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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. You laugh but it's true! I have veins that go into hiding as soon as they hear of a needle in the room - and I used to be a blood donor, so trust me, I know what I'm talking about, it's years of experience I'm sharing with you! EDIT Hah! see BG knows what I'm talking about 8) We've been ships that pass lately yes.
  2. Morning all, am around but computer is being weird on me, I think it's taken its lead from me and is on a go slow! How is everyone? Did I read BG having bad bruising? you know what I'm going to say don't you? (arnica tablets for a couple of days (at least) before you go have the blood taken)
  3. Great to meet you Valorie, any friend of Mindy's is more than welcome to our group but what a great intro - I feel like I know you already! Look forward to seeing more of you PS - love, love, love your siggie!
  4. I've seen him today, didn't publish it though as it's still the same toy! WELCOME Carolyn, and yes, you're absolutely fine now! (thank goodness) xxx Sorry I'm a bit awol, things have suddenly gone a bit chaotic here...and am on the phone too! i did the same didnt publish as still the same toy , and i see you are multi tasking again gill x I am, forgive me, it seems it's always all or nothing here
  5. I've seen him today, didn't publish it though as it's still the same toy! WELCOME Carolyn, and yes, you're absolutely fine now! (thank goodness) xxx Sorry I'm a bit awol, things have suddenly gone a bit chaotic here...and am on the phone too!
  6. I don't like chocolate BG, not a dessert fan either really, so - I pass, thanks [quote="armellproctor"] I make a mix of sauteed onion, diced carrot, seasoning and mince with chopped canned tomatoes in juice, worcestershire sauce and a tiny amount of balsamic vinegar. That's the base mix. Simmer down until very rich. Top with mashed potato, sprinkled with a good-flavoured melting cheese like Cheddar and some tomato slices. We're good thanks Mindy! Hysterical?? Just going to serve dinner.
  7. Pie is usually pastry which can have either a sweet or savoury filling, unless, as Amy says it's Cottage Pie or Shepherd's Pie - which is basically the same thing, except shepherd's is made with lamb and cottage with beef mince! Still frozen honey! It's like the old forum, multi quote button on the top of the posts, if it doesn't turn yellow/gold, refresh and beat it in to submission!
  8. Keep on trying BG, like Army says and you will get in eventually. I'll be back shortly, just got to roll out some pastry to top our pie for tonight's meal.
  9. I will Wish, I will. I can't get on PS at all, it says page not found. Anyone else having problems.
  10. Hiya Everyone from a very cold south of England. We're thinking wine Army!
  11. Weather's awful, it started to thaw and then must've frozen again rapidly, so great lumps of snow that were falling have frozen vertically in mid air! It's not snowed so far today, but the sky looks grey and full of it. IMOM got to work, but I'm worrying about his return as the trains are in trouble on our line again already!
  12. Gaaah I feel like that icon Paige, and my day's more than half over! Just got some laundry and chores to do and am working my way up to going outside with waste food for the birds and the foxes.
  13. I have your answer Tanya, thanks, going to see who's in and if anyone still wants to add or revise their answers. Will announce the winner tomorrow.
  14. Morning Paige, Morning Marvin - great to see you again! It's a tie really Bee between your emotions in overdrive and having to have your sensible hat on, isn't it
  15. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    W/C Monday 11th January DIY Aero Mezzanine Floor Window Aero Open Glass Door Furniture Aqua Lola Chair 1 Pink Elephant Toy Stella Pouffe 1 Contemporary Black Armchair 1 Donations from: Kijo, Zoonie
  16. Bee, forgive me for butting in, and this might not be an appropriate time to comment, but personally, I think it will be better for you in the long term, if it's you who moves, and has a clean break. I just think that will be easier for you to move forward emotionally then, rather than stay somewhere with memories. x
  17. *This isn't actually my own picture * it shows you why the swan plushie in PS needs a mate! I like this image as it shows how love can grow in a crowd , and because the image of swans making a heart is indicative of their monogamy, bless 'em. * I'll have to see if I can take a pic for PSFC, just wanted an excuse really to use swan/heart pics for a bit of wildlife romance
  18. Hi Bee, sorry I missed you really BG. Little known fact I had a place at University to study Law, because I wanted to become a criminal barrister - but I eventually turned it down for love instead. I do have a few regrets but I've been very lucky and happy in love, and who's to say I'd have found that satisfaction career wise? [/philosophical mode]
  19. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    W/C Monday 11th January Garden Store Nil - only just arrived items DIY Aero Mezzanine Floor Window 2,200 Aero Open Glass Door 900 Clothes Nil - Only just arrived Food Nil Furniture Aqua Lola Chair 900 Pink Elephant Toy 1000 Stella Pouffe 600 Contemporary Black Armchair 1500 Luxury and Gadget both have Just Arrived items and remember New Snow White mystery eggs in the Gadget Store and until 13th January the Clearance Sales are continuing.
  20. Zoonie

    Welcome to C&G

    Hi Carolyn, and a big Welcome to the new C&G home, so glad you could join us - how are you? I may appear that your link isn't working here properly - lots of people have been having problems, I think due to privacy settings. I'll check for you and message your FB where you're actually most likely to see it. There is a forum thread for help and of course, you can message me any time Nice to see you! PS http://profile.php/?ref=profile&id=1210730484 your link takes me to a profile ID but it comes up as 'problem loading page'??? (different problem from most I've seen)
  21. Doing ok then Valorie. Didn't see you in here before sorry. You're Mindy's friend, right? We all chat on our daily thread whenever you're ready Welcome!
  22. well the way i heard it... it was used as a ..... glove of sorts. If you catch my drift. Oh, was wonder if Boosh was slang or meant anything over there?? Well, I see where you're going with that (see my comment above) but the jollies in question would be the end result *ahem* Never heard it in the context I'm assuming you mean. Not heard of boosh as slang here either, only the TV show/role. Bush is slang (go visit the waxing parlour for a little grooming) WB. I'm just going to type up TWS for the G/R
  23. Night Eagle Eye Sweet Dreams x
  24. Think you're the only one to get them all correct first time Tanya!!! (saw the message in my emails)
  25. of course. I don't have FB open yet, am doing emails and stuff first (and the odd chore) Hope it goes quickly Frannie, good luck.
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