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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Rina, welcome, everyone here is really friendly, it takes a while to settle in, but you'll soon manage that So pleased you joined
  2. funny you should say that i dyed my hair today lol have fun sweetie See you BG, good luck. I really need to do mine, or make an appointment - I've been letting my hair grow ready for a restyle, but it's looking wild and not very flattering! Take care Armell, sweet dreams.
  3. Oh poo - I missed Dawn and her link isn't working for me, still going to my own Home Page
  4. Sorry, another delivery, and then I made coffee and now my friend's called. Ok leave it to me, will do it later on I hope you get your mac back soonest! Bee I saw on your FB what a trial you had, I did see you disappear, you said you were going to be let out a bit early. What a carry on! in one way I like it, as I remember all the posts we had saying Please read the First Post and, I can change any announcements - but yes, it is rather large. Anyway once people have settled down, then I can just do a little post. Can't do anything about the width of people's screens though (unless I win the lottery and can get you all new computers )
  5. Good Morning Kijo - gaaaah computer problems Are you ok to send the newsletter out? or do you want me to do it if you're struggling? Your pics are adorable - I think they're modern but have a cute vintage quality. Morning BG We have no more snow here, but still transport difficulties. I'm not all ready for Christmas Chiara, I intended going out and shopping today, but my husband says stay in the warm and be safe. We'll just have to manage Well done on your win Armell :dancing:
  6. Well done Armell I've locked the thread as it's over 100 pages. Please use the next daily thread, which is now Christmas Chat LINK HERE :friends:
  7. Good Morning Chiara How are you? I'm just going to lock the last thread, just to help establish a routine
  8. I'll go and find the thread about signatures Armell, just read it through and then when you're ready we can help you. Tanya, when I captured Dawn's from the old forum, the siggie pic came out too small? Oh and you can upload directly from your computer to a post here without leaving this site (the icon to the left of the little pic of the tree links to a hosting site)
  9. Tanya, yes, Socks was just like that! I love the smilies too, and I love how happy everyone is to help and to join in Sorry I disappeared, a parcel came (and me in my dressing gown) I opened a new thread http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/c-g-f37/cg-christmas-daily-chat-t6792.htm#187448
  10. Pic by Tweet40 Welcome to friends old and new. Please take a look around the rest of C&G on this board as it gets up and running, but use this thread as our meeting and chatting place And MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY! Pic by Kijo Can everyone also check their FB link works, if it doesn't it may be because you entered your home page URL, or it could be a problem with your security settings over on FB. If you need help, you can find it on THIS THREAD HERE
  11. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Welcome Novia, Mindy and Rina - in the C&G forum index you will see various threads, and the one to look for is one with Chat in the title, it will change as the threads can't be so long as on the other forum, but do keep looking at the index and also the sub forum which has some competitions and games in. Lovely to see you here even if it was lonely when you dropped by
  12. Yes, Mr M said a new one would open automatically. I think I might go and open one now, Call it the Big Christmas Daily Thread... we don't want to cause a major problem with the bandwith, I was looking at the busiest poster list *BLUSH* so I sent Mr M a contribution, our arrival has probably made a difference already to the cost to the site! Will pop back with a link for you...
  13. I slept very well thanks Army, best in a while actually. I have lots I would like to be doing for Christmas, but don't think it's going to be possible - never mind, we still have plenty, so I shan't worry about it. How are you? were you surprised to log on and find Mr Mayor had fixed your old avatar up for you?
  14. Good Morning Poor Bee had a horrendous treck home last night! My OH finally got to work, trains are running an 'enhanced Saturday' service lol. Treacherous out though and he's told me not to go on my planned trip in to town today! So funny Tanya, I just suddenly found Socks inside the dishwasher the door was down and the upper basket was pulled out I turned to put some mugs in, and thought - what on earth's that!!!
  15. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    I wouldn't sell them Wish, besides you only get a third back, they'll be good to send on to someone who's very short of coins maybe? Thank You xxx
  16. Thanks See you tomorrow xxx Oh meant to say in Comps we have a Gift Train going now and also a Gingerbread quick comp
  17. 251 and it's my bedtime in a minute or two
  18. Oops sorry Sara I nearly missed you, it's nearly 11.30pm, and I am about to turn in. We had more snow today and no public transport here for us. Gatwick Airport (London) which is our nearest had to close today and there was heavier snow in London. Lisa and Audrey were travelling from further up north, I checked this morning and it looked like they would be luckier than most, although there were delays. I think it might be a touch warmer out tonight. I turned our heating off (brave) as we haven't had the oil delivery yet and I'm panicking! EDIT checked the airport's website and Orlando flights aren't listed under delays, so it looks like they got away sooner or later Will see Tanya in my morning, or, she may stop by sooner if you're around Sara
  19. Thanks, no I didn't know that, but had already pondered on asking the question. We seem to have smashed into the forum and brought mass posting in a short time, sorry - then again, loads of new members Appreciate the info Steve TY Goodnight now.
  20. Zoonie

    Warning ....

    So much good stuff they took away - why leave so much rubbish? I really don't understand it.
  21. Zoonie

    Facebook settings

    Still causing issues for new members - why oh why do FB fiddle about so much with settings? I added a link to F how to make groups, so people worried about their online privacy can still be available without revealing all, so to speak - on the approppriate help thread.
  22. I enjoy the dark colours for special effects, but also find it tiring on the eyes over a whole day, so it's probably a better theme for people who only log in for shorter times. In all honesty I could probably do with the type being a slightly darker contrast to the background, but I can cope with it the way it is. Just one thing to bear in mind with the snow and all the graphics (and I know this might seem a little mean, but I don't mean it to be) is that some people (like me) have terribly slow connections - I live in a very rural area, and my connection is just a tad better than dial up, no cut off times, but the speed is about the same I mean the comments to be a positive input, not a criticism, as you've been so very helpful and welcoming and I don't want to come over as picky - just giving you feedback - hope that's ok
  23. Fabulous, thanks - she'll be SO pleased Oooh and I tweaked my scrolling siggie too (I put Marquee in the code instead of scroll!)
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