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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Yup, lectures 24/7 a speciality Just ran to check, oh yes I haven't had a chance to really concentrate on anything forum/Ps related for ages and ages
  2. Hugs and greetings for you too Marisol - everyone's been busy, so you haven't missed much. Hi Kijo, you keep that leg brace on now, if that's what you need to do...it seems a long time now, but you have to get it right for the rest of your life [/lecture] Later Tanya, and thank you. Have checked the live running info for the train (fingers crossed) BG, hello honey - I hope you had a lovely Christmas.
  3. Probably! :Oops: I had noticed that the fund target for January is £20 so I sent a contribution, but I keep expecting to see that total increase! Did you do all your gift shopping already Tanya? or does it mean that you get to shop in the Sales??? See you Boogs, no oil due until tomorrow I fear Princess - another deferred Christmas too! How are you? We're going in to town later on the train, with the kids on the first part of their journey back to London, and to carry some of YD's gifts and stuff that she didn't take last night.
  4. Tanya honey, I didn't ask about your Christmas, because I already knew you were working - you're having a delayed family celebration aren't you? That'll be us next year, as if ED is in the same job, she'll be working on the Sunday (Selfridges have their Boxing Day Sale) * I saw the fuss the mention of Boxing Day created after I put the first post In the UK and Europe, we never refer to the 'Holidays', it's Christmas Day and Boxing Day! No oil still, do you have any heating? I have had a wonderful time thanks, far too much food though We're hanging on with the dregs of oil I think, having been very careful - there's such a heavy frost here though There's no excuse, they just haven't come! Hiya Smut, yes thanks, did you? How did it go?
  5. I feel exhausted Boogs. Lots of work, still no oil. ED and her B/F are here today, but our YD went teatime yesterday. We have had a lovely time though, and not many presents, but what we had were wonderful How about you?
  6. Boogs!!! Tanya!!! Did you have a lovely Christmas Boogie? I'm trying to keep a connection
  7. Good Morning - I'm trying to be here, but my connection is failing!
  8. Armell honey, good morning, how is your Christmas going?
  9. Some of the picture clues are hard, but once Frannie is around I'll ask her for some clues
  10. I've been really busy Marisol. Both the girls here, and 3 cats in the house! Today my ED's boyfriend is coming as well, lucky the food hasn't run out so that's ok. It's been a lovely Christmas, and I hope everyone is enjoying the same
  11. Welcome everybody, and thanks for contributing to this thread, it helps old C&G members and new C&G friends get together
  12. Pic by Tweet40 Merry Christmas CeeGeeans, it's now Boxing Day in the UK (26th December) and the chat goes on! *and if you don't know what Boxing Day is, see Bee's post on page 2
  13. I'm going to start a new thread, as I was told threads could run to 100 pages and then locked automatically (to save bandwith) it doesn't seem to be happening, so let's start over
  14. Christmas Day is done here for us - enjoy the rest of yours if it's still in progress We had a lovely, very relaxed day and didn't freeze (not so far!) Night Armell honey, I sent a GMB for you (to the box bonanza) and thanks to everyone who sent gifts, I had a bit of a glitch in my game, not sure if any notes or gifts that I sent on actually went in the end, I kept getting ground hog day (embarrassing, but I'll check and send New Year gifts instead if needs be) G'night all see you soon xxx
  15. Sorry I have to go, present opening scheduled Catch you all when I can x
  16. nope lol. Nose is running and itching, very attractive
  17. Merry Christmas Mindy! I've got the page open but am at the kitchen table with the girls and Mr Z and a kitchen of cats
  18. Christmas Greetings from Gill & Zoonie Thank You to all my friends, old and new for all the support and all the fun xxx
  19. Oh no Jeanie! it's OS not true!!! My ED has spent the morning replying to letters sent to Santa in his Grotto, - Santa had left his post early so he could go and get ready for his big around the world trip! Zoonie has had major connection issues and so he's going to deliver New Year Gifts instead of Christmas presents
  20. The Christmas smilies are still here Dawn! Sorry I missed you, ED arrived home
  21. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Great to have you back Paige. Sorry it's quiet when you have time to play out
  22. To friends old and new, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a big thanks to PSFC for making our group so welcome here. graphic by Kijo
  23. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    To friends old and new, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Many thanks to Kijo for the graphic
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