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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Fair do Frannie, I really ought to make time and do that too. I'm just doing the answers for my Spot the Difference Comp. I love doing them, as by the time I get the answers sorted, I've sometimes forgotten what I changed
  2. I'm sorry I don't know, I think possibly she joined a different group maybe?
  3. Well, I would say yes, but IMOM just made tea, thanks Frannie - I think the kettle's going to be on overtime today Nightmare for you Bee - but at least you get paid. I'm already hoping they let you go early and that you get back ok Bonus points for a great idea Frannie.
  4. Hiya Frannie - point of interest here, someone on the news was just complaining that a snow plough went by with its bucket up! Bring us something nice back then Kijo - something warming! See you later BG, keep warm too.
  5. Fixed! Click on the pics to open a larger version in a new window.
  6. G'night Army, sweet dreams. BG I only remarked on it as it's so unusual, our refuse collections are hit and miss at the best of times lol.
  7. Do you know what, in these awful conditions here, we still got our refuse collected before 8am! BG if the snow disrupts everything they'll have to make provision for the exams, try not to worry about it.
  8. It's so dark here BG, so I don't think the photos really do it justice to be honest. Thank you for saying so though Kijo, you're crazy that must have taken for ever and ever - you must have a lot faster connection than me!
  9. Morning Kijo Morning Army - I can't believe you've seen our snow on your news - that's mad! We say it every time, this country really isn't geared up for it. IMOM's here as we can't get out Just uploaded some pics. It's so odd, he went to bed early after the marathon trip home, I was here in the kitchen at the laptop - half an hour later I looked up and it'd been snowing hard and settled.
  10. Good Morning All, We're snowed in!
  11. I'm calling it a night, G'night, and see you tomorrow x
  12. Were you a willing volunteer? I think it might have stopped snowing - I thought it was going to keep up all night. WB Boo, I wonder if PS causes that sometimes?
  13. Hey Tweet! how are you? @Anastasia, some times you could get really dizzy trying to keep up with the old C&G threads.
  14. She just turned 29 (was wondering if her reaching almost 30 had to do anything about it) hmm... that's... different... usually they act out at pubirty... just "let her be". there is nooo point trying to "reason" her... Communicate with her and try indirect ways to aproach her and find out what's going on... sorry for poping btw.. f.y.i. THIS THREAD MOVES EXTREMELLY FAAAAAAAAAAAAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't be sorry, just be a part of it BTW this is really slow for C&G, I think lots of people got waylaid in the big move and some still haven't got back to normal after the whole Christmas/New Year Season.
  15. Night BG, I agree with Boo, I recommend you all carry on as usual and be yourselves. If she wants to come to you, let her in her own time. Perhaps if she sees this, she wont be so uncaring towards your mum! Boo/Boogs, why don't you go out late, make snowballs and put them in the freezer - wait, no point - it's colder outdoors!
  16. Crikey Boo, what part of the country? that's worse than our transport problems! Just looked up to the dark outside, and there's a lot of snow fallen on the Christmas tree right by our window EEK! BG, sweetie thank you. Night Marie, see you soon Bee x
  17. Aaagh I see what you mean, they were supposed to reload in another window - will fix that, probably tomorrow as my eyes are as blurry as the pics tonight! SORRY Comp will run a few days though, no worries.
  18. Thanks I don't want to make a big issue, but thought I should explain ignoring a request on the Gift Registry. Glad you agree B. Nope I don't think I have them, I borrowed one earlier, for my new fiendish spot the difference comp 8)
  19. Thanks I'll be removing my message from the G/R soon. I just got a message in PS too saying he's sad to be removed from the group - however, frankly, and seeing as it's a firm rule here to have a valid FB link, I'm not happy that someone has a link with a nom de plume, even listing siblings as those from a novel, and clearly has no real content to their FB - to me that's as bad as having no real link, as it's no real identity. Some people don't want to give a lot away to friends they make through a game, and that's fair enough, but at least be genuine - especially in a group like this. Added to which I don't like bad manners, or lies - why ask for G/R help when you're active on Facebook?
  20. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    For various reasons Gaiamaiden has removed Ponyboy Curtis from the C&G Group. I didn't specifically request this, but had PMd her with some concerns and am happy with her action. As he has just commented on my FB page I'm not too worried that he'll miss out on the TWS to any great extent.. * edit and has been an active player in the game every day since
  21. Boogie, I just spy you too - thanks for the FB message. Keep meaning to enquire how your MIL is doing now? We've all been so out of touch haven't we! I have a bit of a message to put on the Gift Registry thread, but don't want it to stay long,, so will post and then edit it out.
  22. Good Evening Everyone Hi Boo, Hi Lea, how was the holiday? we were all thinking about you, and if you got off ok - it must be horrid to come back to this! Evening BG. Bee, I can understand you don't want to miss work, but the way things are, it's pretty much out of your hands really. BOO I read about Craxton Wood
  23. *dreams of Kenya*!!! We have the live departures page left open over night these days Bee, but because we're on such a long stretch and because he gets the first train, it isn't always accurate He gets the Hastings to Charing Cross train. If he can't get in, he can't get in, but yes, he can do a certain amount from home. It's just the way it is.
  24. Oh thanks Marie, but Armell gifted me a swan thank you
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