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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. You'll be getting one don't you worry Back later, I have to go and fix dinner now *waves*
  2. Ceps are a kind of mushroom Frannie. Mr Z is having that, and then either the steak or the veal chop. I'm having the fish soup and then slow roast belly of pork He's having cheese (to share, hee hee) and I think I might have the cherry pie thing with creme fraiche icecream, not quite sure yet, but will share it too.
  3. WB to you BG Army, I seem to have been on the go all the time, but going one step forward and two back somehow...let's not worry. Did you read the NYE menu? we've chosen already It's where we went for our wedding anniversary, and where we took YD for a lunch to celebrate her 21st. The food's excellent and the building and service you get there are both amazing. I don't think we've had a big NYE for years, like Mark, we used to work when we had the wine bar; didn't really do anything when the girls were small, and since we lived here, just socialised with our neighbours (who're not really party people)
  4. Tweet made it Frannie, and seeing as she's old-school PSFC all the pets are ones she knows, not C&G old-schoolers Hello Army and thank you for the pressies you sweetie We have OIL!!!
  5. Och so long as I feel ok tomorrow, I don't mind too much, it's not like I have lots of obligations now the troops are gone We're going up to London to 'Bibendum' for a meal with a couple of friends, for NYE - what are you doing Frannie, anything special?
  6. I'm under par Frannie, got Boogie's inner-Barry, it's frightening the cats I was asking about you earlier. See you later BG, and thank you.
  7. I can't think of examples of then and than which might help. Other THAN to say, ask if not sure, and I'll keep my eyes open to see if I spot any obvious errors (can't recall any) When the girls were small they were always confused by were where and wear I solved that by reminding them that wHere has the word HERE in it and wEAR has the word ear, and you wear earrings You can help me too (please) the correct way to say the name of the wellingtons I bought this morning? http://www.outofthecity.co.uk/aigle-parcours-vario-p-1258.html?osCsid=bkap6brvvjr13brmvo75bb79p3 I gather the company name means Eagle in English, and you should say AY GUL (with the AY pronounced as you say the letter A in the alphabet) Is that correct?
  8. Yes, a relief to be able to have as much heat as we want. I'm sat here with just a shirt top, but I also have a bright red woolen scarf wrapped around my neck (for my throat lol) Glad you don't mind me pointing anything out, it's not meant to criticise, and I can stop if anyone doesn't like it. Over here you would generally find learned instead of taught when someone is a little less educted)
  9. aaaw WB BG, that sounds like secret code doesn't it? Got to share with you!.... we have oil yaaaaaaay. Well done to your Mum, tell her not to worry about her language skills, everyone is helpful (I hope) (btw on that point, hope you don't mind me pointing out - we say 'just taught Mum' rather than learned - to be gramatically correct. You probably know, and just typed quickly)
  10. Click for Explanation of the Paw Points/Pounds System and for Reputation System
  11. I'm back, took a lot longer than I thought. The oil finally turned up (I think they'd got it out of the ground especially for us!) and then someone else arrived, followed by Mr Zoonie home from work! Thanks for the link to the book Bee By the way I pasted the link for the board FAQ in a thread here in our C&G Group forum.
  12. I think I ought to make a big pot full and keep it simmering on the stove! I ought to look for that book Bee, although come to think of it, we have 3 or 4 specialist curry books already
  13. Bad luck on the cold Marie - I have Boogie's inner Barry making me sound like a man. Just going to make more lemon and honey. Christmas was good though thanks, and I tell you what, curry sounds very inviting Bee!
  14. Hiya Marie, how are you? and how was Christmas?
  15. When are you back at work Bee? Monday?
  16. Finally back for a while, still to log in to PS yet today, I don't know where the time flies off to!!!
  17. Hiya Lyn, sorry you got here just as I'm off. I'll catch up with you soon hey? xxx Bee, sounds pretty good really all things being equal - you did a heck of a lot more than us! Bye BG, bye everyone see you later on x
  18. I will have to go soon too, Maureen has rung to say she's on her way here (to take Socks for his jabs) After she leaves I'm going for a nice hot shower.
  19. Has anyone seen anything of Frannie? I hosted her Carol competition, but only Tanya played so far, and I don't have the answers anyway I hope she's ok.
  20. Glad no real harm came to you Kijo, you probably just should have been at home tucked up in the warm, and safe from strangers' advances Bee honey, I think you're coping well considering. You're still living under the same roof and that probably isn't helping now, is it? so it's natural that you're in a kind of no-man's-land. And so what if you were hoping something else might happen? just knowing you could go out and have a good time is a great step forward when you think about it. But in your head you probably know that gently does it, you don't want to be on the rebound, so taking things slow is exactly right Personally, I really wouldn't worry my head too much, let alone cry, unless you're crying something out of your system. You're doing well <-- and now I kissed you too!
  21. You can do it Bee and as for a kiss - I kiss people all the time, even my osteopath Well, I'm not kissing her all the time obviously, I'm not some kind of crazed snogger woman, just socially as a pleasantry. It would have been odd to shake hands don't you think? @BG I just made hot lemon and honey, it's very comforting as well as hopefully helping ease my throat. The spray is called Difflam, it has benzydamine hydrochloride in it, whatever that is!!! @Kijo, do you think you had a minor panic attack?
  22. I disappeared for a bit, capturing cats in from the rain, feeding them, making myself a drink for my throat. I should be dressed as it wont be long until Maureen comes to take Socks for his jabs, but I'm staying in my dressing gown and will run shower afterwards. They're mad! See you later Wish. Bee - I really don't see what the issue is (from the outside looking in) you had a pleasant and sociable evening - that's all. Please don't beat yourself up, or think too hard about things, it just was what it was. Sorry you were ill at the wedding feast Not Hello then WB Kijo.
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