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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. was she going to move in?? Your tree sounds really pretty Bee Nope but it was weird and I wasn't at all happy (no poop Sherlock) I'll tell you what happened, just want to say Hi to Frannie first Hello Frannie I had a call out for you earlier!
  2. In addition to our own little group on here, we also have a Facebook Group called CeeGeans & Friends. On this board we have a dedicated Competition and Games Section, and threads to introduce yourself, register your birthday, ask for help/donate to the Gift Registry (conditions apply for help) but there's a whole host of stuff out in the main forums, please do go and look You will also see we have a thread for all our daily chitter chatter, like the old C&G thread we're used to. This is replaced every 100 pages. There's a dedicated Help Board for the forum as a whole, which has plenty of useful information and there are other groups and threads plus a good trading section - so please don't be shy!
  3. Send your postal address then! (but be warned, your present might turn out to be meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:D) Actually that really did happen to me once, a woman I chatted to on the internet turned up at our house with her husband and two children Eek!
  4. I think I need more paper and tape for yours
  5. if anyone would like to see more examples of Kijo's artwork, including items for sale, please do PM her for a link to her online site, or talk to her about commissions Thanks Kijo for all the work you do for C&G which is much admired and appreciated
  6. Tuesday 22nd December *Ho Ho Ho* artwork credit to Kijo, with thanks Hello CeeGeeans & Friends A busy Newsletter this week. C&G suffered a bit of a trauma last Friday when Playfish Forum Admin had a mishap and deleted all the recently busy threads in the Comps and Gifts Forum and not the dormant threads. Tsk! perhaps they'd been at their Christmas Party, or maybe someone left the Sherry bottle a bit too handy! Anyway it was a finger-slip equivalent to pressing the red button and there was no way back. Our thread and our comps were gone for ever, and so was all the information on the Gift Registry thread There're a couple of threads back up there under the C&G label for those who're dedicated PF Forum fans, but, there's a brand new hang out at /forum.htm You register and then go to the banner across the top of the main forum index page, where you find a tab for PSFC Groups, click, find C&G - you apply to join the group and we'll let you in as soon as we can - simples! Look for the daily chat thread, which will change every 100 pages or so. Lots of comps, games and trading there; spoilers each week if you want to see them, and also boards for all kinds of other interests...if you haven't already, please give it a try. Of particular interest is the Christmas Gift Train, here's a link /c-g-competitions-f48/the-magnificant-christmas-only-gift-food-train-t6772.htm There's also a birthday diary over there (we have birthdays coming up over the next week) The Management have made us extremely welcome and it has to be said they have a great listening ear, so thanks to them. Please get your Christmas pet pictures in by the end of this month if you want to be included in a group pic by Kijo. She's having computer issues at the moment and is still working to complete our Thanksgiving Celebration, but it will all be done so long as the pets show up (portrait option pics only and tag Kijo when its done please) Meanwhile we also want to thank each and every one who's participated in C&G, offered their friendship and sharing over the last six months Thanks to everyone who created for us, gifted to us, supported the Gift Registry and held games or competitions, or even just showed up to chat Wherever you are in the world, whatever your religion, let's take this opportunity to wish you joy and happiness over the Festive Season, and let's be sure to keep the friendships going **********Merry Christmas CeeGeeans & Friends**********
  7. I love that job too - nearly done all ours. I'll use one and then replace it later then, thank you. Sleep well x Bye for now Wish.
  8. Bad news on the headache No, no oil as yet Good news - OH has always only had 2 days off for Christmas, but apparently at his new job they take turns to go in, so he is off Monday and Tuesday, in Wednesday and then off on Thursday too HOORAY! *he was down to work Thursday but asked if someone would swap as we are out in London that night (which would have meant getting the train to and from London for work and for play) and someone said yes! that's so cool.
  9. Bye BG. Kijo if I copy the newsletter over on here, may I use one of your elf pics, or do you prefer to keep those private for copyright or whatever reasons? (just incase you say yes, which one should I use?)
  10. I just thanked your post and gave you Rep for that BG, well done! I was away searching my history, I could find the link, but it leads nowhere now (obv) See you D. Hi Wish, Hi K-B - how's things?
  11. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Anastasia the main problem seems to be the issue with making FB links work easily enough - obviously because a lot of people have stuff that they don't want absolutely everyone to see, I added the FB Help on making friend lists and privacy to the PSFC thread that helps the FB Link problems, so hopefully it wont take long before everyone is complying as they should
  12. It would be, but I'm sorry I don't - any use tracking down Sylvi? she seemed able to drag up some of the wording and images from the old thread?
  13. You're welcome, your pic was funny
  14. So pleased you're here [colour=violet](((D)))[/color] you'll get used to it pretty quickly (I hope) just see when you have time to have a good nose around * aaaagh do you see what I did there with that code! I can't get used to mis-spelling code words :winked: that actually did work. thanks. : D Now i jsut have to remember all the rules to type up. : / Yaaay I love it on the rare occasions I can be useful
  15. How big is your screen then Kijo, you're really having issues there. Can you just reduce the size of the font in the View option zoom out - does that help just to see what you've posted? Love the hair BG but real thumbs down for the cold sores Diva just applied to join the Group yaaaay, we're all coming together, slowly, slowly. Has anyone seen or heard of Frannie or Marisol today yet?
  16. Mindy, hello hello. Hope you find your way around ok, if you feel a bit flumoxed just shout up so glad you came over! xxx PS does Avira know yet? not sure if she reads the newsletter or FB Group
  17. Bee, I saw on your Borough photos, the fishmonger had Carp on the counter!
  18. Flying visit. Am downloading something and it's slowed my comp to an even worse crawl! Everyone ok?
  19. I can't choose now. Seeing as I gifted Toulouse already on the Gift Train, a potion for both Tanya and Tweet is that ok? Thanks for playing
  20. Lol, I think it was quite amusing as she kept going on it was green and me eventually starting to believe it that's the kind of think my OH would do as well I'm just going to go off and deliver some prizes for Spot the Difference, be back later
  21. Tiph really pleased to see you - hope you can hang on (I'm building myself up to a mass tidyup too!) Oh no, Mums often think they're being amusing :idontthinkso: yes I agree - but I guess I have to stop talking about him that way - it's not doing me much good otherwise. Time to face the reality (not sure if I'm prepared for it yet though) what shall we call him then? X? Sure OH can add her and I have a friend who lets her young one play - she has no FB really just playing the game. She doesn't have her computer at the moment, only limited access to the work one - how about bringing over the ones from the other forum?
  22. Bee I really feel for you on that one, it's a neither/nor situation
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