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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Bee, Mr Zoonie travels in and out of London Bridge too, he said it was chaos on all the platforms and it continued to be chaos on the trains too - no one had any idea what was going on, including the driver! There'd been problems earlier with trains stuck at a depot and also signalling failures. Add staff going AWOL and the low temps giving points problems, and it doesn't take long for the whole chain to collapse! Mind you, his train didn't turn up at 5.43 either (this morning) no notice, it was just cancelled. Doesn't bode well for tomorrow - and there aren't any buses from here.
  2. Isn't it crazy? We're so not geared up for any extreme in weather here. That Slanket I scoffed at amongst my Christmas presents, may come in handy yet! It certainly would've on NYE when we were stranded hey?
  3. Thanks Marie, same for all of you too - I'm just so grateful that our oil arrived in the end!
  4. Hi Marie, Hi Bee - Bee you were late today. So was OH, the trains are a total mess again, his terminated miles from home...had to go and fetch him! The south east is grinding to a total halt.
  5. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    I wish they were like trains - sadly trains seem to be in very short supply here!
  6. Room 2 - look for the changes here
  7. Please PM your answers Also - IMPORTANT please either send a screen shot of Room 2 with the differences circled, OR, type out how Room 2 appears different from Room 1 (not the other way around) Any query, feel free to ask. The prize is a Gingerbread Bed This is Room 1 see below for Room 2 Click to enlarge pics in new window
  8. * just before I go on here you can upload and host directly from your own computer, it's the icon next to the usual piccie one, has a disk symbol with it I think. Byeeeeee
  9. OK Toni, well, we shall have to keep you company when you're alone. As for right now I have to rush - as suspected the whole county train service has gone into chaos and I have to go and fetch my husband. Keep your fingers crossed for me please. See you soon x
  10. it sounds a bit bleak there now Toni, you still have the rest of us though Have you checked your preferences page? maybe that helps, see the info on the THREAD HERE.
  11. All I can see is that one mine, I used [img] tags for the url of where my image is hosted on line, and pressed save. Might be a temporary glitch? If you keep having problems best contact one of the Admin or techs when they're back.
  12. Regarding signatures, quoted from the FAQ How do I add a signature to my post? To add a signature to a post you must first create one; this is done via your profile. Once created you can check the Add Signature box on the posting form to add your signature. You can also add a signature by default to all your posts by checking the appropriate radio box in your profile. You can still prevent a signature being added to individual posts by un-checking the add signature box on the posting form. Also LINK HERE with screenshot of preferences page.
  13. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    I now have 3 frozen lakes, but Chup sent one. I'll double check later Wish, ta xxx
  14. I've missed so much I don't really know off hand Dawn. Am just having problems with Dennis atm and IMOM is on the phone, big train disruption, so I have to go out and collect him from about 12 miles away - just what I hate, driving in the dark and the bad weather! Toni, there should be a link here in C&G group pages, to the FAQ, let me look for you quickly.
  15. Hi Toni, how are you today?
  16. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Thanks Frannie and also Chup sent a pile of stuff too
  17. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Thanks BG Have updated totals above. Also have donations of Lux Shop items, which will be gifted/used as prizes!
  18. Oh dear Boogs, sorry I was showering and dying my hair - will check back see if you pop up again...am now about to tackle the kitchen (for my sins)
  19. You haven't caught me, I haven't done anything, and if I had the power to edit, it would show I'd done it I think it's an automatic filter in place, like on the old forum where it would *** out words even if they were a component of a totally different word, you know like the word we use that's close to snicker for a certain kind of laugh? The bed's a Just Arrived, and now I have two in hand, perhaps Cheerbella would like one? Anyway like I say, there is a bit of an issue on the G/R thread *coughs* Got to run, I need to do chores and I've promised myself that pamper -session, long over due, with hair dye too!!! (I may well be in hiding later then, depending) See you soon. Oh and must draft some ideas for you for the Newsletter. Bye for now x
  20. Very cold Anastasia, how are you? BTW I did type a message up above about Lisa (Roboslobin) and her F/B link, I think it's really unlikely she would see your post, and she's not around very often, but she has got a Facebook PM, which is a better way of reaching her, hope that is ok by you? Byeee BG.
  21. Oh is there a filter in place? let me check as Cogsy just sent a bed over too, it might just not be on Wish's list. Will sort it out anyhow.
  22. @Kijo the items you sent aren't TWS honey are they? just new. So shall I keep them at the store for deserving cases? (am having a few G/R issues at the moment)
  23. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    THIS WEEKS SPECIAL - WEEK COMMENCING 4/1/2010 Garden Wooden Sled - 900 2 Frozen Lake - 1600 1 Snowy Sign - 1000 2 DIY Log Cabin wallpaper - 1000 Log Cabin floor - 500 Furniture Husky Plushie - 1200 (!!!) (yes Wish, what's that all about hey?) 2 Clothing Turquoise ear muff - 1 Blue Ski mask - Cute wool glove - Pairs - 1 Bright ski boots - Bright Ski jacket - 1 Bright Ski pants - Thanks to Frannie; Regina; Sharon; Kijo; Toulouse and Marie for donations - total still to be updated.
  24. MY PS has been like wading through glue today
  25. Thank you Anastasia, Robin isn't on line that much, but has already been asked privately to amend her link. As I've said before, unless the members here were already on PSFC previously, they are known to me, and it is dealt with in due course as they come back on line. In the meantime, please rest assured that there is nothing that should cause you any alarm.
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