plain white background. Tag yourself and tag either Kijo if she's a friend or me if she isn't on your list. Under the pic in your PS album, also put your pet's name please. That's all there is to it so long as you do it by the required date ok? * thanks BG for your lovely post x
  6. Nope, no oil yet Tanya aaaaagh
  7. I'm just running in to say hello, can't stay sorry - OH waited 45 mins on a freezing cold platform, only to find the train is cancelled again! Now he has to work from home and needs me to do a pile of typing for him and some spreadsheets (not his forte at all) Paige lovely to see you again, I missed you yesterday. I'll leave the page open here and try and nip in and out :(like a ninja) lol x
  8. I lost my message to Armell, sorry honey. Jeanie, Hi, I'm o0ff to bed at well after half twelve, just finished work Hope to catch up with you soon, I miss chatting with you. Night both xxx
  9. Can I take 123 please and send a box tomorrow (Pippa's link isn't clickable and I have to get some work done right now, I will pay - promise, hand on heart!)
  10. Thanks Steve I will visit the thread. Tiph why not bookmark the general C&G forum and you'll see what's going on I have to go now until later (this is no time of night to start work)
  11. Novia won the whole thing, she entered twice (the different pics I posted on our old forum and this new set of pics) but I'll drop more food gifts off as I get time to visit - really sorry I am not getting to do even 20 visits a day at the moment, I hope you liked the silliness and fun of the competition anyway.
  12. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Tiph, you need the daily chat thread
  13. Welcome Paige, I have SO missed you
  14. YES - give me chance!!! I've missed you so much...
  15. Thanks Sara, seriously I am so short of time lately that Zoonie isn't even doing his visits, so we dropped off at least one item of TWS food just for playing I'm a bit useless at competitions, but it's only a bit of fun hey?
  16. Oooh I love the idea of all the baking and creativity around Christmas. We are too late to cook and work now, so we're going to settle down with some yummy bacon sandwiches and wine.... and then work! Edit - sorry Armell, I am chatting on the phone will typing to you and talking to OH! I'm here while we eat and then I have to crack on with the work after that.
  17. Novia, I got your message but you didn't need to redo this one, I counted the people I could identify who had done it last time and sent prizes already to everyone on my friend list. Anyone else who's not on my friend list needs to send me a request NOW please
  18. I've just come home, but wont be here long as we have to cook and also OH has a load of typing to do, which means ME doing all the typing!
  19. Thanks Kijo for bringing the Scavenger Hunt here
  20. Ooops, Frannie, if you're struggling would you like me to post the comp on your behalf? if so, please email the pics (and the answers ) and I can put it up there for you. *poof*
  21. It was a total shock, and really really odd - who in their right mind would do that? There was nothing wrong with them, they were very pleasant and had well behaved children, but it was so left field! It wasn't even more who saw them it was OH and he didn't know them from Adam. No wonder K's rushed off now Actually I'm sorry to depart, but I have to go and get a shower, we've been invited out for drinks and mince pies as soon as OH gets home :dancing: See you later x
  22. @Bee the lady who turned up here. We'd been on a very small forum for something like 3 years - just about a dozen of us. I'd never spoken to her on the phone or anything though, just got so far as Christmas cards (so she had my address and she had my mobile number) She had said they were coming to stay with her inlaws for a holiday, and that it was 'near us' I checked out where it was, it was 2 hours away (she lives about 3½-4 hours away from here) On particular day we were home from work about 10 mins and a car pulled up outside and out they all piled We live in a little lane, a mile outside our village, and there are no street signs - goodness knows how they found us. Apparently she had been calling and texting all day, but my phone battery had died and I received none of it...despite that, they set off anyway, specially - they weren't looking around the rest of the area or anything. We could have been out that day/evening she heard nothing from me - but they still drove 2 hours here and 2 hours back out of their way - bizarre! (and embarrassing)
  23. I did say that once everyone's settled in, I'll make the first post short, hopefully it wont take up so much room then, and also use just a little graphic - hopefully that might help? The pages have such a lot of content, I think I'm lucky my pc is ok with it, seeing as it's such a slow connection.
  24. I know how poorly you've been feeling, and at such a busy time, I've got you on my mind ^look, Mr Mayor got us hug smilies
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