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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. It can be baked gingerbread cookies too - it doesn't have to involve pets
  2. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    me ? lost .....never! can you please give a valid facebook link? just copy-paste your profile page link if you need any more help please post here -> http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/forum-help-and-advice-f5/how-to-add-your-facebook-link-t5616.htm I checked Armell's link earlier tonight and it was working ok then? Oh oops I see, K-B's goes to my home page, OK, I'll mention it to her.
  3. Thanks again Steve, you're all being so helpful, I did leave an enquiry for Armell's avatar, I put it on the Help board in the siggie bit, as that was the nearest I found for relevance. TY
  4. Yup Yup, there are more of us on the loose somewhere, but it's all happening, and I promise you that all our crew are a good lot, any issues with avatars siggies or FB links will all be sorted, there aren't any dubious folks
  5. Twin! oh no, I am right on the case, be at your FB inbox right away.
  6. G'night BG yes, we'll see you with Kijo tomorrow I hope, take care x PS I changed the scrolling bit in my siggie
  7. Armell, I can't go into your personal file to upload it, but I have asked if Admin could put it as your Avatar for you. Lea is away now, so if Mr Mayor doesn't see it by tomorrow I will try and talk you through it!
  8. Hi, perhaps not the best place to ask for Avatar help, but is there a way Admin can add a pic to a user's avatar (if they're really techo-nervous) Please. I have posted forum member Armell's old avatar, but not sure she's going to be able to save it and upload it here by herself. Thanks if you can assist Mr M ---------------------------------------------- Sorted now - thanks to Mr Mayor 8)
  9. Don't worry you'll get with it, it wont take long, would you like me to go and see where your avatar is from the old forum?
  10. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    Tweet, you and Kijo will have to get together and swap ideas...she's been doing all the C&G siggies, avatars and group pics, you'll get on like a house on fire
  11. Oh my graciOs...Snorks has her teeth out :shok:
  12. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    aaaw that's so cute how the pets are moving the furniture Thank You
  13. Zoonie

    Thank You Thread!!

    Thanks Mr Mayor for the hugging smilies! C&G like to do a lot of friendly hugging, so they'll be very well used
  14. /forum-help-and-advice-f5/ Armell, please don't be shy, people here are very, very friendly and helpful, above is a link for the Help Forum. We will all help and guide you, and if you're not sure of anything just speak up - you should know by now that we'll take care of you
  15. don't be silly, you're here now and that's what counts. All you need to think about is checking in the forum index, where you will see other threads and a competiton section, which are all ours how cool is that? No one ever minds you asking for help, just keep doing what you do Thanks BG you sweetie x
  16. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    That's very kind Tweet, thank you. The whole point is, you only need to donate a little, we don't expect people to go short of coins themselves because they donate to the Gift Registry. Anything is very welcome, thanks.
  17. Thank you and ain't that the truth! No sooner the word than the deed! Cheers now all we need to do is pull Armell in from the Welcome thread... BOO BOO BOO hello you! how are you? and get over join the comps!!!
  18. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    We're here sweetheart /c-g-f37/daily-chat-thread-for-december-t6672-880.htm
  19. quote this to see something Yes Miss!!! OK, so what's up with your Siggie K? Armell is here but we need to rope her in this thread! Wish - when you read back, Tweet has taken up your offer on Gift Train No one loves my new comp /c-g-competitions-f48/gingerbread-mmmmmmmmmmmmmm-t6774.htm#187006
  20. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Armell the Rep points are when people think you said or did a good thing, I ran out of points to give today but when I see you tomorrow, I shall give you a Welcome one! We are over in the daily chat thread, the December one, come find us and chat
  21. OK - six views and no entries... Shake a leg you lot and post some entries, Zoonie already took the potion, so he can't have another one!
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